OASDI Beneficiaries by State and ZIP Code, 2023


Number of beneficiaries with benefits in current-payment status and total monthly benefits, by field office and ZIP Code, December 2023
Field office and ZIP Code Number Total monthly benefits (thousands of dollars) Number of OASDI beneficiaries aged 65 or older
Total Retired workers Disabled workers Widow(er)s and parents Spouses Children All beneficiaries Retired workers Widow(er)s and parents
All areas a 67,076,966 50,147,679 7,365,987 3,796,684 1,984,227 3,782,389 118,527,109 95,546,840 6,512,823 53,508,012
Total, Delaware 241,454 190,772 23,852 11,317 4,218 11,295 474,756 398,637 21,569 197,559
Dover 48,155 36,140 5,900 2,330 755 3,030 86,103 69,110 4,078 37,255
19901 8,090 5,925 1,060 460 120 525 13,949 11,010 778 6,225
19903 180 140 25 5 0 10 320 267 8 135
19904 9,015 6,490 1,195 365 140 825 15,873 12,491 635 6,735
19934 3,510 2,785 330 160 60 175 6,505 5,429 284 2,855
19936 115 65 25 10 0 15 193 121 21 75
19938 2,045 1,460 285 115 40 145 3,769 2,875 207 1,510
19943 3,665 2,765 480 155 65 200 6,427 5,131 276 2,810
19946 1,290 945 160 60 25 100 2,204 1,739 111 970
19952 2,840 2,135 340 170 45 150 4,862 3,903 284 2,195
19953 985 700 155 70 20 40 1,718 1,291 113 735
19954 420 335 45 25 5 10 724 600 39 345
19955 110 75 15 0 5 15 172 129 0 75
19961 30 25 0 5 0 0 50 39 7 25
19962 3,020 2,325 340 130 50 175 5,597 4,633 218 2,355
19963 5,890 4,685 590 270 85 260 10,747 9,035 485 4,800
19964 305 220 50 20 5 10 539 406 38 230
19977 6,390 4,870 765 300 85 370 12,006 9,660 555 4,980
19979 195 150 30 5 5 5 353 279 9 155
19980 60 45 10 5 0 0 95 72 6 45
Georgetown 83,485 70,535 5,920 3,435 1,230 2,365 170,397 150,014 6,684 71,700
19930 1,485 1,340 25 55 55 10 3,364 3,104 127 1,410
19931 100 85 5 5 0 5 192 169 10 85
19933 3,155 2,580 295 130 50 100 5,989 5,169 239 2,615
19939 2,875 2,490 170 100 45 70 5,863 5,257 190 2,495
19940 1,515 1,120 185 95 25 90 2,607 2,069 155 1,190
19941 750 530 110 40 5 65 1,272 983 59 515
19944 240 225 0 10 5 0 555 520 21 235
19945 3,240 2,785 205 130 35 85 6,606 5,890 250 2,800
19947 4,345 3,500 415 190 75 165 7,963 6,728 338 3,565
19950 1,880 1,440 215 100 40 85 3,288 2,653 169 1,490
19951 990 825 80 30 20 35 2,055 1,797 61 835
19956 3,775 2,835 490 190 65 195 6,475 5,152 324 2,955
19958 14,105 12,515 625 520 195 250 31,439 28,670 1,108 12,705
19960 1,690 1,250 215 80 20 125 2,865 2,273 144 1,270
19966 13,735 11,510 1,100 580 175 370 28,025 24,382 1,132 11,630
19967 1,220 1,120 45 35 10 10 2,886 2,682 80 1,110
19968 5,930 5,150 335 210 85 150 12,584 11,312 422 5,190
19969 70 60 10 0 0 0 128 112 0 60
19970 4,665 4,170 175 190 80 50 10,319 9,436 399 4,235
19971 6,255 5,550 270 230 90 115 14,014 12,765 494 5,650
19973 6,590 5,160 710 325 95 300 11,659 9,637 575 5,330
19975 4,875 4,295 240 190 60 90 10,249 9,254 387 4,330
Wilmington 109,765 84,080 12,010 5,555 2,230 5,890 218,211 179,489 10,805 88,585
19701 7,985 6,090 920 345 165 465 16,081 13,070 664 6,305
19702 8,345 6,250 1,015 405 165 510 16,083 12,921 760 6,525
19703 2,930 2,090 445 165 35 195 5,248 4,018 290 2,225
19706 475 350 55 25 10 35 881 697 51 375
19707 4,100 3,515 145 200 125 115 9,682 8,668 440 3,765
19708 15 15 0 0 0 0 35 29 0 15
19709 9,715 7,760 820 410 160 565 20,389 17,216 840 7,945
19710 50 40 0 5 5 0 129 100 21 50
19711 9,010 7,440 590 435 225 320 19,822 17,284 917 7,855
19713 6,115 4,510 790 355 115 345 11,430 9,046 657 4,805
19714 140 90 20 10 5 15 246 181 20 95
19715 20 15 0 0 5 0 45 37 0 20
19720 11,465 8,190 1,700 615 180 780 20,646 15,893 1,106 8,660
19730 160 135 15 5 0 5 319 278 11 140
19731 70 50 10 5 0 5 122 92 4 55
19732 95 85 0 5 5 0 268 243 7 90
19733 80 65 10 5 0 0 160 125 16 70
19734 2,715 2,070 300 130 45 170 5,352 4,327 256 2,125
19736 70 60 5 0 0 5 172 157 0 65
19801 2,540 1,580 605 130 25 200 3,607 2,477 186 1,650
19802 5,030 3,460 920 230 40 380 8,352 6,400 367 3,565
19803 5,405 4,575 240 255 150 185 12,590 11,153 568 4,865
19804 3,725 2,710 500 235 60 220 6,825 5,295 436 2,885
19805 6,475 4,150 1,265 340 95 625 10,345 7,430 578 4,375
19806 2,595 2,195 170 135 55 40 5,500 4,822 265 2,365
19807 2,240 1,855 45 145 155 40 5,684 4,942 376 2,120
19808 8,785 7,125 690 495 170 305 18,218 15,521 978 7,510
19809 3,020 2,350 310 145 65 150 6,087 5,066 296 2,480
19810 6,155 5,095 375 320 165 200 13,480 11,687 687 5,415
19850 115 75 20 5 5 10 210 154 6 80
19899 125 90 30 0 0 5 203 160 0 90
SOURCES: Social Security Administration, Master Beneficiary Record, 100 percent data; and U.S. Postal Service geographic data.
NOTE: To avoid disclosing the reason for Social Security eligibility and amounts of benefits received, a controlled rounding procedure was used for field office and ZIP Code data. Data are not shown for ZIP Codes with fewer than 15 beneficiaries.
a. Includes beneficiaries in foreign countries.
CONTACT: statistics@ssa.gov.