Annual Statistical Report on the Social Security Disability Insurance Program, 2023

Benefits Awarded, Withheld, and Terminated

Awards to Disabled-Worker Families

Table 46. Number, average primary insurance amount, and average monthly family benefit, by family composition, 2023
Family composition Number of families Number of beneficiaries Average primary insurance amount (dollars) Average monthly family benefit a (dollars) Percentage of families receiving maximum family benefit b
Worker only  
Men 252,459 252,459 1,951.77 1,913.77 10.0
Women 220,558 220,558 1,576.54 1,550.88 17.6
Worker with children  
By sex of worker  
Men 26,380 69,383 1,982.43 2,860.53 89.0
Women 19,772 51,465 1,588.25 2,182.86 90.1
By number of children  
1 child 26,661 53,324 1,828.77 2,563.25 86.6
2 children 13,193 39,579 1,826.68 2,632.70 93.0
3 or more children 6,298 27,945 1,721.65 2,468.74 94.4
Worker with—  
Spouse aged 62 or older c 2,878 5,759 2,483.25 3,005.25 10.9
Spouse aged 62 or older and 1 or more children 57 183 2,451.87 3,789.22 70.2
Spouse and 1 child 696 2,088 2,157.74 3,206.36 89.2
Spouse and 2 children 552 2,208 2,139.52 3,181.14 92.9
Spouse and 3 or more children 414 2,310 2,041.58 3,012.69 92.3
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Master Beneficiary Record, 100 percent data.
NOTES: Because of differences in data sources and calculation methods, statistics reported in this table may differ from those reported by the Office of the Chief Actuary.
A "family" means beneficiaries entitled on one worker's account. The data may understate the number of families with dependents because records of awards to dependents made in a different calendar year are not available for inclusion.
Data include beneficiaries whose benefits are being withheld.
a. Benefits awarded before the December cost-of-living increase are converted to the December rates before averages are computed.
b. Includes families and worker-only beneficiaries for whom the primary insurance amount is equal to the family maximum amount.
c. If the spouse is also entitled to a retired-worker benefit, only the benefit amount received as a spouse is included.
Table 47. Distribution, by family composition and age of worker, 2023
Family composition Total, all ages Under 30 30–34 35–39 40–44 45–49 50–54 55–59 60–FRA
Worker only 473,017 29,303 14,475 17,124 23,212 31,998 78,110 141,273 137,522
Worker with—  
Aged 62 or older a 2,878 (X) 0 0 (X) (X) 59 480 2,327
Child in care 1,719 56 105 178 249 246 349 303 233
1 child 26,661 1,387 1,567 2,396 3,800 4,242 6,070 4,716 2,483
2 children 13,193 816 1,380 2,253 2,729 2,088 2,079 1,284 564
3 or more children 6,298 443 1,065 1,566 1,400 705 609 353 157
Families receiving maximum benefit b 107,304 16,654 7,763 9,703 11,683 11,200 18,411 21,301 10,589
Worker only 100.0 6.2 3.1 3.6 4.9 6.8 16.5 29.9 29.1
Worker with—  
Aged 62 or older a 100.0 (X) 0.0 0.0 (X) (X) 2.1 16.7 80.9
Child in care 100.0 3.3 6.1 10.4 14.5 14.3 20.3 17.6 13.6
1 child 100.0 5.2 5.9 9.0 14.3 15.9 22.8 17.7 9.3
2 children 100.0 6.2 10.5 17.1 20.7 15.8 15.8 9.7 4.3
3 or more children 100.0 7.0 16.9 24.9 22.2 11.2 9.7 5.6 2.5
Families receiving maximum benefit b 20.5 52.0 41.8 41.3 37.2 28.5 21.1 14.4 7.4
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Master Beneficiary Record, 100 percent data.
NOTES: Because of differences in data sources and calculation methods, statistics reported in this table may differ from those reported by the Office of the Chief Actuary.
A "family" means beneficiaries entitled on one worker's account. The data may understate the number of families with dependents because records of awards to dependents made in a different calendar year are not available for inclusion.
Data include beneficiaries whose benefits are being withheld.
Starting with 2007, age is based on date of entitlement and not date of award. Entitlement can be retroactive and thus precede the date of award.
FRA = full retirement age; (X) = suppressed to avoid disclosing information about particular individuals.
a. Includes spouses aged 62 or older with children.
b. Includes families and worker-only beneficiaries for whom the primary insurance amount is equal to the family maximum amount.