Annual Statistical Supplement, 2024

Program Provisions and SSA Administrative Data

SSA Resources and Operations

Hearings and Appeals

Table 2.F8 Workload of SSA's Administrative Law Judges (ALJs), fiscal years 2020–2023
Item 2020 2021 2022 2023
Number of ALJs 1,315 1,235 1,132 1,088
Average monthly hearing dispositions per ALJ a 37 30 26 29
Average hearings pending per ALJ 306 273 295 266
SOURCES: Social Security Administration, Office of Hearings Operations. Actual data from Case Processing Management System (CPMS) Management Information.
NOTE: Number of ALJs and average monthly hearing dispositions per ALJ based on fiscal year average ALJ availability; average hearings pending per ALJ based on ALJs on duty. Data exclude Regional Chief ALJs.
a. Calculation excludes Attorney Adjudicator decisions.
CONTACT: Rachel Artz at or
Table 2.F9 Number of hearing level receipts, dispositions, and end-of-year pending cases, fiscal years 2021–2023
Program Hearing level receipts Hearing level dispositions End-of-year pending cases
2021 2022 a 2023 2021 2022 a 2023 2021 2022 a 2023
Total 382,870 349,329 355,565 451,046 352,899 377,685 350,137 346,567 321,819
OASI 1,073 1,676 1,591 1,054 942 1,829 881 1,615 1,384
DI 153,600 147,767 150,083 176,288 144,882 148,983 126,264 128,909 129,090
SSI 102,132 90,755 91,897 123,436 94,238 107,415 111,367 107,783 91,137
DI and SSI 126,065 109,131 111,994 150,268 112,837 119,458 111,625 108,260 100,208
SOURCES: Social Security Administration, Office of Hearings Operations. Actual data from Case Processing Management System (CPMS) Management Information.
NOTES: Some claims are resclassifed from one program to another during their processing cycle. End-of-year adjustments account for those reclassifications.
OASI = Old-Age and Survivors Insurance; DI = Disability Insurance; SSI = Supplemental Security Income.
a. Because of calendar variations and agency budgeting and accounting rules, one week occasionally falls between the end of one fiscal year and the beginning of the next. Although September 2022 included such a week, data for that week are not available. Values shown are as of the end of the 52nd week of fiscal year 2022.
CONTACT: Rachel Artz at or
Table 2.F11 Number of SSA Appeals Council cases, fiscal years 2020–2023
Cases 2020 2021 2022 a 2023
Beginning-of-year pending 119,185 57,327 50,634 46,934
Receipts 129,876 111,722 84,935 68,192
Dispositions 191,734 118,415 88,635 79,764
End-of-year pending 57,327 50,634 46,934 35,362
SOURCES: Social Security Administration, Office of Hearings Operations. Actual data from the Appeals Review Processing System (ARPS) Management Information.
a. Because of calendar variations and agency budgeting and accounting rules, one week occasionally falls between the end of one fiscal year and the beginning of the next. September 2022 included such a week, and the values shown for fiscal year 2022 include the 1,299 receipts and 2,240 dispositions (and the resulting reduction in pending cases by 941) that occurred in that week.
CONTACT: Joseph Deluca at or