of the Papers
This inventory of the Mary Ross Papers was produced by Mr.
Justin Dietz during the summer of 2001 when he worked as a Student
Summer Aid for the SSA Historian's Office.
Box MR-1
- Article by Robert Kuttner "The Welfare Strait" from The
New Republic, 7/6/87; Book Review by Kuttner of Paul Light's
"Artful Work," Peter Ferrara's "Social Security:
The Prospects for Real Reform," and the "Report
of the CES: 50th Anniversary Edition," Washington Post,
- Article by John C. Hambo "Economic Policy, Intergenerational
Equity, and Social Security Trust Fund Buildup"
- Paper by Francis J. Crowley "The Library of Congress Legislative
Reference Service"
- Booklet "The Robert M. Ball Lectures"
- Papers titled the "History of Greek Adoptions"
- Paper from Mary Ross
- Article by Jack Futterman "Unburdening the Administration
of the Social Security Program of Short term Commissioners"
- Papers to Carl Williams
- Conference papers from 7/22/72
- Memo from Alvin David to Bob Ball criticizing the Duesenberry
plan to replace Social Security with a two-tier system,
- Paper "Social Security-A Dynamic Program"
- Paper by Jane Ross "Research and Social Security policy
in the United States"
- Paper by John Fidiger "Young Men may be Worth More Dead
than Alive"
- Article by Liz Carpenter "Thanks Largely to Frances Perkins"
- Paper by Henery Aaron and Lawrence Thompson "Social Security
and the Economics"
- Paper by Stephen Entin "Social Security Trust Fund Surpluses
and the economy"
- Paper by Anthony Pellechio and Gordon Goodfellow "Individual
gains and losses from Social Security before and after the
1983 Social Security Amendments"
- Article "Something for nothing"
- Paper by Otto Eckstien and Paul Warburg "The Social
Security System at a turning point"
- Article by Robert Shapiro "Variable Life insurance: A
new Dimension in Pricing"
- Article by B.A. Rogge "Adam Smith on Insurance"
- Article by Stanley Horowitz "Unemployment Compensation:
Adverse Incentives and Distributional Anomalies- A Comment"
- Article by William Simon "Watering the Money Tree"
- Article by Leslie Singer "Optimal Taxes and Income Maintenance
- Memorandum from Associate Commissioner for policy subject
being Proposed bulletin Article on Constitutionality
of Social Security -Action
- Paper by Richard Schreitmueller, F.S.A. "Pitfalls for
Hospitals in Termination Social Security coverage"
- Papers by Arthur Laffer and David Ranson "Some Economic
Consequences of the U.S. Social Security System"
- Brown 3 ring binder "U.S. Bureau of old -age and survivors
insurance." #1-3 1952
- Brown 3 ring binder "U.S. Bureau of old -age and survivors
insurance. Division of Program Analysis" #1-4 1946-9
- Brown 3 ring binder "U.S. Bureau of old -age and survivors
insurance." #1-9 1947-50
- Paper "U.S. Social Security Administration. Information
Service." Fact Sheet No. 19
- U.S. Social Security Board. Informational Service.
Fact Sheets #1-18
- U.S. Social Security administration. Information
service. Fact sheets on Social Security Programs 1935-47
- U.S. Social Security Board. Informational service.
Fact sheet of Social Security for Farm Hands
- Paper by George Wyman "A Report for the Secretary of Health,
Education, and Welfare."
- Copies of the National Library Service Bulletin #6
- Papers on Vocational Rehabilitation Policy
- Papers from Leo Miller to the staff talking about and
including in them the Acting Administrator Kingsley's Letter
of April 18, 1949
- Paper by Arthur Altmeyer Talking about Social Security
in the U.S. Copies for library
- Papers"Old age and Surviors Insurance trust fund"
- Papers "Brief in Support of Recommendation in favor of
a Category of General Public Assistance to be added to the
Social Security Act" September 1941
- Papers "Preferred Terminology" 1936
- Papers by Elma Ashton "The Implication of the Federal
Social Security Act for Social work Agency Practice."
- Papers "Who Gets Benefits?" About the social Security
- Papers "Interstate problems for consideration of members
of the Interstate Commission on Social Security"
- Papers by Max Stern "PUBLIC INFORMATION: A responsibility
of Government"
- Papers on Federal Security Agency Functions and Operations
- Papers on the U.S. Social Security Board Bureau of Business
Management Training Divisions, Advanced Basic Course
- Papers on the U.S. Social Security Board Bureau of Business
Management Training Divisions, Advanced Basic Course, FSA
Series Lesson No. 3
- Papers on Closing the Library and Communication Center
for the Department of Health and Human Services, January
- Papers by Alma Cramer "The use of the term "Social Security""
- BOOK "Report to the President," June 26,1945
- Papers by Clare Graves "Deterioration of Work Standards"
- Papers by Alfred Skolnik "Reform of Occupational Pensions
in the United States of America"
- Article by George Rejda and Richard Shepler "The Impact
of Zero Population Growth on the OASDHI Program"
- Article by Wayne Vroman "Employer Payroll Tax incidence:
Empirical Tests with Cross-Country Data"
- Paper by Robert Kaplan "Financial Crisis in the social
Security system"
- Paper by John Palmer and Stephanie Gould "The Economic
Consequences of an Aging Society"
- Paper by Jane Gravelle "The Payroll tax, the Income tax
and other Revenue Sources," 1977-1988
- Paper by John Minter "The Projected impact of the New
Social Security taxes upon employer contributions at Independent
colleges and Universities." 1979-1987
- Paper by Hugh Heclo "General Welfare and two American
Political traditions"
- Booklet by William Arnone "Compensation and Benefits Review"
- Paper by David Ranson "Criteria for Reforming Social Security"
- Paper by Eric Kingson, Barbara Hirshorn, Linda Harootyan
"The Common Stake: The Interdependence of Generations"
- Paper by Rita Ricardo-Campbell "Women and Comparable Worth"
- Paper by John Kenneth Galbraith "The Economics of the
American Housewife"
- Paper "U.S. Social Security surpluses: Pitfall or Opportunity"
- Booklet and papers by Robert Benenson "The Underground
- Papers From Grayson Snurr about Proposed revision of statements
of tax policy number 8
- Papers by Martha Ozawa "Individual Equity versus Social
Adequacy in Federal Old -Age Insurance"
- Article by Dorothy Projector "Should the payroll tax finance
higher benefits under OASDI? A review of this issue"
- Paper by Alair Townsend "Can we have an income strategy?"
- Paper by Frank McArdle "Foreign Approaches to Retirement
- Paper by Jack Meyer "Options for Alleviating
Poverty Among the Elderly and Disabled"
- Paper by Paul Craig Robert "The Supply-Side Revolution"
- Paper by Irwin Garfinkel and Robert Lerman "Paper on Social
Security and Welfare: Whither the Future"
- Paper by Jill Quadagno "Welfare Capitalism and the Social
Security Act of 1935"
- Paper by Isabel Sawhill "Social Welfare Policies for children
and their families in the 1990's"
- Paper by Jean T.D. Bandler "The Threat to Student Social
Security Benefits."
- Paper by Alvin Schorr "The tasks for Voluntarism in the
Next Decade"
- Booklet "The SSA Forum Lectures"
- Papers by Joseph Hefferman "Negative Income Tax Studies:
Some Preliminary Results of the Graduated-Work-Incentive-Experiment"
- Article by Al Ullman "Tax Policy"
- Paper by Colin Cambell "Over-Indexed Benefits: the Decoupling
Proposals for Social Security"
Box MR-2
- Blue Booklet "Evaluating Reform Proposals" November 1999
- Blue Booklet "Issues in Comparing Rates of Return with
Market Investments" August 1999
- Blue Booklet "Information on the Archer-Shaw Proposal"
January 2000
- Blue Booklet "Administrative Costs for Individual Accounts
Depend on System Design" June 1999
- Booklet "Criteria for Evaluating Social Security Reform
Proposals" March 1999
- Booklet "Social Security Reform: Evaluating the
Gramm Proposal" February 2000
- Booklet "Social Security Reform: Evaluating the Nick Smith
Proposal" February 2000
- Booklet by David Koitz "Social Security: Brief Facts and
Statistics" July 1992
- Booklet "SSA has had Mixed Success in Efforts to Improve
Caseload Management" October 1999
- Grey Booklet "Implementation of best Practices in the
office of Hearings and Appeals Operations" August
- Book "Disability, Health and Retirement Age: Challenges
for Social Security Policy" September 2000
- Booklet by Robyn Stone "Long-Term Care for the Elderly
with Disabilities: Current Policy, Emerging Trends, and
Implications for the Twenty-First Century"
- Book "Social Security Programs in the United States"
- Little pink Book "Fast Facts & Figures about Social
- Book "Annual Statistical Supplement,1999, to the Social
Security Bulletin"
- Papers "2000 Annual Report of the Board of Trustees of
the Federal Hospital Insurance Trust Fund"
- Papers "The 2000 Annual Report of the Board of Trustees
of the Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance and Disability
Insurance Trust Funds"
- Paper "Routing and Transmittal Slip"
- Booklet "CATO Policy Report" January/February 2001
- Letter From Alicia Munnell "Center for Retirement Research
at Boston College"
- Booklet by Virginia Reno and June Eichner "Ensuring Health
and Income Security for an Aging Workforce" December
- Booklet by Katherine Swartz and Betsy Stevenson "Health
Insurance Coverage of People in the Ten Years before Medicare
Eligibility" January 2001
- Booklet by E.J. Dionne "Why Social Insurance?" March 1999
- Booklet "Just the Facts on Retirement Issues" June 2000
- Booklet "CATO Policy Report" November/December 2000
- Booklet "CATO Policy Report" September/October 2000
- Papers by Andy Eschtruth "New Publication Series from
the Center for Retirement Research"
- Paper "Michigan Retirement Research Center" September
- Booklet "CATO Policy Report" July/August 2000
- Booklet by Diane Rogers, Eric Toder, Landon Jones "Economic
Consequences of an Aging population"
- Booklet by Pamela Perun "The Limits of Saving"
- Booklet by Lawrence H. Thompson "Sharing the Pain of Social
Security and Medicare Reform"
- Booklet by Jeffrey Brown "How should we insure Longevity
risk in Pensions and social Security?"
- Papers "Health & Disability Policy Brief "
- Booklet "Social Insurance Update" July 2000
- Papers "Straight Talk on Social Security and Retirement
Policy" no 25-28
- Papers "The Social Security Network issue Brief
- Booklet by Pamela Perun "Employee Stock Ownership Plans:
A Status Report"
- Booklet "CATO Policy Report" May/June 2000
- Booklet "Social Security: Out of Step with the Modern
- Booklet by Peter Diamond "What Stock Market Returns to
Expect for the Future?"
- Booklet by Jonathan Gruber and Peter Orszag "What to do
About the Social Security Earnings Test?"
- Booklet by Alicia Munnell and Annike Sunden "Investment
Practices of State and Local Pension Funds: Implications
for social Security Reform"
- Papers by Alan Gustman and Thomas Steinmeier "Retirement
and Wealth"
- Booklet by Barry Bosworth "The Effects of Social Security
Reform on Saving, Investment, and the level and Distribution
of worker well being"
- Papers "Action from the Committee on ways and means"
- Papers by William Roth "Committee on Finance"
- Paper by William Kelley "A Death and Disability Life for
the 1966 Birth Cohort"
- Papers by Edith Fierst "Privatization of Social Security-A
Threat to Women"
- Papers by Edith Fierst "Reducing the Current Exemption
From tax of Fringe Benefits"
- Papers edited by Dallas Salisbury "Assessing Social Security
reform alternatives"
- Article by Robert Reishauer "Those Surpluses: Proceed
with Caution"
- Papers "Population Support Ratios"
- Papers "Congressional Record"
- Papers by Steve Goss
- Papers "Social Security Today"
- Papers "Month in Review: November 1997: Reports, Testimony,
Correspondence, and other Publications"
- Papers by Laurence Kotlikoff "Privatization of Social
Security: How it works and why it matters."
- Papers by Laurence Kotlikoff "A Critical Review of the
World Bank's Social Insurance Analysis"
- Papers by Dean Baker "Social Security with Stocks: the
Promises Don't add up"
- Folder filled with article clippings dealing with Myths
of the Social Security Crisis
- Papers "Workshop on Survey Measurement of Work Disability:
Challenges for Survey Design and Method
- Papers by Dan Crippen "CBO TESTIMONY"
- Papers "Hearing before the house of Representatives committee
on ways and means subcommittee on Social Security"
- Papers "Bunning and Shaw Announce Joint Hearing
to Review the Challenges facing the new Commissioner of
Social Security"
- Papers "Keeping track on Social Security reform Proposals:
a Summary
- Papers by Dr. Shirley Chater "Use of the Trust Funds for
the Union Activities"
- Papers by John Callahan "House Committee on Appropriations
Subcommittee on Labor, HHS, Education, and Related Agencies"
- Papers by Kathy Olsm
- Papers by Stuart Butler and John Barry "Solving the problem
of Middle Class Entitlements"
- Papers "Center on Budget and Policy Priorities" September
- Catalog "CQ Press" 1999 Fall
- Papers by Keith Fontenot "Information on the Distributional
effects of various Social Security Solvency Options by Gender
and Income.
- Papers "SSA Needs a Uniform standard for Assessing Childhood
- Papers "A proposal for Federalized Health care support
for Disabled Federal Beneficiaries"
- Papers "Effect of H.R. 12972 on DI Costs"
- Papers "Federal Title XVIII Litigation"
- Article by Andrew Taylor "In Historic Turn, House Passes
Balanced-Budget Amendment"
- Papers "Tax Reform option papers prepared by treasury
- Papers "Distributional Impact of Three Social Security
Financing Proposals"
- Papers "Inquiry from Representative Edward Roybal (CK
9081, June 3, 1985)-Information
- Papers "Exclusion of Certain Real and Personal Property
From income"
- Papers "Planned Analysis of Social Security Financing
- Papers "Summary of Social Security Legislation during
the 97Th Congress (January 5, 1981-December 16,
- Papers "Old Age, Survivors and Disability Insurance (OASDI)"
- Papers by Mary Ross
- Papers by Samuel Crouch
- Papers by Peter Corning and Douglas Brown "Social Security
- Papers "Guidelines for official records and Personal papers"
- Papers by Mr. Archer "Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute"
- Papers "Health Subcommittee ways and means committee United
States House of Representatives"
- Papers "Actions from the committee on ways and means"
- Papers "Roth, Moynihan Urge Pharmaceutical, insurance
industries to meet prescription drug challenge for Medicare"
- Papers "Committee to hear from summers on Clinton budget
and tax proposals"
- Papers "Acher Announces Hearing on the President's Fiscal
Year 2001 Budget"
- Papers "Shaw Announces Hearing series to Examine Social
Security's Readiness for the Impending Wave of Baby Boomer
- Papers "Social Security Experts Examine Governor Bush's
Social Security Plan"
- Papers "The GOP Budget: Savings Social Security and Paying
Down Debt"
- Booklet by Lillian Liu "Retirement income Security in
the United Kingdom"
- Paper "All that Glitters is not Gold: The Feldstein-Liebman
Analysis of Reforming Social Security with Individual accounts"
- Papers by Martin Feldstein "The Distributional Effects
of an investment-based Social Security System"
- Papers by Geoffrey Kollmann and David Koitz "Social Security
Reform: Projected Contributions and Benefits under Three
- Articles cut out all dealing with social security
- Papers "Options for Enhancing the Social Security Card"
- Booklets with "Month In Review: Reports, Testimony, Correspodence,
and Other Publications. Oct98-Dec98 and August 98"
- Papers press release "White paper on Social Security
issued by former secretaries and former commissioners"
- Resume of Mary Ross
Box MR-3
- 3-Ring Binder: 1) Sec 505 Incentitves; 2) New Studies
- 3-Ring Binder: 1) CDR Reports; 2) Benefit Continuation
- Papers "Demonstration Projects"
- Papers by Gayle Cozens "Routing and Transmittal Slip"
- Papers "Plan for Conducting Medical Continuing Disability
Reviews on Title XVI Only Cases -Decision
- Papers "CDR Breifing"
- Papers "The Ongoing Review of Disability Cases"
- Papers "CDR Reports"
- Booklet "Overview: Preliminary Status Report of the Disability
Policy Panel"
- Booklet "Preliminary Status Report of the Disability Policy
- Book "The Enviroment of Disability Income Policy: Programs
People History and Context"
- Book "Balancing Security and Opportunity: The Challenge
of Disability Income Policy"
- Book "Balancing Security and Opportunity: The Challenge
of Disability Income Policy"
- Book "The Environment of Disability Income Policy: Programs,
People, History and Context"
- Paper "Policies for Children with Disabilities: Connecticut,
Virginia and Some National Trends"
- Report "Restructuring the SSI Disability Program for Children
and Adolescents"
- Report "Rethinking Disability Policy: The role of Income,
Heath Care, Rehabilitation and Related Services in Fostering
- Book "Restructing The SSI Disability Program for
Children and Adolescents"
Box MR-4
- Big Green 3-Ring Binder "Program Operations Manual System"1988-90
- Big Green 3-Ring Binder "Program Operation Manual System"
- Big Black 3-Ring Binder "R.M.B. 1979 + Earlier"
Box MR-5
- Telephone Directory-HHS 1980
- Telephone Directory-DHEW 1971
- Telephone Directory-SSA1980
- Book "The Family Assistance Act of 1970: Revised and Resubmitted
to the Committee on Finance by the Administration"
- Book "Hearings before the Committee on Finance United
States Senate ninety-First Congress second session"
- Book "Report of the Committee on Ways and Means on H.R.
- Book "Report of the Committee of ways and means on H.R.
- Book "Report of the Committee on ways and means on H.R.
- Book "Issues Related to Social Security Act Disability
- Book "Social Security Disability Amendments of 1980"
- Book "Report of the Committee on Finance U.S. Senate to
accompany H.R.17550"
- Book "Report of the Committee on Finance United States
- Book "Report of the Committee on ways and Means on H.R.
- Book "Social Security Act as Amended by H.R.1"
- Book "Disability Amendments of 1982, along with report"
- Book "Report of the Committee on ways and means house
of Representatives together with Additional and Supplemental
views to accompany H.R.3236"
- Papers "Disability Amendments of 1982 along with Report
with different views"
- Booklet "Comparison of House and Senate Bills with Existing
- Papers "Tax adjust Act of 1966"
- Black 3-ring binder: 1) Effect of H.R. 1 and Financing
Information; 2) Provisions Relating to OASDI; 3) Provisions
Relating to SSI
- Telephone Directory -SSA Summer1970
- Papers Dealing with the Hoover Institution Press
- Telephone directory -SSA 1971
Box MR-6
- Plaque "Commissioner's Citation"
- Black 3-ring Binder: 1) Concurrent Resolution on the Budget-Fiscal
Year 1991; 2) SSI Pass along; 3) Coverage
- Blue 3-ring binder "SWOAP" 2/20: 1) Agenda; 2) Financing
Paper; 3) Possible Themes; 4) Master List; 5) Matrix of
Views; 6) Proposed Schedule; 7) Illustrative Option Papers
- Green 3-Ring Binder: 1. Bills; 2. Ball; 3. Scott
- Blue 3-ring binder "SWOAP" 2/81: 1) Agenda; 2) Social
Security Financing Paper; 3) Possible Legislative Themes;
4) Master List of Options; 5) Matrix of Views on Proposals;
6) Proposed Schedule; 7) Option Papers; 8) Five packages
of options; 9) Short range options
- Papers "Concurrent Resolution on the Budget United States
- Papers "Report of the budget house of Representatives"
- Papers "Congressional Record-House" June 1986
- Papers "Congressional Record-House" May 1991
- Papers "Concurrent Resolution on the Buget-Fiscal Year
- Papers "Daily Digest" Senate
- Paper "SWOAP"
- Books "March 15th Report of the Committee on
ways and means to the House Budget Committee on the Fiscal
Year 1980 Budget"
- Books "Committee on the Budget House of representatives
to Accompany"
- Book "First Concurrent Resolution on the Budget FY 1980"
Box MR-7
- Book "Legislative History-Titles I-XX of The Social Security
Act" 1981-82
- Book "Legislative History-Titles I-XX of The Social Security
Act" 79-80
- Book "Legislative History -Titles I-XX of the Social Security
Act" 77-78
- Book "Legislative History-Titles I-XX of the Social Security
Act" 1983-84 Part 1
- Book "Legislative History-Titles I-XX of the Social Security
Act" 1983-84 Part 2
- Book " Economic Report of the President" February
- Book "Economic Report of the President" February 96
- Book "Economic Report of the President" February 97
- Book "Economic Report of the President" February 92
- Book "1999 Social Security Programs Throughout the World"
- Book "Social Security Programs Throughout the World" 1997
Box MR-8
- Big Brown Folder: 1) "Development of the Advisory Council's
Interim Recommendations on the treatment of women"; 2) "Report
of the Panel of Consultants to the 1979 Advisory Council
on Social Security"
- Blue 3-Ring Binder: 1) Minutes; 2) Information Items;
3) Report Drafts
- Blue 3-Ring Binder: 1) Minutes; 2) Overview of Issues;
3) Impact of Social Security on Minority Groups; 4) Social
Security Benefits for Dependents and Survivors; 5) Treatment
of Women and Families Under Social Security; 6) Social Security
Benefits for Dependents and Survivors; 7) Other Material
- Blue 3-Ring Binder: 1) Agenda; 2) 2nd Memo
to Secretary
- Blue 3-Ring Binder: 1) Age; 2) A for C; 3). Misc. extra
Box MR-9
- Big Brown Folder: 1) Moneys Worth; 2) Dyn. Prog.
- Folder "Over insurance"
- Folder "Pay back times"
- Big Brown Folder: 1) Payback times; 2) Moneys Worth
- Green 3 Ring-Binder: 1) OASDI; 2) CPI BILL; 3) Decouple
- Folder "Data on Senate Finance Committee Bill and Alternative
Financing Thereof"
- Papers "Selected OASDI Benefit Estimates Relating to the
Effect of Enactment of the ways and Means Committee Bill"
- Papers "Anomaly in the Law that Provides for Payment of
unreduced Benefits to Divorced Wives,--Mr. David's Memorandum
of June 29
- Papers "Possible Financing Methods for Proposals Agreed
to by the Ways and Means Committee"
Box MR-10
- Papers "Difficulties encountered in obtaining the essential
data to prepare acturial cost estimates for Medicare -your
- Papers "AFL-CIO inquiry relating to Possible change in
the medicare program"
- Papers by Robert Myers "Contribution Income Under Various
Alternative Schedules Leveling-Out rate"
- Papers by Robert Myers "Ninth Tabulation of Payment Records
in SMI Actuarial Sample"
- Papers "Materials on Options Concerning Domestic Workers
and Women's Issues-Information"
- Brown Folder: Administration Bill
- Brown Folder: 1) OASI Program Notes; 2) DPA Program Notes
Box MR-11
- Letters by Mary Ross "Cost for FY 1987 Proposals-A Complaint-FYI
- Red Velvet Folder, "Reorganization" 5/8/78
- Papers by Robert Myers "Comments on VAHN-Ross Paper" 1983
- Papers by Samuel Crouch "Memo to Mr. Smith on OPEP staffing
and organization-you note of April 28, 1976"
- Papers by Thomas J. Dilorenzo "A Constitutionalist Approach
to Social Security reform"
- Papers by Richard E. Wagner "Funded Social Security: Collective
and Private Options"
- Papers by Norman Ture "Supply-Side effects social Insurance"
June 7, 1983
- File "1995 96 104th Congress Enachments"
- File "FY 1998 Budget"
- File "RET 1995 HR 268+ 1996"
- Papers "Statement for the Record by the American Association
of Retired Persons Submitted to the Committee of Finance
United States Senate on Social Security and Future Retires
March 11,1996"
- Paper "Congressional Record-House" November, 1983
- Paper "Statement by the American Association of retired
persons to the subcommittee on ways and means on Legislation
to restore the long term Solvency of Social Security" September
- File "Riegle" 1993
- File "Agency In Depth" Misc 94-95"
- Paper "The President signed into law H.R. 3734, the Personal
Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of
- Paper by Diana Eisenstat, "Statements are well Received
by the Public but difficult to Comprehend" 1996
- File "7/25/96 Performance Agency
- Paper "Congressional Record" 1993 NO.160
- Paper "Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993"
- Big brown Folder 1) Entitlement Commission; 2) Entitlements-Concord
Coalition; 3) 1993-94 Means Test; 4) Concord Coalition;
5) Means Test; 6) Bryn Mawr 12/93
- Big brown Folder 1) Dec 12-13 Little Rock economic Conference;
2) Clinton Budget
- Big brown Folder 1) 9-17-91 Ways & Means Social
Security Subcommittee
- Big brown Folder 1) Entitlements 93; 2) Flood Relief 93
Box MR-12
- Book "General Business Plan Fiscal Years 1996-1999"
- Book "CBO Study : Reducing Entitlement Spending" September
- Paper "The CQ Researcher May 12, 1995"
- Paper "An Executive Summary to a Monograph Series" July
25 1994
- Paper "Social Security and The budget: Monograph 2" July
25 1994
- Paper "Evolution of Social Security Financing Principles:
Monograph 3" July 25, 1994
- Paper "Proposal for reform of Social Security Financing:
Monograph 4" July 25, 1994
- Paper "Social Security Investment options: Monograph 5"
July 25, 1994
- Paper "CBO PAPERS: Is the growth of the CPI a Biased Measure
of changes in the cost of Living" 1994
- Paper "Private Pensions and Public Policy"
- Paper "Public Attitudes on Social Security, 1995"
- Paper by Jane Ross "Treatment of Women in the U.S Social
Security System 1970-88"
- Paper " Employee Benefit Research Institute: Pension Coverage
and Benefit Entitlement New Findings From 1988"
- Book "Questions and answers on Employee Benefits Issues"
June 1994
- Book "Retirement Confidence in America: Getting Ready
for Tomorrow"
- Book "Pension Plan Choice" December, 1990
- Book by Sylvester Schieber and John Shoven "Population
aging and saving for Retirement'
- Project "Social Security Amendments of 1977: A Legislative
History" August 29, 1979
- Book "Economic Outlook USA" 1985
- Paper "The Robert Ball Lecture series" April 10, 1974
- Paper by William Hsiao "Social Security and Income Transfer"
Nov, 1975
- Paper "Inflation in the U.S.: Causes and Consequences"
May 1974
- Paper "Partial Retirement in Sweden-Development and sequences
" 1980
- Paper by Valerie Leach " The MPR Policy Newletter:
Supported Work"
- Paper "A vision of Change for America" 1993
- Paper "Report to Budget Committee: Views and estimates
of Finance Committee on: Expenditures, Revenues, Tax expenditures
Public debt" 2/28/83
- Book "Civil Service Retirement: Financing and Costs" May
- Paper by David Koitz, Nancy Miller "Social Security Financing
Public Policy Issues Institute"
- Paper by William Greider "The Education of David Stockman"
- Paper "A background paper for the Conference on Social
Security Financing to be held at the Brooking Institution,
June17, 1966"
- Paper "Major Legislative Proposals for Financing Personal
Health Service for the aged, 1939-1965"
- Paper "Early Budget Experts" 1985
- Book "Social Security Programs in the United States" 1986
- Book "SSA Disability Redesign: Focus Needed on Initiatives
most Crucial to Reducing Costs and Time" Dec 1996
- Book "Appealed Disability Claims: Despite SSA's efforts,
It Will not reach Backlog Reduction Goal" Nov 1996
- Book "Social Security Disability: Improvements Needed
To Continuing Disability Review Process " 1996
- Book "Social Security Disability: Alternatives Would Boost
Cost -Effectiveness of Continuing Disability Reviews" 1996
- Book "People with Disabilities: Federal Programs Could
work Together more efficiently to Promote Employment"1996
- Book "Social Security Disabilities: Backlog Reduction
Efforts Under Way; Significant Challenges Remain"1996
- Book "SSA Disability: Program Redesign Necessary to Encourage
Return to work" 1996
- Book "SSA Disability: Return-To-work Strategies from other
system may Improve Federal Programs" 1996
- Book "SSA Disability: Return-to-work strategies from other
System May Improve Federal Programs" 1996
- Papers "Disability Programs Lag in Promoting Return to
Work" 1996
- Book "SSA Disability: Program Redesign Necessary to Encourage
Return to Work" 1996
- Book "Social Security: Time Required to Approve and Pay
attorney Fees can be Reduced" Oct 1988
- Book "Social Security: Implementing the Medical Improvement
Review Standard" September 1988
- Project by David Koitz and Geoffrey Kollman "CRS
Report for Congress: Status of the Disability Programs of
the Social Security Administration" 1992
- Book "Hearing on the Disability Programs of the Social
Security Administration March 22, 1995"
- book by David Koitz " The 5 month waiting period for Disability
insurance benefits"
- Book "President Clinton's Proposal to increase Taxation
of Benefit" July 19 1993
- Book "The offset of Social Security Spousal Benefits for
Government Pensions" 1983
- Book "Social Security : Its Removal From the Bridget and
Procedures for Considering Changes to the Program"
Jan 1991
- Book "Trust Funds and the Federal Deficit" 1990
- Book "Social Security: Investing the Surplus" 1991
- Book "Medicare Financing" 1991
- Book "Has the Federal Government Borrowed Money From Railroad
Retirement that will not be repaid?" 1984
- Paper "Social Security: Issues in Taking Benefits Under
Current Law and Under Proposals to Tax a greater share to
Benefits" Jan 1989
- Paper "Little Overall Change in Telephone Accessibility
between 1985 and 1988"
- Paper "Prisoners Receiving Social Security and Other Federal
Retirement, Disability, and Education benefits"
- Paper "Tax Administration: IRS' Combined Annual Wage Reporting
Reconciliation Program" Dec 1988
- Book "Using the Exact Math file for estimates and Characteristics
of Persons Reporting and not reporting Social Security Self-Employment
- Book "Administrative Law Judges: Appointment of Women
and Social Security Administration Staff Attorneys"
- Book "ADP Budget Analysis: SSA's Information System Funding
for Fiscal Years 1988 and 1989"
- Book "Issues Involving Benefits Equity for Working Women"
April 1996
- Blue 3-Ring Binder "Subcommittee on Social Security Hearings
on Decoupling" 1) Decoupling; 2) Cost Effects; 3) Key Statistics
Box MR-13
- Book "Hearing before the Subcommittee on Social Security
of the Committee on ways and Means House of Representatives"
May 2,1991
- Book "Social Security Disability Benefits reform Act of
- Book "Disabled yet Denied: Bureaucratic Injustice in the
Disability Determination System " Dec 1990
- Book "Issues Related to Social Security Act Disability
Programs" Oct. 79
- Book "Hearing before the subcommittee on Retirement income
and employment of the Select committee on aging House of
Representatives" 1977
- Book "Hearing before the Subcommittee on Social Security
of the Committee on Ways and Means House of Representatives"
December 11, 1981
- Book "Report of the Committee on ways and means House
of Representatives" 1992
- Book "Proposed Legislation: The Health Security Act of
- Book "Hearing before the Subcommittee on Social Security
of the Committee on ways
- And means House of representatives" March 5,1992
- Book "Hearing before the Committee on finance United States
Senate" 1992
- Book "Subcommittee on social security of the committee
on way and means U.S. House of representatives" 1976
- Book "The Social Security Disability Program an Evaluation
Study" 1971
- Book "Compilations of selected Indian Legislation"
- Book "Hearing before the Committee on ways and means house
of Representatives" 1991
- Book "Building a better America: The President of the
United States" 1989
- Book "Financing Work-Related Entitlement Programs: A report
prepared by the congressional research service for the committee
of the budget United States Senate"
- Book "Hearing before the committee on finance United States
Senate" 1986
- Book " Hearings before the Committee on finance United
States senate" 1981
- Book "Hearing before the committee of finance United States
Senate" 1969
- Book "Hearing Subcommittee on aging of the committee on
labor and Human resources United States Senate" April 28,
- Book "Hearing before the Committee on finance United States
Senate" January 14, 1993
- Book "Hearing before the Subcommittee on Social Security
of the Committee on ways and means house of representatives"
April 2, 1987
- Book "Hearings before the Committee on ways and means
house of Representatives" 1991
- Book "Hearing before the Committee on Finance United States
Senate" 1992
- Black 3-Ring binder1)Application for Enrollment and Supplement
Pamphlet; 2) Medicare Health Insurance card; 3) Medicare
Handbook; 4) Conditions of Participation for Hospitals;
5) Conditions of Participation for Extended Care Facilities;
6) Conditions of Participation for Home Health Agencies;
7) Conditions of coverage of service of Independent Laboratories
8) Principles of Reimbursement for Provider Costs; 9) Hospital
Manual; 10) Physicians' reference guide to health Insurance;
11) Request for Payment,
- Form SSA-1490
- Black 3-Ring Binder 1)Chart Texts; 2)Combined Effects
of P.L.; 3) Committee Member Interest
- File "1977 House"
- File "Administration Bill" 1977
Box MR-14
- File "House Rules and Floor"1983
- Paper "Congressional Record-House" 1983
- File "Report to Budget Committee" 1983
- Papers "H.R. 1900" 1983
- Papers "H.R. 1900" 1983
- Papers "Comparison of Provisions of H.R. 1900, The Social
Security Act Amendments of 1983"
- Papers "Social Security Amendments of 1983"
- Papers "Congressional Record-House" 1983
- Papers "98th Congress of the United States
of America at the First session"
- File "Tech. Correct to enrolled Bill"83
- Papers "Explanation of The Social Security Act Amendments
of 1983"
- Papers "Congressional Record-Daily Digest" March 17,1983
- Papers "Dole Lender Lease" 1983
- Papers "S.2706: Report No. 99-348"
- Folder "SWOAP" 1986
- Papers "Spending Reduction act of 1984-Division B"
- Book "H.R. 4170" 1984
- File "Estimate Short-Range OASDHI Financial Effects of
S.1 as reported by the Senate Finance Committee on March
11, 1983"
- File "Signing Statement"1983
- File "Summaries Congressional research" 1983
- File "NCSSR Appointments/Members" 1981
- Papers "Technical Corrections to P.L. 98-21" 83
- Book "Report of the National Commission on Social Security
Reform" January 1983
- File "Administration of Ronald Reagan" 1983
Box MR-15
- File "Rosty/Pickle Broad Oversight 1991 May 91 Hearing"
- File "Mandate For Leadership" 1984
- File "Hilary"1993
- File "Federalism" 1982
- File "Themes and Objectives" 1978-79
- Big Brown Folder 1)Cur 89-90; 2) Misc
- File " Social Security as an earned Right"
- Papers "Analysis of the Social Security System "
- Big Brown Folder 1) Gems; 2) Dropout years;
- File "Retirement AARP-NRTA" 1979
- File "HIAA" 1981
- Big Yellow File "Center on Budget and Properties"
Box MR-16
- Papers "Tentative List of witness to appear before
Committee on ways and means subcommittee of Social Security
on Managing the Social Security Disability Insurance Program"
August 3, 1995
- Papers "The Social Security Disability Program"
August 3,1995
- File "RMB Paper 6/95"
- File "RMB 7/98"
- Envelope from National Academy of Social Insurance "REDDRAFT"
November 4, 199
- Papers "Restoring wage base to 1930's levels-wage
base under Social Security Amendments of 1977" 6/19/98
- Papers by Robert Ball "Testimony before the senate
Finance Committee on "Money's Worth Under Social Security"
March 11, 1993
- Papers by Robert Ball "Opportunities for Social Security"
October 1, 1998
- Envelope first draft 1994 "The First Giant Step"
- Envelope "Sample Report ERGOS tm Evaluation Summary"
- Blue "The Administration of the Social Security Disability
Insurance Program"
- File "The Accountability Vocational Rehabilitation
Model" 95
- Papers "Overview of Return-To-Work Initiative for
the SSDI portion of the Social Security" June 14, 1995
- File "DRH end of 1995"
- File "W+M Aug 3, 95 "
- File "DRH March-96-June 96"
- File "DRH July-Dec96 + Jan 97"
- File "DRH 2000"
- File "DRH 1997"
- File "Lea Uhre" 1996
- File "SSA Disability Redesign" November, 1994
- Blue Folder "1995 Trustees"
- File "White Paper"
- Blue Folder "White Paper Outline of Contents"
- Brown Folder "1948 Advisory Council on Social Security"
- Brown Folder "1977 Senate"
- Book "H.R. 9346: In the House of Representatives"
September 27, 1977
- Book "H.R. 9346: In the Senate of the United States"
October 28, 1977
- Book " H.R. 5322: In the Senate of the United States"
July 20, 1977
- Blue Folder "Earning Replacement at Retirement under
Social Security: An Issue Paper" 1973
- Brown Folder "1.3B Conference" 1977
- Book "Hearings before the Subcommittee on ways and
Means House of Representatives" July 23 and 28, 1992
- Book "Final Report on the Social Security "Notch"
Issue" Dec 31, 1994
- Red Folder "Disabled Yet Denied : Bureaucratic Injustice
in the Disability Determination System" December, 1990
- Black 3-Ring Binder "Hearing before the Subcommittee
on social security Committee on Social Security Committee
on ways and means U.S. House of Representatives on The "Notch"
issue July 23, 1992" 1) History on Notch; 2) Sponsors/Cosponsors
of Notch Bills; 3) Positions of All Members of House; 4)
Formal SSA Statements; 5)Response to NCPSSM statements Concerning
the North 6)Notch Studies 7) Comparison of Notch Bills;
8) Question and Answers;
- Book "SSA/89"
- Book "SSA/90"
- Book "Annual Report to the Congress/1993"
- Booklet "The social Security Strategic Plan: A Framework
for the Future" 1991
- Book "2000 A strategic Plan Social Security Administration"
January 1988
- Book "Social Security Administration 1985 Annual
Report to the Congress" May 1985
- Book "SSA/88"
- Blue 3-Ring binder "GAO Notch 3/88"
- Green Folder "Strategic Plan Fall 1987"
- Book "The Social Security Strategic Plan a Framework
for the Future" September 1991
- File Aliens + Negri 1994 MR 3355 ETAL
- File "NGRI-1986-7+93+016 85-7"
- File "Domestic Reporting (MR 13) 2/93
- File "Domestic Reporting June 14, 1990
- Brown Folder "CUR Reports 91-94"
- Blue Folder "Briefing on Trust-Fund Asset-Allocation
Policy SSA Contract 95-22582: Stochastic Simulation Model"
- File "Advisory Council on Social Security" 1979
- File "Workers Comp 1995"
- File "Spring 1995 student Talk"
- File "NASI Hist Video" 7/13/95
- File "1995 Budget Resolution"
- File"Article Strips"
- File "Flat Tax" 1995
- File "Reinventing Govt 1995"
- File "Debating to Cost of "Official Time"
- File "Govt Reform" 1995
- File "Welfare 1996'
- File "Clips" 1994-95
- File "1995 Tax cuts"
- File "REP payee1995"
- File "Over Staked CPI 1995"
- File "Bal Rudy Amed. 1995"
- File "People" 1.19/97
- File "97 Tax cuts"
- File "Misc Clips 97"
- File "SSI -Lung rate 1997"
- File "1997 Budget and Medicare"
- File "Economy 1995"
- File "Disability" August 3, 1995
- File "A/C-Alt Plans 85-6"
- File "Dept Ceiling 95"
- File "Current 95"
- Book "Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997 Conference Refort"
- Black 3-Ring Binder "Background Book for Meeting
with the Economic Policy Board" 11/21/75
- Blue 3-Ring Binder "Dan Marcus Group 1978 Disability"
- Papers "Perspective on Disability Compensation: A
need For Redirection" January 1984
- Book by Frederick Arner "A Model Disability Structure
for the Social Security Administration" September 1989
- Paper by Gwnedolyn King "Hearing on Disability insurance
Program Financing and other issues" April 27, 1992
- Book "Experienced of Disabled-Worker Benefits Under
OASDI, 1972-76"
- Book "Report on Rising Cost of Social Security Disability
Insurance Benefits" February, 1996
- Book "The Social Security Disability insurance Program"
December 1992
- Paper "The Social Security Disability Insurance Program:
an Analysis" December 1992
- Brown Folder "House Ways & Means SS subcommittee
S. Parker for SSA on DI Program
- File "Office of Inspector General" January 1993
- Papers "GAO Conference + related Materials 6/92
- Papers "Committee Staff Report on the Disability
Insurance Program" July 1974
- Papers "Social Security Disability Amendments of
- Book "Hearings before the Subcommittee on Social
Security of the Committee on Social Security of the Means
House of Representatives" 1979
- Book "Report of the Committee on Finance United States
Senate" 1979
- Book "Report of the Committee on ways and means House
of representatives together with Additional and Supplemental
views" 1979
- Book "H.R. 3236: In the Senate of the United States"1979
- Papers "Social Security Disability Amendments on
- Papers "Public Law 96-265-June 9, 1980"
- Book "Social Security Disability Amendments of 1979"
- Book "Disability survey 72 Disabled and Non disabled
- Book "Report to Congress Attorney Fees Under Title
II of the Social Security Act" July 1988
- Project "Interim Report SSA Representation Project
October 12,1982-September 30, 1985"
- File "1995-6 Reengineering"
- Book "Disability Process Redesign: The Proposal from
the SSA Disability Process Reengineering Team" 1994
- Papers "Disability Process Redesign: Next Steps in
Implementation" November 1994
- Papers "Comments on the April 1994 "Disability
Process Redesign: The Proposal form the SSA Disability Process
Reengineering Team"-SSA Publication 01-003"
- Book "SSA Benefit Estimate Statement: Adding Rate
of Return Information May not be Appropriate"
- Book "Social Security Reform: Implications for the
Financial Well-Being of Women" 97
- Book "Social Security: Disability Programs Lag in
Promoting Return to Work" 97
- Book "The Deficit and the Economy: An update on Long-term
Simulations" 95
- Book "Retirement income: Implication of Demographic
Trends for Social Security and Pension Reform" 97
- Book "Social Security Reform: Implications for Women's
Retirement Income" 97
- Book "401 (k) Pension Plans: Loan Provisions Enhance
Participation but may affect Income Security for Some"
- Book "Federal Retirement: Federal and Private Sector
Retirement Program Benefits Vary" 97
- Book "Public Pensions: Summary of Federal Pension
Plan Data" 96
- Book "Private Pension Plans: Efforts to Encourage
Infrastructure Investment" 95
- Book "Public Pension Plans Evaluation of Economically
Targeted Investment Programs"
- Book "SSA Benefit Statements: Well Received by the
Public but Difficult to Comprehend" 96
- Book "Social Security Administration: Significant
Challenges Await New Commissioner" 97
- Book "Child Care: Recipients Face Service Gaps and
Supply Shortages" 95
- Book "Earned Income Credit: Targeting to the Working
Poor" 95
- Book "Budget Process: Issues Concerning the 1990
Reconciliation Act" 94
- Book "Private Pensions: Funding Rule Change Needed
to Reduce PBGC's Multibillion Dollar Exposure" 94
- Book "Block Grants: Characteristics Experience, and
Lessons Learned" 95
- Book "Social Security Administration: Leadership
Challenges Accompany Transition to and Independent Agency"
- Book "Supplemental Security Income: Disability Program
Vulnerable to Applicant Fraud when Middlemen Are Used"
- Book "Social Security: Union Activity at the Social
Security Administration" 96
- Book "Social Security: Issues in Comparing Rates
of Return with Market Investments" 99
- Book "Social Security Reform: Experience of the Alternative
Plans in Texas" 99
- Papers "Supplemental Security Income: Long-Standing
Problems Put Program at Risk for Fraud, Waste, and Abuse"
- Papers "Year 2000 Computing Crisis: Time is running
out for Federal Agencies to Prepare for the Millennium"
- Papers "Social Security: Criteria for Evaluating
Social Security Reform Proposals" 1999
- Book "Social Security Administration: Effective Leadership
Needed to Meet Daunting Challenges" 96
- Book "Aging Issues: Related GAO Reports and Activities
in Fiscal Year 1995" 96
- Book "Workers' Compensation: Selected Comparison
of Federal and State Laws" 96
- Book "Supplemental Security Income: Growth and Changes
in Recipient Population Call for Reexamining Program"
- Book "Supplemental Security Income: Recipient Population
has Changed as Caseloads Have Burgeoned" 95
- Book "Supplemental Security Income: Some Recipients
Transfer Valuable Resources to Qualify for Benefits"
- Book "Supplemental Security Income: Non citizen Caseload
Continues to Grow" 96
- Book "Supplemental Security Income: SSA efforts Fall
Short in Correcting Erroneous Payments to Prisoners"
- Book "Supplemental Security Income: Administrative
and Programs saving Directly Accessing State Data"
- Book "Pass Program: SSA work Incentive for Disabled
Beneficiaries Poorly Managed" 96
- Book Supplemental Security Income: SSA Is taking steps
to review Recipients' Disability Status" 96
- Book "Social Security: Telephone Access Enhanced
at Field Offices under Demonstration Project" 96
- File "Health Care Reform" 99
- File "Trustees" 99
- File "July-Aug 99 Tax Bill"
- File "Retirement" 99
- File "ALT. Plans" 99
- File "Study/Debate" 00
- File "OBRAS" 96
- File "Tax Plans" 00
- File "Poverty" 00
- File "Drug Bentification"00
- File "Budget" 2000-1
- File "Fred" 99
- File "S.O.S"
- File "The Whitmore Confessions" 1960
- Book "Social Security Bulletin" 2000
- Book "Social Security Bulletin" 1999 vol. 62
no 1
- Book "Social Security Bulletin" 1999 vol. 62
no 2
- Book "Telephone Directory Baltimore July 1991"
- File "Nelson, Gaylord, and Offner, Paul" 73
- Envelope "Memorial for Karl deSchweinitz" 1975
- File "Broder, David S." 71
- Blue 3-ring binder " HHS Telephone Directory"
1) General Information 2)Alphabetical Section 3)Organization
- File "David Ranson" 1975
- File "Benefit Increase Stuffers" 72
- File "Social Security" 92
- File "Inserts for Transcripts H.R. 14080 " 1969
- File "Mortgage Tables"
- File "Wendell" 98
- Book "Annual Statistical Supplement 1998"
- Papers "Summary of the Provisions of the Old-age,
Survivors, and Disability insurance system, and the Supplementary
Medical Insurance System" January 2000
- Papers "Summary of the Provisions of the of the Old-age,
Survivors, and Disability insurance system, the Hospital
Insurance System, and the Supplementary Medical Insurance
System" January 1999
- Papers "Summary of the Provisions of the Old-age,
survivors, and Disability insurance System, The Hospital
Insurance System, and The Supplementary Medical Insurance
System" January 1996
- Papers "Summary of the Provisions of the Old-age,
survivors, and Disability insurance System, and The Hospital
Insurance System, and the Supplementary Medical Insurance
System" January 1997
- Papers "Summary of the Provisions of the Old-age,
Survivors, and Disability insurance system, The hospital
insurance system, and the supplementary Medical Insurance
system" December 1994
- Papers "Fast Facts and Figures about Social Security"
- Book "Income of the Population 55 or Older"
March 2000
- Book "Aging America" 1991
- File "Alliance for Social Security" 99
- Book " Fast Facts and Figures about Social Security"
- Book "Executive Handbook of selected data" Oct
- Books "Guide to Social Security and Medicare"
- Books "Fast Facts & Figures about Social Security"
- Books "Fast Facts & Figures about Social Security"
- Books "Fast Facts & Figures about Social Security"
- Books "Fast Facts & Figures about Social Security"
- Books "Fast Facts & Figures about Social Security"
- Books "Real Life Poverty in America" 1990
- Papers "Finding of the 1967 AFDC study: Data by State
and Census divisions" July 1970
- File "ORG 1998-2000"
- Brown Folder "Testimony Donna E. Shalala U.S. Secretary
of Health and Human Services" June 11, 1996
- Folder "The President's 1978 Tax Program"
- Black 3-Ring Binder 1)Committee Membership; 2)Comparison
of Administration's Disability Bill with Subcommittee Bills;
3) Cost Estimates; 4)Decisions made by Corman Subcommittee;
5) Administrative Initiatives; 6) Material on Various Benefit
Cap Proposals; 7) Answers to 28 Questions from the Subcommittee
on Social Security
- Project "Disability Income Protection" 1986
- File "Hearings before the Subcommittee on the Administration
on the Social Security Laws of the Committee on ways and
Means house of Representatives"!959
- Book "Social Security Disability Applicant Statistics"
- Book "Social Security Disability Applicant Statistic"
- Book "Characteristics of Social Security Disability
Insurance Beneficiaries" 1983
- File "Prospector: Life of applicant s in A/R cases"
- Book "1974 Follow up of Disable & Non disable
- Book "Disability survey 72 Disabled and Non Disabled
Adults" 1979
- Book "Replacement of Earnings of the Disabled Under
Social Security: Levels & Trends 1969-75"
- Book "Receipt of Multiple Benefits by Disabled Worker
Beneficiaries" 1981
- Book "Disability claimants who contest denials and
win reversals through hearing" 1979
- Book "Characteristics of Social Security Disability
Insurance Beneficiaries, 1975" 1979
- Brown Folder "Disability Issues" 1979
- Black 3-Ring Binder "DI Costs From 1956-1967"
- Blue 3-Ring Binder "DI Conference 8/95"
- Black 3 -Ring Binder "Disability"1)Jan9-10/1994
Meeting; 2)12/17 meeting
- Book " Social Security in the United States"
- Book "Social Security Programs in the United States"
- Book "Special Analyses Budget of the United States
Government" 1972
- Book "Social Security in the U.S.A." 1963
- Book "Social Security Programs in the United States"
- Book "Social Security Programs in the United States"
- Book "Social Security Programs in the United States"
- Book "Social Security Programs in the United States"
- Book "Fast Facts & Figures about Social Security"
- Booklet "What's the States of the Social Security
Trust Funds" 1968
- Project "An Analysis of selected Deficit Reduction
Options Affecting the Elderly and Disabled" 1985
- Book "Studies in income Distribution" 1976
- Book "The role of the replacement rate in the Design
of the Social Security Benefit Structure" 1979
- Book "Redistributive effects of transfer payments
among age and economic status groups" 1970
- Book "Protectin Social Security Beneficiary Earnings
Against Inflation: The Foreign Experience" 1976
- Book "1974 Follow up of Disabled & Non disabled
- Book "Social Security Programs in the United States"
- Book "Social Security Programs in the United States"
- Book "Social Security in the United States"
- Book "Social Security Programs in the United States"
- Book "Social Security Programs in the United States"
- Book "Social Security in the United States"
- Book "Social Security in the United States"
- Book "Social Security in the United States"
- Book "Social Security Programs in the United States"
- Book "Social Security Programs in the United States"1968
- Book "Social Security Programs in the United States"
- Book "Background Data and Materials on Fiscal Year
1983 Spending Reduction Proposals" 1982
- Book "Background Material and Data on Major Federal
Expenditure Programs under the Jurisdiction of the Senate
Committee on Finance" 1982
- Book "Committee on the Finance United States Senate"
- Book "Background Material and Data on Major Federal
Expenditure Programs Under the
- Jurisdiction of the Senate Committee on Finance"
- Book "Proposals for the Reduction on Spending Programs
Under the Jurisdiction on the Senate Finance Committee"
- Book "Data and Materials for the Finance Committee
Report under the Congressional Budget Act." 1981
- Book "Staff Data and Materials Related to Social
Security Financing Committee of Finance United State Senate"
- Book "Income of the Population 55 or Older, 1986"
- Book "Income of the Population 55 or Older, 1982"
- Book "Demographic and Economic Characteristics of
the Aged: 1968 Social Security Survey"
- Book "A CBO Study" 1993
- Papers "The Congressional Budget Process" Budget
Hand Book" 1981
- Papers "The Economic and Budget Outlook: Fiscal Years
- Papers "Reducing the Deficit: Spending and Revenue
Options" 1990
Box MR-24
- Book "Hearings before the Subcommittee on Social
Security of the Committee on Finance United States Senate"
- Book "Staff Data and Material Relating to Social
Security Financing" 1977
- Book "Hearing before the Task Force on Social Security
and Women of the Subcommittee on retirement income and employment
and the select committee on aging Hose of representatives"
- Book "A working paper prepared by the Task Force
on women and Social Security" 1975
- Book "Hearing before on retirement income and Employment
of the select committee on aging house of Representatives"
- Book "Hearing before the Subcommittee on retirement
income and Employment of the Select Committee on aging House
or Representatives" 1975
- Book "Hearing before the Special Committee on aging
United States Senate" 1975
- Book "Hearing before the special committee on aging
United States Senate" 1975
- Book "A working paper prepared by the Task Force
on Women and Social Security" 1975
- Book "Hearing before the Subcommittee on Social Security
of the Committee on ways and means House of Representatives"
- Book "Hearing before the Task Force on Social Security
and Women of the Subcommittee on aging House of Representatives"
- Book "Hearing before the Committee on Ways and Means
House of Representatives" 1969
- Book "Hearing before on Social Security and Women
of the Committee on Retirement income and Employment and
the Select Committee on aging House of Representatives"
- Book "Hearing before the Joint Economic Committee
Congress of the United States" 1973
- Book "Hearing before the Joint Economic Committee
Congress of the United States" 1973
- Book "Hearing before the Joint Economic Committee
Congress of the United States" 1974
- Book "Social Security Amendments of 1977: Report
of the Committee on Finance U.S. United Senate" 1977
- Book "Hearing before the Committee on Ways and Means
House of Representatives" 1969 # 1-6
- Book " Report of the Committee on ways and means
House of Representatives" 1969
- Book "Social Security Amendments of 1969: Brief Summary
of Major Recommendations Presented in oral and written statements
During Public Hearings on H.R. 12080
- Book "H.R. 5710: In the House of Representatives"
- Book "Report of the Committee on Finance United Senate"
- Book "Social Security Amendments of 1967: Conference
Report" 1967
- Book "Hearings before the Committee on Finance United
States Senate" 1967
- Books "Hearings before the Committee on Ways and
Means House of Representatives" 1967 Parts1-4
- Book "Committee on Ways and Means U.S. House of Representatives"
- Book "Report of the Committee on ways and Means on
H.R. 6674"
- Book "Brief Summary of Major Recommendations Presented
in oral and written statements during public hearing on
provisions of H.R. 5710, Social Security Amendment of 1967,
and brief summary of provisions of H.R. 5710" 1967
- Book "H.R. 5710: in the house of Representatives"
- Book "H.R. 12080: in the senate of the United States"
- Book "Social Security Amendments of 1965: Conference
Report" 1965
- Book "H.R. 6675: A Bill" 1965
- Book "Social Security Amendments of 1965/ Report
of the Committee on Finance United States Senate" 1965
- Book by Marilyn Flowers "Women and Social Security:
an Institutional Dilemma" 1943
- Book "Social Security Amendments of 1967: Report
of the Committee on Finance United Senate" 1967
- Book "Trade Act of 1970: Report of the Committee
on Ways and Means House of Representatives" 1970
- Papers "Tentative List of Witnesses to appear before
committee on ways and means subcommittee on Social Security
on use misuse of Social Security Numbers" 00
- Papers "A report of the Heritage Center for data
analysis: Social Security's rate of return" January
- Papers "Justification of Budget Estimates Fiscal
Year 1998" September 1996
- Papers "Social Security Administration : Justification
of Estimates for Appropriations Committees" 1998
- Books "Congressional Record: Proceeding and Debates
of the 105th Congress, Second Session" 1998 NO. 29-31
- File "S.331: Work Incentives Improvement Act of 1999
(Introduced in the Senate" 99
- File "Bill Summary & Status for the 105th Congress"
- File "Social Security Disability: Multiple Factors
Affect Return to Work" 99
- File "H.R. 631" 99
- File "SSI Program Integrity Proposals" 1998
- File "Senate Finance Committee Hearing on the Work
Incentives Improvement Act of 1999" 1999
- File "The Fiscal Year 2001 Budget" 2001
- File "Lock Box Spring 1999"
- File "Social Security Legislation" March 8,
- File "SFC-Pensions 6/30/99"
- Paper "H.R. 1180 In the House of Representatives"
- Paper "Redesign Update: Office of Operations Takes
over testing AO Position" 1997
- File "ADAct 1990"
- File "Medicare-99"
- File "Ticket 1999"
- File "Jeffords +WIPA" 3/98
- File "Tax Bill H.R. 4579"
- File "Ross Social Security Reform" 1998
- File "Oversight- Disability W+M 10/21/99"
- Papers "H.R. 2430: Return to Work Bill" 1997
- File "Bunning Disability Bill" 9/96
- File "DI Bill MR3433 Bunning /Kennedy
- File "Moynihan S 1792" 1998
- File "Decouple" 1975
- Project "House-Senate Conference on H.R. 15390, the
Debt Limit Bill with the Church Amendment" 1972
- Paper "Examination Follow up to the 1978 Survey-Information"
- Papers "Committee on ways and means U.S. House of
Representatives" 1973
- File "Gen Ms 1987"
- File "The February 21 Follow 21 Follow up Notes on
Financing" 1990
- File "Mist SS/AFDC Colas" 1989
- File "Fluctuations in Age 65 Replacement Rates"
July 8,1982
- Book "Public Law 104-193 104th Congress" Aug.
22, 1996
- File "Legislative Activity of Interest to SSA: During
the 104th Congress" 97
Box MR-26
- Book "Overview of Entitlement
Programs: 1991 Green Book"
- Book "Overview of Entitlement
Programs: 1990 Green Book"
- Papers "H.R. 16311: In the Senate
of the United States" 1970
- Papers "Welfare Reform: The Family
Assistance Act" 1970
- Books "H.R. 16311 The Family
Assistance Act of 1970"
- Books "Highlight of Welfare Reform"
- Books "Welfare Reform Charts-1969
Legislative Recommendations" 1969
- Books "Benefits Potentially Available
To 4-Person Female-Headed Families Under Family Assistance
and Current Law" 1970
- Papers "Welfare Reform: The Family
Assistance Act" 1970
- Big Folder "SFC Prinb 1971-2
- Book "Hearing and Markup before
the Subcommittee on Fiscal Affairs and Health of the Committee
on The District of Columbia House of Representatives"
Box MR-27
- Books "1993-4 Green Books"
- Books "Commitment to Change:
Foundations for Reform" 1991
- Books "A Message from the American
Public: A report of a national survey On health and Social
Security by the Advisory Council on Social Security"
- Books "The Influence of Current
Judicial Doctrines on the Cost of Purchasing Health Care"
- Books "A Message from the American
Public: A hearing and Site Visits Report of the Advisory
Council on Social Security" 1991
- Books "Interim Report on Social
Security and the Federal Budget" July 1990
- Books "Hearings before the Subcommittee
on Fiscal Policy of the Joint Economic Committee Congress
of the United States" 1968
- Books "A Report Prepared by the
Congressional research service for the Committee on the
budget United States Senate" 1983
- Books "Social Security handbook"
- Books "Future Financial Resource
of the Elderly: A view of Pensions, Saving, Social Security,
and Earning in the 21st Century" 1991
- Books "The Financing and Delivery
of Long-Term Care Services: A Review of Current Problems
and Potential Reform Options" 1991
- Books "State Governments: The
Effects of Health Care Program Expansion in a Period of
Fiscal Stress" 1991
- Books "Commitment to Change:
Foundations for Reform" 1991
- Booklet "Social Security Prospect
for Change" 1978
- Book "Executive Summary: Union
Retirees: enriching their lives Enhancing their Contribution"
- Book "Resolved: That the Federal
Government Should Grant Annually A Specific Percentage of
its income tax Revenue to the State Governments" 1969-70
- Book "National Academy of Social
Insurance: Social Policy: Looking Backward, Looking Forward"
- Papers "Statement of Objectives
of the Social Security Administration" 1978
- Project by Ida. Merriam "Social
Security Programs and Economic Stability" 1954
- Project "Federal Security Agency:
Office of the Administrator" 1951
- Report "Subcommittee on Finance
of Advisory Council on Social Security" 1975
- File "Goldberg v. Kelly"
- Book "Hearings before the Joint
Economic Committee Congress on the United States"73
- Book "The Comparable Worth Controversy"
- Black 3-Ring Binder "Social Security
Amendments 1950"1)1950 Amendments;2) Conference Report;
3)Senate Report; 4) House Report
- Book "Aging Jan-Feb 1978"
- Papers "Insurance Regulation
- The Financial Regulation Standards and Accreditation Program
of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners"
- Papers "A plan to Establish an
Independent agency for Social Security" 1984
- Papers "S.1560 In the Senate
of the United States: A Bill" 103D Congress 1st Session
- Papers by Ronald Moe "An independent
social security Administration: Thoughts on its creation"
- Book "Report to the President:
President's Council on Aging"
- Book "Hearing before the Subcommittee
on Fiscal Policy of the Joint Economic Committee Congress
of the United States" 1968"
Box MR-28
- Black 3-Ring Binder "Program
Planning Branch Work Plans for 1961 and 1962
- Gold 3-Ring Binder "Flemming
Papers" 1993
- Brown Folder "6/90 Modernization
Project 6/90 Experts"
- Blue 3-Ring Binder "Flemming"92
- Black 3-Ring Binder "Modernize
- Blue 3-Ring Binder "Flemming
Apr-Aug 1992) 1) Historical Arguments;2)Comments;3) Another
Financial Idea Idea;3)Comments on Draft
- White 3-Ring Binder "Dr Flemming
1993"1)Accounting;2)Tax Bends;3)Surtax;
- Papers "Statement by the Honorable
Stanley S. Surrey Assistant Secretary on the Treasury before
The President's Commission on Income Maintenance Programs
Pan American Room Pan American Room, Statler-Hilton Hotel"
- Book "Characteristics of General
Assistance in the United States" 1971
Box MR-29
- Papers "Committee on ways and
Means U.S. House Of Representatives" 1972
- Book "Actuarial Cost Estimates
for the Old-age, Survivors, Disability, and Hospital Insurance
System as Modified by the Social Security Provisions of
Public Law 92-336" 1972
- Actuarial Cost Estimates For The Old-Age,
Survivors, and Disability Insurance System as Modified by
Amendments to the Social Security Act in 1956"
- Big Brown Folder/Box 1)Bellmon;2)
Rep Payer 11/90; 3)Temp. Institutionalize 1991; 4) Non Blind
7/18/91;5) Bellmon 1982
- Book "Social Security Amendments
of 1983 Legislative History and Summary of Provisions"
- Book "Social Security Bulletin"
- Book "Social Security Bulletin"
- Black 3-Ring Binder "Advisory
Committee Reports 1938-53-59-60 Annual Report" 1) Advisory
Committee Reports; 2) Annual Reports
- Project "New Developments in
Retirement Research"1999
- Blue 3-Ring Binder "Word Perfect
Word Processing Release 5.1" 1)Changes; 2) Print; 3)Tabs
etc; 4) Format; 5)Stored text
- Project by Woytinsky "Economic
Perspectives, 1942-46"
- Papers by Woytinsky "Postwar
Economic Perspectives" 1945
- Papers by Woytinsky "Perspectives
on the Reconversion" 1945
Box MR-30
- Book "U.S. Laws, Statutes, etc.
Compilation of the Social Security Laws" 1958
- Book "Compilation of the Social
Security Laws" 62
- Book "Compilation of the Juvenile
Justice and Delinquency Prevention act of 1974 and Related
Provisions of law as amended through December 31, 1989 prepared
for the subcommittee on human resources of the Committee
on Education and labor of the U.S House of Representatives"
- Book "Compilation of the Older
Americans Act of 1965" 89
- Book "Compilation of selected
Indian legislation" 91
- Book " Standing rules of the
Senate" 86
- Book "Standing rules of the Senate"
- Book "Standing rules of the Senate"83
- Book "Immigration and Nationality
Act" 92
- Books "Compilation of the Social
Security Laws" 93 Volume I + II
- Books "Compilation of the Social
Security Laws" Volume I + II 1991
- Books "Compilation of the Social
Security Laws" Volume I + II 1995
- Book "Social Security Handbook"
- Book "Compilation of Selected
Acts within the Jurisdiction of the Committee on Energy
and Commerce" 91
- Book "State Veterans Laws"
- Book "The Social Security Act
and Related Laws" 1982
- Book "Compilation of the Social
Security Laws" 1984
- Books "Compilation of the Social
Security Laws" 86 Volume I + III
- Books "Compilation of the Social
Security Laws" 87 Volumes I - II
- Books " Compilation of the Social
Security Laws' 89 Volumes I-II
Box MR-31
- Blue 3-Ring Binder "NASI 1/28/93";
- Envelope "Social Insurance issues
for the Nineties" 91
- Envelope "Security for America's
- Papers "Conference Comparison
of Spending Reconciliation Provisions" 1980
- Papers "6th annual Conference
FEDS, States and Social Policy: Redesigning roles, Rules,
and Responsibilities" 94
- Folder "NASI cof. 95"
- White 3-Ring Binder "Disability
challenges for Social Insurance Health Care Financing and
Labor Market Policy" 96
- Book "Constitutional Amendments
to Balance the Budget; Hearings before the Committee on
the Budget United States Senate" 92
- Book "Fiscal Year 1991 Finance
Committee Report Under the Congressional Budget Act"
- Book "Fiscal Year 1984 Finance
Committee Report Under the Congressional Budget Act"
- Book "Fiscal Year 1988 Finance
Committee Report under the Congressional Budget Act"
- Book "Fiscal Year 1987 Finance
Committee Report under the Congressional Budget Act"
- Book "Hearing before the Committee
on the Budget United States Senate" 91
- Book "Mid Session Review of the
Budget" 92
- Book "Hearings before the Committee
on the Budget United States Senate"1991
- Book "Hearing before the Committee
on the Budget House of representatives" 1989
- Book "Toward A Balanced Budget:
Report Pursuant to Public Law 96-5" 1979
- Book "The Proposed Fiscal 1977
Budget: What it means for older Americans" 1976
- Book "The Proposed Fiscal 1975
Budget: What it means for older Americans" 1974
- Book "Initial Sequestration Report
for Fiscal Year 1988"
- Book "Hearing before the Committee
on the Budget House of Representatives" 1989
Box MR-32
- Report "U.S. Board of trustees of the Federal old-age
and survivors insurance trust fund" 1941
- Report "U.S. Board of Trustees of the Federal Old-Age
and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund" 1941
- Report by Robert Myers "Actuarial Cost estimates
and Summary of Provisions of the Old-Age, survivors, and
Disability Insurance System as Modified by the Social Security
Amendments of 1958"
- Report by Robert Myers "Actuarial cost estimates
for the old age and survivors Insurance system as Modified
by H.R. 6000 as passed by the House of representatives and
the Senate" 1950
- Report by Robert Myers "Actuarial cost estimates
for the old-age and survivors insurance system as modified
by H.R. 7225" 1956
- Report by Robert Myers "Actuarial cost estimates
for the old-age and survivors insurance system as modified
by the Social Security Act Amendments of 1950"
- Report by Robert Myers "Actuarial Cost estimates
for the old-age, survivors, and disability insurance system
as Modified by Amendments to the Social Security Act in
- Report by Robert Myers "Actuarial Cost estimates
for the old-age, survivors, and disability insurance system
as Modified by Amendments to the Social Security Act in
Amendments of 1952"
- Report by Robert Myers "Summary of Principal changes
in the old-age and Survivors insurance system under H.R.
6000" 1950
- Report by Robert Myers "Actuarial Cost Estimates
for the Old Age and Survivors Insurance System as Modified
by H.R. 7225, as passed by the House of Representatives
and as Passed by the Senate" 1956
- Black 3-Ring binder "Decoupling Work-Sheets 1970-73
+ Draft paper"
- File "1972-73 Issue Paper Drafts"
- Black 3-Ring Binder "Domestic Council Briefing 9/5/75"
1) Chart Presentation; 2) Decoupling Overview; 3) Specific
Decoupling Issues
- Black 3-Ring Binder "Decouple 1970-72 Planning "Issue
- File "Cobra 1985"
- Book "Description of Provisions of H.R. 5300 as Passed
by the House and the Senate" 1986
- Book "Miscellaneous Revenue Act of 1988: Report of
the Committee on ways and Means House of Representatives"
- Book "Omnibus Budget Reconciliation act of 1990"
- Book "Omnibus Budget Reconciliation act of 1989"
- Book "Providing for Reconciliation Pursuant to section
2 of the concurrent Resolution on the budget for Fiscal
Year 1987"
- Book "Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1986:
Report of the Committee on the Budget House of representatives"
- Book "Technical and Miscellaneous revenue Act of
1988" Volume 1-2 1988
- Book "Public Law 99-514-Oct. 22, 1986"
Box MR-33
- Black 3-Ring Binder "Legislative History" 1976-1984"
- Black 3-Ring Binder "Legislative History Bull Arts
1977-1984" 1)SSA Fact Sheet
- Black 3-Ring Binder "A Program for the Development
of Old Age and Survivors Insurance Vol. I" 1) Extensions
of coverage of program; 2) Self-Employed Groups; 3) Federal
Civilian Employers; 4) Employees of Non-Profit Organization
- Black 3-Ring Binder "A Program for the Development
of Old Age and Survivors Insurance Vol. II" 1) Extension
of Protection; 2) Disability Benefits; 3) Administration
of Disability Benefits; 4) Modification of Present Program;
5) Definition of Insure Status; 6) Time Factors Affecting
Eligibility; 7) Age Requirements for Women; 8) Deduction
From Benefits; 9) Other Factors Affecting Continuity; 10)
Definition of "Wages"; 11) Average Monthly; 12)
Benefit Formula; 13) Minimum Benefit; 14) Parents' Benefits;
15) Marriage and Family Relationship; 16) Dependency; 17)
Lump-Sum Benefits; 18) Administrative Problems; 19) Trust
Fund Operations;
- Black 3-Ring Binder "Jan-Mar 1976 Decoupling Memoranda"
1)Memo to Treasury
- Black 3-Ring Binder "Dec 1975 Decoupling Memoranda"
- File "Late 1971 Early 1972 Sen Long Tax Relief"
- Black 3-Ring Binder "Decoupling Legislative Activity
1976" 1) Letter; 2) Legislative; 3) Hearings; 4) Various
Write ups; 5) Steiger Interests; 6) Archer Interests; 7)
Questions & Answers
- Black 3-Ring Binder "Hearing Before the Subcommittee
on Social Security Committee on Ways and Means House of
Representatives on Retirement Earnings Test September 29,
1988. 1) Letter of Invitation and Testimony; 2) List of
Witnesses; 3)Background Material; 4) Subcommittee Member
Interests; 5) Summary of the CBO Report on the RET;
- Red Folder "RET" 1) RET 79 CAGAN Dianures; 2)
Armstrong/Admin Ret 1988; 3) Retirement test 1970;
- Folder "RET Monthly Measure 1980"
- File "Black Lung-History/Gen" 1986
- File "CSRS" 1980
- Red Folder "RR Oct. 1991 W+M"
- Red Folder "1992 Unemployment Bill H.R. 5260"
- File "Read 1974"
Box MR-36
- Blue 3-Ring Binder "Hearing before the Subcommittee
on retirement Income and Employment House Select Committee
on Aging on Protection of Women Under Social Security October
3, 1990" 1) Letter of Invitation & Testimony; 2)
List of Witnesses; 3) Committee Membership; 4) History of
Women's Issues; 5) Task Force Options; 6) Description of
Options; 7) Cost Table; 8) Program Data; 9) Questions and
Answers; 10) Letter of Invitation and Testimony; 11) List
of Witnesses; 12) Subcommittee Membership and Interest;
13) History of Women's Issues; 14) Cost of Proposals; Program
Data; 15) Questions and Answers;
- Black 3-Ring Binder "Background Material for Task
Force on Social Security and Women Select Committee on aging
U.S. House of Representatives September 22, 1983" 1)
Task Force Membership and Interests; 2) OAKAR Bill to improve
Benefit Adequacy; 3) OAKAR Earnings Sharing Bills; 4) History
and Background of Women's equity issues; 5) Questions and
Answers; 6) Background Data; 7) Letter of Invitation; 8)Earning
Sharing Implementation Study; 9) Question and Answers; 10)
Background Data;
- Blue 3-Ring Binder "Pending Legislation 8/4/89"
- Blue 3-Ring Binder "Fiscal Year (FY) 1990 and 1991
Administration's Legislation Packages 8/89" 1) Overview;
2) Fiscal Year 1991 Legislation Approved by the Secretary;
3) Fiscal Year 1990 Legislation; 4) Other Fiscal Year 1990/91
Proposals; 5) Budget Impact;
- Black 3-Ring Binder "Background Book for Secretary
Weinberger's Testimony before the Joint Economic Committee
July 30, 1973" 1) Unequal Treatment of Men and Women;
2) Working Women under Social Security; 3) Other Areas;
4) Private Pensions; 5) Information on the Status of Women
in SSA; 6) General Program Statistics;
- Blue 3-Ring Binder "Hearing before the Subcommittee
on Social Security Ways and Means Committee House of Representatives
on FY 1991 Budget Proposals, March 20, 1990" 1) W+M
Statement; 2) HHS Budget; 3) Trust Fund Impact;
- Black 3-Ring Binder "Back Ground Book FY 1992 Appropriates
Box MR-37
- Papers "Disability Determination Services Medical
Evidence Development best Practices and Improvement options"
- File "Internal Operations" 1989
- File "1988 X Program Resource"
- File "SSI Mental Patient 1988"
- Blue 3-Ring Binder "Legislative Program for FY 1992-Action"
1) New Proposals; 2) Changes Proposed by Components;
- Blue 3-Ring Binder "Briefing on Fiscal Year (FY)
1992 Legislative Planning; January 10, 1990" 1) Fiscal
Year 1992; 2) Fiscal Year 1991; 3) Additional Background;
- Green Folder by Nancy Gordon "Treatment of Women
in the Public Pension System of five countries: summary
and conclusion*"
- Red Folder 1) Women Fall 1977; 2) Homemakers; 3) Combined
Earnings; 4) 1972 Bill Kelley- Dr. Bell; 5) Women earning
- Red Folder "Women 92-93"
- Red Folder "Women 68-72"
- Blue 3-Ring Binder "Legislative Bulletins 100th/101
Congress" 90
- Blue 3-Ring Binder "Legislative Bulletins 1993"
- Black 3-Ring Binder "Social Security History"1935-83
- Red 3-Ring Binder "Progress of Funds 91-93"
- Blue 3-Ring Binder "Progress of Funds 79-90"
- Black 3-Ring Binder "Studies SSN/Cards"
- Blue 3-Ring Binder From the July 6-7 1979 Meeting
- Blue 3-Ring Binder From the May 31, 1979 Meeting
- Blue 3-Ring Binder From the Aug. 1 1979 Meeting
- Folder "Rough Draft of Social Security Report from1979"
- Black 3-Ring Binder "Feb 1972 HRI HEALTH"
- File "VITA 1994"
- Black 3-Ring Binder "Legislative Reports 1989-1990"
- Papers "Legislative Paper: OMNBUS Budget Reconciliation
Act of 1987 Number 1-3"
- Book "Reducing the Deficit: Spending and Revenue
Options" 1997
- Papers "Communication From The Board of Trustees,
Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance and Disability insurance
Trust Funds" 1998
- Book " Implementing GAO's Recommendations On The
Social Security Administrations on the social security Administration's
Programs could save Billions" 1980
- Book "Social Security: the trust fund reserve Accumulation,
the economy, and the Federal Budget" 1989
- Book "By the Comptroller General Report to the Congress
of the United States: Noncontributory Social Security Wage
Credits for the Military Service Should be eliminated"
- Book "Evaluations of the War on Poverty" 1974
- Book "Social Security Administration: Stable Leadership
and Better Management Needed to Improve Effectiveness"
- Book "Social Security: Quality of Services Generally
Rated High by Clients Sampled" 1986
- Book "ADP Acquisitions: SSA should Limit ADP Procurements
Until Further Testing is Performed" 1986
- Book "Software Systems: SSA Encountering Significant
Delays in Its Claims Modernization Project" 1986
- Book "Privacy Act: Federal Agencies' Implementation
Can be Improved" 1986
- Book "Social Security: Past Projections and Future
Financing Concerns" 1986
- Book "Social Security: Improved Telephone Accessibility
Would better serve the public" 1986
- Book "Access to Health insurance: States Attempt
to Correct Problems in Small Business Health Insurance Market"
- Book "Employee Benefits: Companies' Retiree Health
Liabilities Large, Advance Funding Costly" 1989
- Book "Health Reports" 1992
- Book "Health Insurance: Cost Increases Lead to Coverage
Limitations and Cost Shifting" 1990
- Book "Health Maintenance Organization Rate-Setting
Issues" 1989
- Book "Medicare: Reasonableness of Health Maintenance
Organization Payments not Assured" 1989
- Book "Long-Term Care Insurance: State Regulatory
Requirements Provide Inconsistent Consumer Protection"
- Book "Private Pensions: Spousal Consent Forms Hard
to Read and Lack Important Information" 1989
- Book "Pensions Plans: Survivor Benefits Coverage
for Wives Increased After 1984 Pension Law" 1992
- Copy "Federal Buildings: Many are Threatened by Earthquakes,
but Limited Action has been taken" 1992
- Copy "Social Security: Racial Difference in Disability
Decisions" 1992
- Book "Communication from the board of trustees, federal
old age and survivors insurance and disability insurance
trust funds" 1997
- Book "Communication 0940 from the board of trustees,
federal hospital insurance trust fund" 1985
- Book "Communication 0943 from the Board of Trustees,
Federal Supplementary Medical Insurance Trust Fund"
- Book "Communication from the Board of Trustees, Federal
Supplementary Medical Insurance trust Fund" 1982
- Book "Communication from the Board of Trustees Federal
Hospital Insurance Trust Fund" 1981
- Book "Revenue Act of 1978: Report of the Committee
on Finance United States Senate together with Additional
and Supplemental Views on H.R. 13511" 1978
- Book "Summary of the President's 1978 tax Reduction
and Reform Proposals"
- Book "Public Law 94-455 94th Congress Tax Reform
Act of 1976"
- Book "Proposals for Tax Change: Department of the
Treasury" 1973
- Book "Communication from The Board of Trustees, Federal
Old-Age and Survivors Insurance and Disability Insurance
Funds" 1978
- Books "Communication from the Board of Trustees Federal
Old-Age and Survivors Insurance and Disability Insurance
Funds" 1979-83
- Books "Hearing before the Joint Economic Committee
congress of the United States" 1972
- Book "Tax Reform Act of 1969 (Conference)"
- Book "Foreign investors tax act on 1966; Presidential
Election Campaign Fund Act; and other Amendments: Report
of the Committee on Finance United States Senate" 1966
- Book "Communication from the Board of trustees of
the Federal old-age and Survivors insurance and Disability
Insurance Trust Fund" 1992
- Booklet "Status of the Social Security and Medicare
Programs" 1992
- Book "Communication from the Board of Trustees of
the Federal Supplementary Medical Insurance trust funds"
- Books "Communication from the Board of Trustees of
the Federal Hospital Insurance Trust Fund" 1992-94
- Book "Letter from Board of Trustees Federal Old-age
and Survivors Insurance and Disability Insurance Trust Funds"
- Book "Communication from The board of Trustees, the
Federal Old-Age and Survivors insurance and Disability Insurance
Trust Funds" 1990
- Books "Communication from the Board of Trustees"
- Books "Communication from the Board of Trustees,
the Federal Old-Age and Survivors insurance and Disability
insurance and Disability insurance trust funds" 1984-1987
- Books "Letter From Board of Trustees Federal Supplementary
Medical Insurance Trust Fund" 1962-67+1972-1974
- Book "Communication from the Board of Trustees, Federal
Old-Age and Survivors Insurance and Disability Insurance
Trust Fund" 1991
- Report "U.S. Board of trustees of the Federal old-age
and survivors insurance and disability insurance trust funds"
- Report "U.S. Board of Trustees of the Federal old-age
and Survivors Insurance trust Fund" 1958/59
- Report "U.S. Board of Trustees of the Federal old-age
and Survivors Insurance trust Fund" 1957/58
- Report "U.S. Board of Trustees of the Federal old-age
and Survivors Insurance trust Fund" 1954-8
- Reports "U.S. Board of trustees of the Federal old-age
and Survivors Insurance trust Fund" 1942-53
Box MR-41
- File "Notch Commission Membership" 1993
- Red Folder "NOTCH" 1) Notch Commission; 2) ACAD
NOTCH 88; 3) CRS NOTCH; 4) NOTCH SSA PUB; 5) GAO report;
- Red Folder "NOTCH" 1) 1978-9 NOTCH-RMB; 2) Myers
NOTCH 79-82; 3) Notch RTM thru 1981;
- File "NOTCH Issues" 1992
- File "NOTCH 1991"
- File "NOTCH 1989"
- File "NOTCH 1988"
- File "NOTCH Testimony 1988-89"
- File "NOTCH 1987"
- File "A/ME Averaging" 1979
- File "Early NOTCH" 1977
- File "NOTCH" 1983
- File "NOTCH" 1985
- File "NOTCH" 1986
- Red Folder 1) Key versions; 2) Tables; 3) DI Current (1991);
- File "Social Act Amendments of 1954: A Summary and
Legislative History"
- Red Folder "DI Data" 1) DI Costs; 2) DI Problems;
- Red Folder "ZEBLEY" 1991
- Red Folder "DI" 1) DI Recent Misc; 2) DI GAO;
3) Aids; 1989-92
- Red Folder "DI " 1992-1993
- Red Folder "DI" 1) Disability Advisory Council;
2) Disability Initiative Late Jan 1989 + SGA"
- File "Wage Certification Issues" 1993
- File "Certification of Wages" 1991
- File "A Review of the Social Security Administration
Social Security Number Issuance System" 1981
- File "FOIA Reports 1990"
- File "Cash Management Act of 1993"
- File "1987-88 Policy Book"
- File "PEBES" 1993
- File "Sale Surviving DAC" 1989
- File "DAC/SSI Marriage 1987"
- File "Conclusion of the Simultaneous Entitlement
Workgroup Information 1994"
- Red Folder "Student Benefits 1977"
- File "Remarried Widows with kids" 1985
- File "Fishing Received by Indians" 1988
- File "Misc. Income Etc" 1987
- File "House Veto" 1990
- File "Aliens (SS) 1985"
- File "TROTCNFD" 1985
- File "Cyclical Mail 1994"
- File "Staffing" 1985
- File "One Stop" 1991-92
- File "Services 1969-72"
- Red File "Black Lung 1993-4" 1) Federal Coal
Mine Health and Safety act of 1969; 2) Black Lung Misc.
- File "RR 1974-and Earlier"
- File "RR Misc. Props 1993"
- File "RR-1988"
- File "CVQ + Misc. Props: RR 80-81"
- File "RR CVQ Props" 1984-1986
- File "RR FY 86 CDRIS"
- File "Rail Road 1982-83"
- Book "H.R. 9346" 1977
- Book "S.1 Report No. 98-23" 1983
- Book "H.R. 13: In the House of Representatives"
- Papers "Social Security Act Amendments of 1983"
- Book "Report of the Committee on ways and Means House
of Representatives" 1977
- Book "Hearings before the Subcommittee on the Social
Security of the Committee on ways and means House of Representatives"
- Book "Hearings before the Subcommittee on Social
Security of the Committee on Ways and Means House of Representatives
hearing on H.R. 14430"
- Book " H.R. 1900: In the Senate of the United States"
- Book "H.R. 8218" 1977
- Book "H.R. 14430" 1976
- Book "Proposals for Reductions in Spending Programs
Under the Jurisdiction of the Senate Finance Committee"
- Book "Report of the Committee on ways and means U.S.
House of Representatives on H.R. 1900" 1983
- Book "The Social Security Act and Related Laws April
1978 edition"
- Book "Report of the Committee on ways and means U.S.
House of Representatives on H.R. 4242" 1981
- Books "Omnibus Budget Reconciliation act of 1981"
Book 1-2
- Book "Hearings before the Subcommittee on Social
Security of the Committee on Ways and Means House of Representatives"
- Book "Omnibus Budget Reconciliation act of 1986:
Report of the Committee on the Budget House of Representatives
to accompany H.R. 5300"
- Books "Technical and Miscellaneous Revenue Act of
1988" Volumes I-II
- Book "Social Security Amendments of 1977: Report
of the Committee on Finance U.S. Senate on H.R. 5322"
- Booklet "Communication from the President of the
United States" 1992
- Booklet "A report of Subcommittee NO. 5 to the Select
Committee on Small Business House of Representatives"
- Booklet "Report of the Committee on Government Operations
United States Senate" 1969
- Book "Food, Agriculture, conservation, and trade
act Amendments of 1991"
- Book "Hearing before the subcommittee on administrative
law and governmental relations of the committee on the Judiciary
House of representatives" 1991
- Book "Executive Handbook of Selected Data" 1990
- Book "Executive Handbook of Selected Data" 1989
- Book "Social Security Handbook 1993"
- Book "Public Law 94-455 94th Congress: Tax Reform
Act of 1976"
- Book "Hearings before the Subcommittee on Social
Security of the Committee on ways and means House of Representatives"
- Book "H.R. 13 1993"
- Book "Foster Care and Income Security Provisions
of H.R. 11 as passed by the House and Senate" 1992
- Book "H.R. 2141" 1993
- Book "H.R. 2264" 1993
- Book "Congressional Record 1992"
- Book "H.R. 11" 1991
- Books "H.R. 11 as reported in the Senate" Parts
- Book "H.R. 5835" 1990
- Book "H.R. 5828" 1990
- Book "H.R. 4210" 1986
- Book "Veto of H.R. 4210: Message from The President
of the United States"
- Book "Technical Explanation of the Senate Finance
Committee Amendment to H.R. 4210 With Minority views"
- Book "S.3209" 1990
- File "SSA Pensions 90-92"
- Red Folder "Hudson RPI" 1991
- File "General Articles: PRI. Pen" 1982
- File "ERISA" 1979-80
- Book "Proceedings Conference on Future Income and
Health Care Needs and Resources for the Aged" 1993
- File "PRI. Pensions" 1970
- File "OBRA' go Pensions" 1990
- File "BAC. /Regulation etc" 1992
- File "GAO Pens" 1992
- Red Folder "Pensions Hearings" 1) Oct 1993 ret.
Protection Act; 2) PBGC; 3) 1992 Oversight Pickle Under
funded Plans; 5) Hughes;
- File "H.R. 2782" 1992
- File "Exec Life-energy + commerce hearing" 1992
- File "Clips 1991"
- File "Pensions etc" 1993
- File "FAS 106" 1991
- File "LTV" 1992
- File "Preservation-Pensions " 1991-1992
- Books "Social Security: Bulletin" 1962-74
- Books "Compilation of the Social Security Laws"
1981 Volume I-II
- Book "The Social Security act and Related Laws"
- Books " The Social Security act and Related Laws"
- Book "Compilation of the Social Security Laws"
1973-Volume I
- Books "Compilation of the Social Security Laws"
1968 Volume I-II
- Book "Laws Relating to Social Security and Unemployment
Compensation" 1967
- Book "Compilation of the Social Security Laws"
Volume I 1965
- Book "Compilation of the Social Security Laws"
- Book "Laws Relating to Social Security and Unemployment
Compensation" 1964
- Book by Sir William Beveridge "Social Insurance and
Allied Services " 1942
- Book "Fifth annual Report of the Social Security
Board" 1940
- Book "6th Annual Report/ Social Security Board 1941"
- Book "Gramm Rudman Hollings Budget Materials"
- Black 3-Ring Binder " Robert M. Ball 1965-1973"
- Black 3-Ring Binder "WJC" 1980
- File "RMB book" 1977
- File "RMB 1965-1968 and 1971-1973"
- File "RMB 1976"
- File "RMB 75-77"
- File "RMB 1978"
- File "RMB 1979"
- File "RMB Decouple" 1977
- File "RMB 1993"
- File "Ball/Myers" 1979
- File "RMB Misc. 1980's"
- File "RJM"1979
- File "RJM" 1986
- Red File Folder "Robert Myers" 1977
- Red File Folder "Cohen Wilbur" 1968
- Books "Social Security Amendments of 1977" Volumes
- Books "Social Security Amendments of 1980" Volumes
- Book "Amendments to the Social Security Act 1981"
- Book "Social Security Reform: Information on the
Archer-Shaw Proposals" 2000
- Book "Concurrent resolution on the budget for Fiscal
Year 1998"
- Papers "Social Security: Actuarial Projections of
the Trust Funds"
- Papers "Social Security Reform: Evaluation of the
Gramm Proposal"
- Book "Individual Social Security Accounts: Issues
in Assessing Administrative Feasibility and Costs"
- Books "Social Security Bulletin: Annual Statistical
Supplement" 1975-1996
- Black 3-Ring Binder "Comic Cuts"
- Black 3-Ring Binder "OASDI" 1985-1989
- Green 3-Ring Binder "CY 1981-1983"
- Blue 3-Ring Binder "Planning Agenda December 1976"
- Black 3-Ring Binder "Statistical 1969"1) General
Statistics; 2) Poverty Figures; 3) Benefits Amounts &
CPI; 4) Contribution and Benefits Base; 5) Financing; 6)
Cost Estimates; 7) Insured Status Requirements; 8) Hospital
Insurance; 9) Trust Fund Operations; 10) Miscellaneous;
- Red Folder "Admin. Bills 79-82"
- Book by Herbert Stein & Murray Foss "The New
Illustrated Guide to the American Economy"
- Report "Compilation of the social Security Laws."
- Book "Compilation of the Social Security Laws"
- Book "Compilation of the Social Security Laws"
- Book "Social Security act and related laws November
1980 Edition"
- Book "Committee on ways and means U.S. house of Representatives"
- Book "Committee on ways and Means U.S. House of Representatives"
- Red Folder "A/C Chronology 1991"
- Red Folder "A/C Chronology later 1991 part I"
- Red Folder "A/C Chronology later 1991 part II"
- File Holder 1) SS Network 1999; 2) Spam 1999; 3) Erols
1999; 4) Email 1999
Box MR-53
- File "Protecting the most vulnerable: A proposals
to Improve Social Security Insurance for Older Women"
- File "Bing Chen" 1981
- File "The Robert M. Ball Lectures" 1978
- File "Obits" 1986
- File "Carolyn Shaw Bell" 1993
- File "Moynihan" 1990
- File "John Snee" 1978
- File "Munnell" 1976
- File "Society Security: Prospect for Change"
- File "Henry Aaron" 1982
- File "Diamond Paper"1978
- File "Stan Ross" 1987
- File "Heckler" 1983
- File "Finch"1969
- File "Discussion of Pechman-Aaron-Taussig Report"
March 1970
- File "Carolyn Weaver" 1989
- File "Tom, Joe / SSI" 1994
- File "Bernstein" 1973
- File "LMT" 1983
- File "Weinberger, Caspar" 1974
- File "Peterson" 1984
- File "Vanik" 1971
- File "Rick Foster" 1987
- File "Other Boskin"1986
- Red File "Calvert" 1973
- File "Hardy 2000"
- File "Hardy 1987"
- File "Nancy Teeters" 1971-73
Box MR-54
- File "RET 1993
- Folder "Federal Employees Retirements System "FERS"
- File "TSP 1994"
- Folder " Fall Preretirement Seminars-Action 1986"
- Book "Summary of the Thrift Savings Plan for Federal
Employees" 1990
- Book " A Guider to Federal Retirement"
- Book "Thrift Saving Plan for Federal Employees"
- Book "FERS: Transfer Handbook" 1987
- Book "Summary of the Thrift Savings Plan for Federal
Employees" 1995
- Papers "Summary of the Post Employment Restrictions
of the Ethics in Government Act of 1978 and Important Interpretation
in the Regulations"
- Book "Your Retirement System" 1959
- File "Oklahoma City" 1995
- File "District Office--Oklahoma City, OK."
- Book "Report of the Commission on Medical Care Plans"
- File "Medical Assistance "(Medicaid) Financed
Under Title XIX of the Social Security Act, 1974-Monthly
- File "Administration Bills: NONSSA" 1985
- File "Employment of Adults with Disabilities "
- Papers "Publications For the Clinton Library"
- Folder "Social Security" 2000
- File "OKC Bombing" 1995
- File "TF's + Budget GAO RPTS 1988"
Box MR-55
- File "RMB Conclusion Session" 1996
- Papers "Comparison of Financial Effects for Advisory
Council Plans to Modify the OASDI Program-Informaion"
- File "November 14-Bing" 1996
- File "RMB Supplement 1996"
- File "Draft ACRPT" 1996
- Papers "Social Security for the 21st Century"
- File "RMB AC RPT" 1996
- File "1994-5 Advisory Council on Social Security
Technical Panel on trends and issues in retirement saving"
- File "Advisory Council" 1996
- File "A/C 7/2 Draft"1996
- Folder "Alternative Advisory Council Solvency Plans"
- Folder "Social Security: Analysis of a Proposal to
Private Trust Fund Reserves" 1990
- File "RMBAC" 1996
- File "Robert Ball Plan 1996"
- File "Recommendation Regarding the overall System"1995
- File "A/C Fall 95"
- File "A/C Testimony" 1996
- Folder "AC: Fall 1994"
- File "Minutes" 1994
- Papers "Child rearing Practices Among Low Income
Families in the District of Colombia" 1964
- Red Folder "Junior Village Project" 1954
- File "Congressional Monitor" 1992
- File "102nd Congress 1991-2"
- File "1992 Jan-July 2nd Congressional Monitor"
- File "1992 July 9th - Sept 30 Congressional Monitor"
- Red Folder "Independent Agency" 1) Independent
agency1985; 2)Agency 84-ealier; 3) Agency McSlean;
- Red Folder "Independent Agency 1985-6" 1)Agency
- Red Folder "Hardy 1989" 1) Hardy 1989;
- Red Folder "Agency King Strategy etc.1989"
- Red Folder "Independent Agency 1992-94"
- Red Folder "Agency others views" 1) Agency GAO
1989; 2) CRS Agency ABA Palemo;
- White Folder "The New Century Alliance for Social
Security" December 3, 1998
- File "W + M Saving Social Security 11/19/98"
- File "Wash enviroment S.S Reform U.S.A." 1997
- Files "DRM Form 1-4" 1998
- File "SCIS" 1998
- File "RP (CSIS) Reform Plan" 1998
- File "Social Security Goals" 1998
- File "2nd Security Budget Contributions"1998
- File "Senate Budget Administration" 1998
- File "GAO Conference" 1997
- File "Senate Security Substitution" 1997
- File "Senate Agency Future of Social Security"
- File "Meuller Papers" 1997
- File "Pinero 1997"
- File "W + M 4/1/98 Archer Panel MR 3446"
- File "Grassley P-Tize" 1998
- Files "Future of SS Ret age1998" files 3,4,5,6,8,9,10,11
- Folder "Misc. Legislation" 1) Debt Ceil. 1985;
2) Black Lung 1969; 3) SSI PL 93 8/7/74; 4) Legislation
1980; 5) Legislation to confirm to New Fiscal Year 1976"
- Red Folder "OBRA 1987"
- Red Folder "P.L. 96-403, 1980 Reconciliation Bill"
- Report "Report of Ad Hoc Committee on Public Welfare
to The Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare"
- Books "Social Security Bulletin: 1966-69"
- Book "Public Welfare" 1960
- File "1993 Chronicle 2nd half"
- Folder "Subcommittee on Human Resources" 1993
- File "CMRON 1993"
- Folder 3-Ring "CWR Handbook of Instructions"
- Project "Federal Old-Age Survivors Insurance Benefits"
- Booklet "Why Social Security" 1934
- Booklet "Selected Government Programs which aid the
Economic Report" 1949
- Book "Examples of Wartime Planning for Social Security"
- Book "Conferences' Decisions on Social Security Act
Amendments of 1950"
- Project "Trends in Social Security in the United
States" 1946
- Book "The Retirement test under Old-Age and Survivors
Insurance" 1962
- Booklet "Letter from Chairman U.S. Civil Service
Commission" 1962
- Project "Statement giving reasons why certain groups
were excluded from Social Security Act" 1985
- Project "Fact Sheet Issued in Connection with Legislative
Proposals of 1956"
- Certificate of Appreciation presented to Mary Ross October
23, 1992
- Picture of Mary Ross receiving the Certificate of Appreciation
- Plaque "Commissioner's Citation to Mary Ross"
- Red Folder "W + M Service to Public" 1991-1992
- File "W + M Binders 5/2/91 + 3/5/93" 1)Wise
Memo; 2)Attorney Fees; 3)Rep Payee; 4) CDRs; 5) Zebley;
- File " DI-1984" 1) House 1984; 2) Conference
1984; 3) Fund Law; 4) Conf RPT Passage;
- File "Technical 1984"
- Red Folder "DI Legislation 1983-84" 1) Senate
1983; 2)House 1983
- Red Folder "5700 Sept 1982"
- File " Disability Legislation" 1984
- Red Folder "H.R. 7093" 1982
- Red Folder "DI Legislation History" 1979-80
- Red Folder "Disability Insurance Benefits-Action"
- Red Folder "3236 Conference" 1980
- Papers "Food ST 9/90"
- File "Jacobs 1990"
- File "SFC King 1990"
- Book" Summary of Social Sucerity Amendments of 1972"
- Book "Committee on ways and means U.S House of Representatives:
The President's Proposals for Welfare Reform and Social
Security Amendments 1969"
- Book "Social Security Amendments of 1972: Report
of the Committee on Finance United States Senate"
- Book "Summary of the Principal Provisions of H.R.
1 as Determined by the Committee on Finance" 1972
- Book "Social Security Act as Amended by H.R. 1"
- Book "Report of the Committee on Ways and Means on
- Book "H.R. 6675" 1965
- Book "Supplement Report together with Individual
views of the Committee on Finance on H.R. 11865" 1964
- Book "House Version of 1961 Amendments"
- Book "1961 Amendments Finance Hearings + Report"
- Book "1961 Amendments"
- Book "1961 Amendments Ways and Means Hearings + Report"
- Book "Report of the Committee on ways and Means on
H.R. 17550
- Book "Hearings before the Committee on Finance United
States Senate on H.R.17550" 1970
- Book "Hearings before the Committee on Finance United
States Senate on H.R 12080" 1967
- Black 3-Ring Binder "Social Security Cash Benefits:
Committee on Ways and Means Subcommittee on Social Security
Public Hearing" 1976
Box MR-63
- Booklet "Staff Data and Materials on Financing Proposals:
Prepared by the Staff for use of the Committee on Finance
United States Senate " 1977
- Papers "Long-Term Financing of the Social Security
Trust Funds" 1977
- Booklet " The Social Security Amendments of 1977
Public Law 216, 95th Congress"
- Booklet "Administration Decoupling Proposal"
- Folder "H.R. 5322" 1977
- Book "Service for People" 1968
- Booklet "Long-Term Financing of the Social Security
Trust Funds" 1977
- Booklet "Social Security Benefits (OASDI)-Existing
Law and Proposals in 95th Congress" 1977
- Booklet "Examples of Methods of Increasing Income
Into the Social Security Trust Funds" 1975
- Book "1997 Amendment Summary"
- Book "Composite of Title II of the Social Security
Act, as amended by P.L. 95-216, "Social Security Amendments
of 1977"
- Report "Report of The Hew Task Force on the Treatment
of Women Under Social Security" 1978
- Book "Reducing Social Security Contributions for
Low-income Workers: Issues and Analysis" 1973
- Book "Reducing Social Security Contributions for
Income Workers: Issues and Analysis" 1975
- Book "Report of the Task force on Social Insurance
and Taxes" 1968
- Report "Report on Earning Sharing Implementation
Study: Subcommittee on Social Security of the Committee
on Ways and Meanings U.S. House of Representatives"
- Book "Social Security in the U.S.A a discussion guide
to Social Insurance with Lesson Plans" 1989
- Papers by Reinhard Hohaus "Addresses, Papers, and
- Book "What should be the role of the Federal Government
in Extending Public Assistance to all Americans Living Policy"
- Book "Report of the Task Force on Medicaid and Related
Programs" 1970
- Book "What is going on in HEW? The HEW Forum Papers"
- Book "Report of the Subcommittee on Fiscal Policy
of the Joint Economic Committee Congress of the United States"
- Book "A Compendium of papers submitted to the Subcommittee
on Priorities and Economy in Government of the Joint Economic
Committee Congress of the United States" 1973
- Book "A volume of studies prepared for the use of
the Subcommittee on Fiscal Policy of the Joint Economic
Committee Congress of the United States" 1972
- Book "How public Welfare benefits are distributed
in Low income areas: based on data collected by the General
Accounting office" 1973
- Book "Issues In the Coordination of Public welfare
Programs" 1973
- Book "Income-tested Social Benefits in New York:
Adequacy, incentives and equity" 1973
- Book "Concepts in Welfare Design" 1973
- Book "The Labor Market Impacts of the Private Retirement
System" 1973
- Book "The Family, Poverty, and Welfare, Programs:
Household Patterns and Government Policies" 1973
- Book "How income supplements can affect work behavior"
- Book "Public Welfare and Work incentives: Theory
and Practice"1974
- Book "Issues in Financing Retirement income"
- Book "Wage Garnishment, Attachment and Assignment,
and Establishment of Paternity" 1975
- Book "Data and Material related to Welfare programs
for families with children" 1987
- Book "Committee on ways and Means U.S. House of Representatives"
- Book "Issues in Financing Retirement income"
- Book "Compendium of papers on problems and Policy
Issues in the Public and Private Pension System
Box MR-64
- File "Dec 1990 W+M/SFC Brief"
- File "1990-91 Heinz"
- File "S.2038" 1992
- Fed Folder "HR 4210 1992 Tax Bill (voted)"
- File "1991-2 Tech Corrections Act of 1991"
- File "M.R. 3837 Public/Rosty oversight bill to SSN
3/92. Passed in MR.11 Provision"
- File "M.R. 2735 1992"
- File "Tech Corrections of OBRA 90/89" 1992
- Folder "M.R. 11 Conf. T 10/92"
- File "HRM 1992"
- File "OBRA 1993"
- File "Unemployment M.R. 3167" 1993
- File "End of 1993 1st Session 103rd Congress"
- File "Child support Enforcement Law 1992"
- File "Child Welfare" 1992
- File "SFC S2038 and MRH" 1992
- File "HR 11 SFC" July 1992
- File "M R 11?" 1992
- Red Folder "PL 103-66 OBRA 1993 Reconciliation MR2264:
S 1134"
- File "1993-MR3400 Nat Performance Review"
- File "Other 1992 Enactments:Black Lung Ford Stamp
Cash Manage"
- File "Family Leave PL103-3 MRI-1993"
- File "Motor Voter" 1993
- File "Housing H.R. 5334"1992
- File "Older Americans retirement" 1992
- File "Coal Miner Health (Also see 92 energy bill)"1992
- File "Rockerfeller Coalminers 1992"
- Book "Energy Policy Act of 1992"
- Book "International Cooperation Act of 1992"
- Red Folder "Hearings"1) House Hearing; 2) Senate
Hearing; 3) Summaries; 4) SFC mark-up Doc; 1983
- File "Commission Bill 1982-83"
- File "1983 Costs"
- File "Reallocation PL 96-403" 1983
- File "Tech Corrections to enrolled Bills" 1983
- File "Paul Provisions" 1983
- File "Rail Road" 1983
- File "Misc 1983"
- Red Folder "5.1" 1983 1) Original 5.1; 2) SFC;
3) 2/26/83 House Bill; 3) Con F;
- Red Folder "OACT 90-91"
- Red Folder "OACT Spring 1987"
- Red Folder "P.A 15-5 OACT 1967-1972"
- File "RTM 1968"
- File "RJM December 1969-Febuary "
- File "OACT Early 1991"
- File "OACT Fall 1970"
- Envelope "Cars 1985"
- File "OACT 1981"
- File "Meyers January -September 1969"
- File "RJM Oct-Nov 1969"
- File "Act to File" 1970
- File "PA-15-5 OACT 1973"
- File "Myers, Memos - Sep. '66 to Dec. '66"
- File "Myers Memos 10/67"
- File "Myers Memos 9/67"
- File "Myers Memos 8/67"
- File "Myers 6/67-7/67"
- File "Myers Memos 4/67 to 5/67"
- File "Myers Memos-Jan. '67"
- File "RJM 1968"
- File "Ross 1967"
- File "Myers 1966"
- File "Myers Memos-Apr. '64 to Aug '66"
- File "Robert Myers-1962"
- File "Myers Memos-May'63 to Feb. 64"
- File "Robert Myers-1962"
- File "OACT 1976"
- File "OACT 1975
- File "RJM 70 -May 70"
- File "SWA 1981"
- File "ADMIN (Fall 81) Long Range"
- File "Pub Assistant/ PAUC 1981"
- Red Folder "H.R. 4331 1981 Min Benefits Legislation"
- Red Folder "Legislation 1981"
- Red Folder "H.R. 3982 1981 OBRA Enrolled Bill"
- Red Folder "Early 1981 Administration Docs."
- Red Folder "1981 Legislation W + M Spring 1981"
- File "1981 OBRA-Floor"
- Blue Folder "SFC Spring 1981"
- File "Mose 1982"
- File "Cost Ests (DI) Misc" 1977
- File "ATTY Fees" 1987
- File "ADACT 1990"
- File "Articles 1950"
- File "Koitz Di 1992"
- File "Gen Brief" 1994
- File "1973 W + M Study"
- File "505 Demos" 1984
- File "ORS 1974-Person who works despite Disability"
- File "1991 Summer DI Art (Enoff) includes Denied
- File "Dis Childs" 1989
- Report "Preliminary Staff Report Childhood Disability
Study" 1989
- File "DI 83 Mental"1983
- File "Pain 1988"
- File "Mega Lap 1980"
- File "DI 1976-8"
- Red Folder "7.14 Bellmon Amendment" 1980-81
- File "Voc rehab" 1980
- File "Voc Rehab 19980"
- File "DI-MR Def"1978
- File "Definition of "Disability" 1970
- File "Contract Out" 1989
- File "DDS Contract" 1989
- File "DDS Takeover 1989"
- File "EPE 1986"
- File "Allowance Rates 1987"
- File "LDRS" 1982
- File "Non Acquiesce" 1985
- Red Folder "14. Hearings and Appeals" 1981
- File "SS Court" 1983
- File "D I Burden of Proof" 1982
- File " DI 1979 Tom Joe Papers"
- Papers "Routing and Transmittal Slip" 1994
- File "Re Engineer" 1994
- Black 3-Ring Binder "Background Materials for Markup
session S.1"March 1983
- Black 3-Ring Binder "1) Subcommittee Membership and
Interests; 2) NCSSR Recommendations 3) Section-by-Section
Analysis-H.R.660; 4) Possible Options: Government Pension
Offset; 5) Cost Estimates and Program Statistics
- Books "Legislative History Titles I-XX of the Social
Security Act Parts 1&2" 1985-86
- Books "Legislative History Titles I-XX of the Social
Security Act Pats 1-3" 1989-90
- Black 3-Ring Binder "Administration Long Range Proposals
*Draft Bill 1981"
- Blue 3-Ring binder "1966 survey of Disabled Adults"
- File "GRH + Debt" 1985
- Red Folder "BEA- OBRA 90"
- Red Folder "Gramm- Rudman Hollings 1985"
- File "9/19/89 Budget Conference Hearing Treatment
- File "Budget 70-72"
- File "May 8th Jan 1969 Unified Budget"
- File "Social Security Trust Funds & Unified Budget"
- File "Congressional Process 1977"
- File "1974 Congress Budget Act"
- File "Invest Policy 1991"
- Red Folder "5.7 Investment of Trust Funds" 1985
- Red Folder "Debt. Ceiling Spring 1993"
- Papers "Materials Related to Decoupling" 1976
- File "Tables/Print Outs 1975-77"
- File "Conference 1977"
- File "Changes in Bill 1976-77"
- File "House Floor H.R. 9346 Oct 1977"
- File Holder "The Secretary's RC Regional Conference
on Health Care Costs" 1975
- File Holder "OACT Studies H.R. 17550-1970 Amendments"
- Red Folder " RMB" 1976
- File "Transition Blend 1977"
- File "OMB/White House Decisions July 1, 1977"
- File "Kelly Papers"1977
- File "Decouple RR + B2 lung" 1977
- File "Koitz 1976 + "Neutral" Decorp"
- File "Admin. Prop." 1976
- File "Rep Routes 1975"
- File "Work Group" 1975
- File "1975 Simple Version Old Decouple"
- File "Price Index" 1976
- File "Comparison of Alts" 1975
- File "Fin General Brief" 1989
- File "Legislation 1982"
- File "Legislation 1984"
- File "Legislation 1985"
- File "Archer Techs 85-86"
- File "Legislation 1985-86"
- File "Archer Techs 87-88"
- File "Misc. 1982"
- File "Legislation 1988"
- File "Tech Corrections 1988"
- Booklet "Social Security Programs Charts"
- File Holder "Inflation and the Consumer in 1973"
- File Holder "A Historical Description of Programs
Administered by the Social Security Abministration"
- File Holder "General Briefing 1980-81"
- White 3-Ring Binder "Human Resource Systems"
FY 81-FY 93 1971
- Red Folder "Hearing Reports 1980-94
- Books "Social Security Bulletin 1992" Vol55
- Books "Social Security Bulletin 1993" Vol56
Numbers 1-4
- Books "Social Security Bulletin 1994" Vol57
Number 1,3,and 4
- Gray 3-Ring Binder "BNA Pension Reporter"1983-87
- Transcript of Robert Myers' "Social Security Administration
Oral History Interview" 1997
- Book "New England Economic Review: Federal Reserve
Bank of Boston" 1985
- Book "SSI Children: Multiple Factors Affect Families'
Costs for Disability-Related Services" 1999
- Book "Introduction to the Social Security Board:
A Handbook for Employees" 1941
- Book "Introduction to the Social Security Board:
A Handbook for Employees" 1944
- Booklet by Frances Perkins "The roots of Social Security"
- Report "Report of a study of non-OASI requests received
at Districts offices
- Papers "Interviewing in Social Security"
- Red Folder "Misc Articles"
- File "Dona Brown" 1975
- File "Effects of Reagan Cuts" 1984
- File "Actuaries and Society of Actuaries" 1999
- File "Social Security Trust Funds: Issues for the
1990's and Beyond"
- Papers "The Financial Status of Social Security after
the Social Security Amendments of 1977"
- File "1988-9 Dorgan/OAKAR Task Force"
- File "Buget Reform" 1989
- File "Public Pension Surpluses and National Savings.
The Foreign Experience" 1989
- File "Economic Impacts of Social Security Trust Funds
Policies" 1989
- File "Social Securities Funding Basis: Fiction and
- File "Hearing on Social Security Tax cut" 1990
- File "Budget and the Treatment of Social Security:
Committee on the Budget" 1989
- File by Robert Myers "Social Security and the Federal
Budget: Some Mirages and Myths and Solutions" 1989
- File Holder "Special Program Charts"
- File Holder "Basic Program Charts"
- File "Organizational 46/48/52"
- Papers "Federal Security agency Social Security Board"
- File "Early Org." 1952
- File "50th Anniversary" 1985
- Papers "Department of Labor, Health and Human Service,
Education, and related agencies appropriations for 1996"
- Papers "H.R. 2127" 1995
- Papers "SSA FY 1997 House Appropriation Hearing"
- Papers "The Clinton Administration Seeks Additional
Funding for Disability Reviews" 1996
- File "MO of Death"
- Folder "Office of Legislation and Congressional Affairs
Organization" 1989
- Folder "SSA ORG etc. PC etc." 1983
- File "OLCA/ORG 1979"
- File "V.A.T." 1989
- File "V.A.T." 1977
- File "Cap. Form 1975"
- File "1979 FICA II"
- File "PRI Relief-Mis Advice" 1979
- File "Compile Provisions of Enatment 1987 draft"
- File "SOTU 86*88"
- File "Artner Pickle 5/79 SSA Report"
- Report "Federal Security Agency 1939-51"
- File "BFCU-Credit Union" 1970
- File "MM Cumeul " 1996
- File "Approps?" 1970
- File "Independent Activities" 1989
- File "TF's +Budget Misc."1985
- File "Average Wage Series 1978-1978"
- File "Wage/Price index 1980"
- File "1982 Misc"
- File "SS + Income Taxes"
- File "Size of Funds" Summer1972
- File "Measure Status of the OASDI system" 1989
- File "Biennbal Budgeting 1991"
- File "BAL Budget May-June, 1992"
- File "BAL Budget/ Line Item 1993"
- File "EITC 1993"
- File "Colas-Real Value" 1940
- File "Admin. Exp"
- File "Present Value" 1989
- File "File DEF Comp" 1989
- File "Average Wages" 1978
- File "ER Base" 1977
- File "Base Early-Pre 66"
- File "ER Tax Burden" 1977
- File "Wage Base" 1977
- File "Proposal to Stabilize Base"1992
- File "Retroactive Base Increase" 1977
- File "Base" 1970
- File "Question by Senator long as to Constitutionality
of Delegation to Secretary to raise earnings base for SS
Tax Purpose" 1970
- File "Over Expansion 1981"
- File "Saltonstall" 1978
- File "Stuffer"1970
- File "Biennial Budgeting" 1987
- File "Normalize 1988-89"
- File "SS Contributions for People 65*and over"
- File "Auto Adjust Tax Rates"1981
- File "VAT 1993"
- File "American Enterprise Institute" 1996
- File "Natl Comm. Ret. Policy 1997"
- File "Washington Comsel PC 9/5/96
- File "7/23/96 CATO Forum"
- File "Cato Protect 1995"
- File "3rd Judd Gregg- Future Privalization"
- File "Judd Gregg I-Chalenge of Agency Pop" 1996
- File "Judd Gregg II -Future of SS" 1996
- File "Simpson SS sub SFC Publication ET + T F's"
- File "SFC Privatize" 1995
- File "Administration Pension Props 1995"
- File "Symms 1988 PSA's"
- Folder "Department of Labor Retirement Savings Education
Campaign Summer of 1995"
- File "19996 Clips genil"
- File "CRS Super IRAS 1987"
- File "Chile R J M P. Diamond" 1995
- File "Roth Super IRA 1995 S.12"
- File "Sam Beard" 1995
- File " Privatize 85-91 other 80's"
- File " EBRI:" 1996
- Book "EBRI" 1996
- Red Folder "Private Pensions and Social Security"
1)Earmark Wage Records; 2) Social Security and Saving"
- File "CRS Catastrophic Bills 1987"
- File "CRS Ret 1988"
- File "CRS Report for Congress" 1990
- File "CRS Issue Brief" 1990
- File "Veterans' Programs: The FY87 Budget updated
March 25, 1986"
- File "Office of Inspector General Cost-Saver Handbook"
- Papers "Cost-saver Handbook (Redbook)" 1992
- File "Boschuntz 1988"
- Red Folder "Mary Ross Notes" 1) 1995 Trustees
Reports; 2) Current Issues (and Refutations) Draft 4/30/95;
3) Public Confidence in Social Security 1995; 4) Social
Security Proposals; 5) Selected Proposals Included in the
January 1995 Final Report of the Entitlement Commission:
6) Social Security: Strengths and Accomplishments; 7) White
Paper -A Progress Report; 8) White Paper - Outline of Contents;
9) Another Note on the Ball Plan; 10) More Miscellany; 11)
Notes on "Work Recovery, Inc" 1995; 12) Hearing
May 23, 1995. Hearing of the Social Security Subcommittee
of the Ways and Means Committee, Managing the Social Security
Disability Insurance Program;
- Papers "CBO Papers" 1991
- Book "Reducing the Deficit: Spending and Revenue
Options" 1992
- Papers "SSA Section of the Office Of inspector General
Cost" 1989
- Book "Balanced Budget Act of 1997"
- Book "Reducing the Deficit: Spending and Revenue
Options" 1990
- Book "Paying for Social Security Funding Options
for the Near Term
- Book "The Indexation of Federal Programs" 1982
- Papers "CRS Report for Congress" 1990
- Book "Changes in the Living Arrangements of the Elderly:
- Book "Federal Civilian Employment" 1987
- Book "Reducing the Federal Budget: Strategies and
Examples, Fiscal Years 1982-1986"
- Papers "The Congressional Budget resolution, Fiscal
Year 1994 Appropriations, and the Outlook for the Clinton
Investment Package" 1993
- Papers "The Stenholm Entitlement Cap Proposal"
- Papers "Funding for Low-Income Programs in FY 1993"
- Papers "Making Work Pay"1993
- Papers "Major Legislative Changes in Human Resources
Programs Since January 1981"
- Papers "The Economic and Budget Outlook: Fiscal Years
- Book "Dislocated Workers: Issues and Federal Options"
- Book "Financing Social Security: Issues for the Short
and Long Term" 1977
- Book "Policy Choices for Long-Term" 1991
- Book "The Economic and Budget Outlook: and Update"
- Book "The Economic and Budget Outlook: Fiscal Years
- File "GAO" 1984
- File "GAO" 1993
- Papers "The Budget Deficit" 1988
- File "Moneys Worth"1984
- File "Partial Privaties" 1995
- File "CRS ETAL Cola FREEZE" 1990
- File "CRS Tax Benefits"1989
- File "CRS Pension offset" 1981
- File "CRS Agency" 1986
- File "CRS Medicare (FIN)" 1990
- File "CRS ETAL Recovery times" 1990
- Papers "Social Security and the Federal Budget"
- Book "CRS Report for Congress: Trust Funds and the
Federal Government" 1990
- Book "CRS Issues Brief: Social Security: Surplus
Receipts Trigger New Financing Debate" 1990
- Papers "Social Security: Surplus Receipts Trigger
New Financing Debate" 1990
- Papers "Social Security: Changes in the Self-Employment
Tax for 1990"
- Books "Communication From the Fiscal Assistant Secretary,
the Board of Trustees, Federal Hospital Insurance Trust
Fund" 1997
- Book "Communication from the Board of trustees, Federal
Supplementary Medical Insurance Trust Funds"
- Papers "Communication from The Board of Trustees,
Federal Old age and survivors Insurance and Disability Insurance
Trust Funds"' 1999
- Papers "Communication from the Board of Trustees,
Federal Hospital Insurance Trust Funds" 1999
- Papers "Communication from the board of Trustees,
Federal Supplementary Medical Insurance trust Funds"
- Book "Managing the Cost of Government: Proposals
for Reforming Federal Budgeting Practices" 1989
- Papers "Social Security: The Trust Fund Reserve Accumulation,
the Economy, and The Federal Budget" 1989
- Papers "Social Security: Analysis of a Proposal to
Private Trust Funds Reserves" 1990
- Book "Social Security: Analysis of a Proposal to
Privatize Trust Fund Reserves" 1990
- Book "Communication from the Board of Trustees, Federal
old age and survivors insurance and Disability Insurance
Trust Funds"
- Book "Communication from the Board of Trustees, Federal
old age and survivors insurance and Disability Insurance
Trust Funds" 1996
- Book "Hearing before the subcommittee on Social Security
of the Committee on ways and means house of representatives"
- Book "A Brief History of Social Security" 1995
- Book "Communication from The board of Trustees, Federal
Hospital Insurance trust Fund" 1996
- Book "Communication from the board of trustees, Federal
Supplementary Medical Insurance Trust Fund" 1996
- Book "Communication from the board of Trustees, Federal
Supplementary Medical Insurance Trust Fund" 1996
- Book "OMNIBUS Budget Reconciliation act of 1986"
- Book "Social Security Administrative and Investment
Reform Act of 1986"
- Book "Social Security Act Amendments of 1983"
- Book "Social Security Minor and Technical and Technical
Changes Act of 1985"
- Book "Deficit Reduction Act of 1984"
- Book "Conference Report: Social Security Amendments
of 1983"
- Book "Staff Data and Materials Related to Social
Security Financing" 1983
- Book "Hearing before the Subcommittee on Social Security
and Income Maintenance Programs of the Committee on Finance
United States"
- Book "Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of
1952" 1982
- Book "Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of
- Book "Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of
- Book "Hearing before the Subcommittee on Social Security
of the Committee on ways and means House of Representatives"
- Book "Economic Background for a Tax Reduction Bill"
- Book "Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981"
- Book "Deficit Reduction Act of 1984"
- Book "Consolidated OMNIBUS Budget reconciliation
act of 1985"
- Book "OMNIBUS Budget Reconciliation Act of 1986"
- Book "Deficit Reduction Act of 1984"
- Book "Report of the Committee on ways and means U.S.
House of Representatives on H.R. 1900
- Book "Report of the Committee on Social Security
and Income Maintenance Programs of the Committee on Finance
United States Senate" 1981
- Book "Report of the Committee on the Budget House
of Representatives to accompany H.R. 3982" 1981
- Book "Report of the Committee on ways and means U.S.
House of Representatives on H.R. 4242
- Books "OMNIBUS Budget reconciliation act of 1981"
Books 1-2
- Book "Hearing before the Subcommittee on Social Security
of the Committee on ways and Means House of Representatives"
- Red Folder "1981 Policy Legislation"
- Booklets "Your Social Security" 1960-63,1957,1968
- File "Press Messages"1970
- Book "Hearing before the Joint Economic Committee
Congress of the United States" 1989
- Book "Hearing before the Committee of Finance United
States Senate" 1972
- Book "Hearing before the Committee on Finance United
States Senate" 1972
- Book "Subcommittee on Social Security of the Committee
on ways and means U.S. House of representatives" 1980
- Book "A Report prepared by the Congressional research
service for the committee on the budget United States Senate"
- Book "Medicare and Medicaid Patient and Program Protection
Act of 1987"
- Book "Briefing before the Subcommittee on ways and
means house of representatives" 1980
- Book "Hearing before the Subcommittee on Social Security
and Family Policy of the Committee on Finance United States
United States Senate" 1988
- Book "Hearing before the joint economic committee
congress of the United States" 1991
- Book "Hearing before the joint economic committee
congress of the United States" 1989
- Papers "Economic recovery and the Finance of Social
Insurance" 1977
- Papers "Committee on ways and means U.S. House of
Representatives" 1991
- Books "Family Security Act of 1988"
- Book "Establishment of the Bureau" 1949
- Book "U.S. Establishment of the Children Bureau"
- Red Folder "Technical Amendments 1981"
- Red Folder "Social Security during 1973
- Book " Your Job in OASI" 1959
- Book "If you really want a Job" 1948
- Book "Social Securities: what it means to you"
- Book "Your Medicare Handbook" 1975
- Booklet "Essentials of Social Security in the United
- Booklet "Social Security Information for young Families"
- Booklet "Your Social Security" 1961
- Booklet "A guide t Supplemental Security income"
- Booklet "A women's guide to social Security"
- Booklet "Social Security Benefits" 1980
- Booklet "Railroad Retirement and Survivor benefits:
for railroads workers and their families" 1978
- Red Folder "3.2 Report 1976-8 Not Decouple"
- File "CPI 1970's"
- Booklet "Social Security: a Sound Durable System"
- Booklet "Nursing Homes and Related Facilities fact
book" 1963
- Booklet "A Brief History of the Social Security Administration"
- Book "Social Security Programs in the United States"
Box MR-86
- Red Folder "1973 Legislation"
- Red Folder "1973 Legislation
- Red Folder " R + S Notes 1973-76"
- Red Folder "1987 Studies"
1)1971 Survey of New Benefits; 2) 66 Survey of Disabilities
Box MR-87
- Red Folder "Long Term Care"
- Red Folder "Health Misc."
1)income Related premium; 2)Catastrophic 1988-91; 3) Small
Group reform; 4)1988 Catastrophic;
- Red Folder "1992 Administration
Programs" 1) Health Care reform Proposals- President
Bush and Clinton"
- Papers "The Secret Benefit: The
Failure to Provide the Medicare Buy-in to Poor Seniors
- File ""Title VI" Civil
Rights and Medicare"1968
- File "Task Force Report 1/10/61
- File "Catastrophe + FMIP"1971
- File "Analysis of "Health
cost effectiveness Amendments of 1969"
- File "Drug Coverage" 1972
- File "HI-SMI (Combine)"
- File " Finance-SMI" 1971
- File "Medicare" 1969-71
- File "Health" 70-72
- File "Kid Care"1968
- File "Medicare Proposals"
- File "Health Costs Bill 69-71"
- File "Hi for DIS" 1969
- File "Need-Based Premium 1991"
- File "National Health Insurance"
Box MR-88
- Black 3-Ring Binder "Hearing
on SSI & QMB outreach house ways and Means Subcommittee
March 26, 1992
- Blue 3-Ring Binder "Actuarial
Notes" 1958-68
- White 3-Ring Binder "Actuarial
Notes" 1982-86
- Green Folder "The Future of Social
Security: an exchange" 1983
- Papers "The Morning After"
- Project "The Effect of a rising
wage level on cost of hypothetical annuity plan" 1947
- Project "Annuities in force in
life insurance companies" 1940
- Project "A Primer on Mortality
rates" 1943
- Project "The actuary in Public
Employment" 1940
- File "Retrospective Illustrations
of average annual wage and retirement benefits, 1894-1943"
- File "Retrospective Illustrations
of average annual wage and retirement benefits" 1943
- File "Illustration benefit trends
under present OASI Program 1945"
- Project "Estimate Coverage of
OASI 1940-2000"
- Project "Estimate OASI Coverage
and insured Men and Women 1945"
- Project "Cost estimates for various
Proposed modification of the old-age Benefits under Title
II" 1937
- Green 3-Ring Binder "Congressional
Record 1965"
Box MR-89
- Book "Compilation of the Social
Security Laws" 1999
- Book "1996 Green Book: Background
material and data on Programs within the Jurisdiction of
the committee on ways and means"
- Book "Index to the Social Security
Bulletin" 1938-79
- Book "Author, Title, and Subject
Index to the Social Security Bulletin 1980-88"
- Book "Policies and Procedures
covering the administration of civilian war assistance"
- Book "Health Education and Welfare:
TRENDS 1966-67
- Booklet "State Data and State
Rankings in Health, Education, Welfare" 1966-67
- Book "Social Security Yearbook"
- Book "Annual Statistical Supplement
- Book "Social Indicators 1973"
- Book "Almost 65: Baseline Data
from the Retirement History Study" 1977
- Book "Social Welfare Expenditures"
- Book "The Measure of Poverty"
- Book "Mid-session review of the
- Book "Budget Supplement"
- Book "Social Security: Accountability
Report for Fiscal Year" 1998
- Book "Budget: Budget of the United
States Government" 2001
- Book "The report of the Committee
on Economic Security of 1935"
- Book "Disability, Evaluation,
Under, Social Security" 1995
- Book "Historical Tables"
- Book "Analytical Perspectives:
Budget of the U.S. Government" 1997
- Book "Historical Tables: Budget
of the U.S. Government" 2000
Box MR-90
- Red Folder "Flem 91-92 Mostly
January 92" 1) Dr. Fleming 1991-2
- Book "Social Security Bulletin"
- Book "The Economic of Black Persons:
Workers Newly entitled to retirement Benefits Findings from
the survey of new Beneficiaries" 1974
- Paper "Income of the Popular
Aged 65 and Over" 1990
- Book "ORS: Working Paper Series"
- Book "1991 Guide To Health Insurance
for People with Medicare"
- Book "Explanation of the Social
Security Act Amendments of 1983"
- Book "1981 Amendment Summary"
- Book "Graphic Presentation of
Public Assistance and Related Data 1970
- Book "Studies in Income Distribution"
- Book "Preliminary findings for
the Survey of New Beneficiaries" 1971
- Book "Age Discrimination in Employment
Act of 1967"
- Book "An analysis of the issues
involved in securing constant replacement rates in the Social
Security OASDI Program" 1975
- Book "The impact of inflation
and higher unemployment: with Emphasis on the lower income
population" 1974
- Book "Report of the 1994-95 Advisory
Council on Social Security"
- Book "Report of the 1994-96 Advisory
Council on Social Security"
- Book "SSI: Quarterly Trend Report
January 1982-1991"
- Book "Social Security Act Selected
Benefit Exhibits" 1987
- File "National Economic Commission
- Book "Relating Social Security
Protection to the Federal Civil Service" 1969
- Paper "Subcommittee on Social
Security of the Committee on ways and means U.S. house of
representatives" 1980
- File "OASIS" 1980
- Book "The role of the replacement
rate in design of the social security benefit structure"
- Book "Committee on Finance United
States Senate" 1981
Box MR-91
- Book "House Approps." 1995
- Folder "Social Security Advisory
Board: Forum on A Long-Range research and Program Evaluation
Plan for the Social Security Administration" 1997
- Blue 3-Ring Binder "Historical
DIB allowance Rates" 1996
- Gray 3-Ring Binder "Social Security
Advisory Board, Resource Library "1997
- White 3-Ring Binder "Advisory
Board 96-97 Policy Statement"
- Blue 3-Ring Binder "OLCA 1980-94"
- Red Folder "SNEE" 1989
- Books "Guide to Social Security
and Medicare" 1999-2001
- Book "Committing on Finance United
States Senate" 1982
- Book "Background Material and
Data on Major Programs Within the Jurisdiction of the Committee
on Ways and Means"1981
- Book "Communication from the
Clerk, U.S. House of Representatives" 1992
- Book "Congressional Record"
Box MR-92
- File Holder "Misc. Articals:
- File "1991-2 Budget + Congress+
- Red Folder "PA-15-4 Trustees
Report 1970-74: PA-15-4 Trustees Report 1973-76"
- Red Folder "Public Trustees"
- Red Folder "Issue Analysis Paper
low-income Papers" 1972
- File "Bills-Spring 1969 + Gilbert"
- File "Two Plans" 1973
- File "Eyes Only 1973"
Box MR-93
- Black 3-Ring Binder "1981 Reagan
Budget Programs"
- Blue 3-Ring Binder "H.R. 2898
Congress + H.R. 978 Jacobs" 1991
- Black 3-Ring Binder "F.Y 93 Budget
Resolution" 1992
- Black 3-Ring Binder "FY 1994
Budget Resolution"
- Black 3-Ring Binder "A/C 5+6
- Blue 3-Ring Binder "FEB 1979"
- Blue 3-Ring Binder "A/C 11/78"
Box MR-94
- Blue 3-RingBinder "AIME Averaging
Combined with Earnings Split at Divorce and Inheritance"
May 3, 1979
- Blue 3-Ring Binder "A/C 10/78"
- Black 3-Ring Binder "A/C 10/79"
- Black 3-Ring Binder "A/C 9/78"
- Red Folder "5.6 General Revenues"1)
1944-50 Murray VandenBerg; 2) Counter Cyclical;
- File "Mansfield Amendment H.R.
2166" 3/75
- Red Folder "Muskie-Mondale bill
S.2656" 1971
- File "Kennedy" 1967-69
Box MR-95
- Books "Hearings before the Committee
on Finance United States Senate" Number3-6 1971
- Blue 3-Ring Binder "Public Hearings
on Proposals Administration's Social Security Proposals
Finance Committee Subcommittee on Social Security June 13,
- Blue 3-Ring Binder "Markup Session
on H.R. 8218 Ways and Means Committee Subcommittee on Social
Security September 12, 1977"
- Blue 3-Ring Binder "W + M May
Box MR-96
- File "Administration Finance
in 1974-76"
- Red Folder "1976-77 not Decouple"
- Red Folder "Current Cost Financing"
- File "Financing 1970"
- File "Financing 1961-62"
- Red Folder "OMB (Robinson) Study
- File "Generations 1973-74"
- Red Folder "AUTO" 1971-72
Box MR-97
- Books "Summary of the Provisions
of The Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance System,
The Hospital Insurance System, and The Supplementary Medical
Insurance system" 1977-92
- Black 3-Ring Binder "Legislative
Bulletins Thru 1988"
- Books "History of the Provisions
of Old,-Age, Survivors Disability, and Health Insurance
- Folder "Social Security Administration"
- White 3-Ring Binder "EBRI-1998"
- Black 3-Ring Binder "Reports
+ 1985-1990"
- Black 3-Ring Binder "Indexin
Data Report"1979
Box MR-98
- File "Administration Fin. 7/75-10/75"
- Folder "Miss Ross: Pension Offset"
- File "1974-5 A/C Forum"
- Loose papers 1) Cohen Speeches; 2)
Koitz DI; 3) Special Min; 4) Benefit Tables' Van Gorkom;
5) OMB 1973 Study; 6) Dependency Ratios-Demographic +Labor
Force Assumptions;
- Files "Legislation 1977"
- File "Draft Bills" 1977
- File "Financial Function 1976
- File "Legislation 1976"
- File "Financial Function 1974"
- Papers "J's Decoupling Binders
Index" 1976
Box MR-99
- File "W+M 2/11/99 Foreign Expenses"
- File "W+M 1/21/99"
- File "SFC 2/9/99 Clinton Financing"
- File "SFC 3/16/99-Individual
- File "Sen. Budget Committee"
- File "Social Security W+M 2/10/99
- File "W+M 2/2/99 Social Security
- File "Senate aging 3/1/99 Revenue
props for Social Security"
- File "3/3/99 W+M"
- File "3/25/99 Social Security
subcommittees Criteria"
- File "W+M Social Security Subcommittee
- File "W+M 6/99"
- File "House Budget Task Force
- File "Budget committee task force
6/22/99 Disability"
- File "House Budget 5/11/99"
- File "House Budget Social Security
Task Force 7/13/99"
- File "House Budget Task Force
Members" 6/29/99
- Red Folder "1990 Rosty Challenge"
- Red Folder "1990 Budget BEA"
- Papers "Amendment offered by
MR, RostenKowski" 1990
- Papers "Pursell-Kasich Budget
Proposal 1990"
Box MR-100
- Papers "Congressional Record
No. 149-Part II " October 26, 1990
- File "W+M Fall 1990"
- File "W+M May 90"
- File "Social Security" 1989
- File "Senate 1990"
- File "1990 Costs/Misc."
- File "Conference 1990"
- Red Folder "Senate Reconc. Fall
- Papers "Mr. Rostenkowski Bill"
- Red Folder "OBRA"1989
Box MR-101
- Blue 3-Ring Binder "Subcommittee
on Social Security Committee on Ways and Means Budget Reconciliation
Markup May 2, 1990
- Black 3-Ring Binder "Draft Treasury
Report on H.R.3299/S. 1750, Reconciliation legislation-Decision"
- Blue 3-Ring Binder "WHCOA"1971
- Black 3-Ring Binder "Financing"1975
- Black 3-Ring Binder "1970 A/C"
1)General Revenue Financing of medicare; 2) Contribution
and Benefit Base; 3) Cash Benefit Issues; 6) Unified Budget;
7) Maximum Family Benefits;
- Red Folder "1989 House"
- File "1989 Senate"
Box MR-102
- Papers "Conference Comparison
of H.R. 3299 OMNIBUS Budget Reconciliation Act of 1989"
- File "1989 OBRA"
- File "1989 Legislation"
- Red Folder "5.0 Financing (1978)"
- Red Folder "PA-15 Financing 1977"
- Red Folder "Ross 1977"
- Red Folder "PA-15 Financing 1972-7
- Red Folder "1975 Decouple"
- Red Folder " 1976 Decouple"
- Red Folder "1977 Decouple"
Box MR-103
- Black 3-Ring Binder "Advisory
Council on Social Security 1974"
- Blue 3-Ring Binder "1974 AC Women/Min.
- 2 Blue 3-Ring Binders "CHROTS
11/86 Simplify"
- File "1975 Simplification workgroup"
- File "1985 Simplification Workgroup"
- File "1985 RET."
- File "1989 Conf."
- File "1974 Decouple"
- File "Simplify 85-86"
- Red Folder "PA-15 Financing 1976"
Box MR-104
- Red Folder "Prior C's Recs"
1) AC 1971; 2) Hearing Reports;
- Red Folder "1974 Purp + Princ"
1) A/C 1974
- Red Folder "OLG Reports 1991"
- File "Aliens (Misc.) 1991
- File "Aliens working Illegaly"
- File "GAO TF + Budget" 1989
- File " 1991 client satisfaction
Box MR-105
- File "HR1. Sept. 1972
- File "RMB. HR1. 1972
- File "HR1 Information 1972"
- File "HR1. Cash Benefits 1972"
- File "H.R. 1. Open Issue 1972"
- File "1972 Spring"
- File "1972 MRI"
- File "SSI for persons who lose + QMB" 1990
- File "McKiney Hardes 1988"
- File "SSI Reliable Information 1993"
- File "SSA-SGA" 1986
- File "Ping Pong 1986"
- File "RMODA/Fleming SSI 1991-92"
- File "SSI"1991
- File "Trusts"1984
- File "SSI Retrospective Monthly Activ. 1979
- File "Darlett DI" 1989
- File "MR-Stark Plan 1987"
- File "SSI W+M 1987"
- File "Stark 1984"
- File "Stark 1985-6"
- File "SSI Legislation W+M 1984"
- Red Folder " Multi. Recip." 1986
- Buttons "SSA"
- Book "Congressional Pictorial Directory" 1981
- File Holder "SSA Data"1994
- File "SSI" 1990
- File "W + M SSI" 3/20/90
- File "SSI" 1986
- File "H.R. 1 Draft Language" 1972
- File "CUR Spring 1986"
- Red Folder "H.R.1 Fall 1972"
- File "MR's Deposition on Sidney W. Freund v. Heckler"
- File "Poss Floor AMDTS to HRI" 1971
- File "Senate Hearing July 71"
- File "Administration Testimony HRI" 1971
- File "MRI Fall 1971-Charges to Seek in SFC"
- File "Mar-April 71: Adult assistant W+M-Drafting"
- File "MRI OASDI Bill Changes spring 1991"
- File "Bal OASDI 68-70"
- File "Oct. -Dec 1970 SFC Release Floor amendments"
- File "17550 Admin Post" 1970
- File "OMNIBUS Bill (OASDI) Rpt." 1970
- File "SFC Hearing on H.R. 17550" Sept. 1970
- File "1969-70 M + T's"
- File "H.R. 17550 changes Sought in Senate OASDI"
- File "OASDI" 1970
- File "Social Security Message" 1969
- File "SS + FIN Administration bill" 1969-70
- File "Medicare of Disability" 1969
- File SS-HR 17550 (1970) + HRI (1971-2"
- File "Draft Language 14080 Fall 1969"
- File "1988 H.R. 4680 Bartlet"
- File "1619" 1988
- File "General Background 1619"1985
- File "Bartlett 1988"
- File "Child Disability" 1988
- File "SSI Trust 1988"
- Papers "Commissioner's Corresponding control system
tracking sheet" 1988
- Folder "Trusts"1986
- File "SSI Trusts" 1987
- File "Jensen 1989"
- File "SSI Simplify 1989"
- File "SSI general Mist" 1986
- File "Housing Allowances" 1973
- File "SSI (ISM)" 1970
- File "Misc. SSI" 1972
- File "Homeless" 1991
- File "SS+ Welfare"1973
- File "SSI 1982"
- File "SSI 1983"
- File "NWRO 1971"
- Book "Report of the Committee on ways and Means house
of representatives on H.R. 3603" 1992
- File "New Welfare Reform" 1974
- Papers "Embargoed for release until after the President's
Briefing" 1977
- Papers "Welfare Reform Draft Bill-Action" 1977
- Papers "Basie Papers" 1977
- File "Welfare Reform" 1979
- File "Welfare 1977"
- File "Welfare 1981"
- File "Families 1986-7"
- Book "Report of the Committee on Finance United States
Senate on S. 1511"
- File "Welfare 1987"
- Black 3-Ring Binder "Hearing before the Social Security
Subcommittee house-Committee on ways and Means December
6, 1982"
- Black 3-Ring Binder "Statement Concerning "The
Nixon Welfare Plan, a brochure of the American Conservation
Union" 1970
- Black 3-Ring Binder "Misc. 1970"
- Black 3-Ring Binder "Barklet Hearing 1985"
- White 3-Ring Binder "Future Income and Health Care
need and Resources for the Aged" 1993
- White 3-Ring Binder "Social Security: The Intergenerational
Compact" 1992 1) Anti Poverty Effectiveness of Social
Security; 2) Social Security tax & Budgetary Policies;
3) Taxation of Social Security Benefits: Is it designed
for tax Equity or Deficit Reduction?
- White 3-Ring Binder " CHRON 1993"
- Folder "Conference for Management and Program Executives
October 7-19, 1973
- Black 3-Ring Binder "FY 88 Effective Dates and Costs-Action"
- Black 3-Ring Binder "Fiscal Year 1987 Legislative
- Book "Private Pension Plan in West Germany and France"
- Book "Private Pension Plans in West Germany and France"
- Book "Tax Policy for Pensions and Other Retirement
Saving" 1987
- Book "Tax Credits for Private Health insurance: estimates
of eligibility and cost under five alternative proposals"
- Book "The Role of Private Pensions in Maintaining
Living Standards in Retirement" 1977
- Book "Roles for government in Public and Private
Retirement Programs" 1977
- Book "Hearing before the Subcommittee on Fiscal Policy
of the Joint Economic Committee congress of the United States"
- Book "Hearing before the special committee on aging
United States senate" 1970
- Book "A Study prepared for the Joint Committee on
the Economic report by the National Planning Association"
- Book "The Evolution of Medicare from idea to Law"
- Book "Summary of Recommendations and Surveys on Social
Security and Pension Policies" 1980
- Book "Hearing before the Subcommittee on Public Health
and Welfare of the Committee on Interstate and Foreign commerce
house of Representatives" 1969
- Book "Hearing before Subcommittee NO. 5 of the Committee
on the district of Columbia house of representatives"
- Book "Letter from the Secretary of Health, Education,
and Welfare" 1969
- Book "Research Report NO. 10 the extent of Health
Insurance Coverage in the United States" 1965
- Book "The Impact of Medicare" 1969
- Book "Committee on ways and means U.S. House of representatives:
Retirement income for an aging Population" 1987
- Report "Welfare and Pension plans investigation.
Final Report" 1965
- Book "Health Insurance plans other than blue cross
or blue shield plans or Insurance Companies" 1970
- Book "Hearing before the Subcommittee on ways and
Means House of Representatives" 1992
- Book "Recommendations to the Congress" 1990
- Book "Hearing before the Subcommittee on Health of
the Committee on ways and Means House of Representatives"
- Book "Health Aspects of the Economics of Aging"
- Book "Hearings before the Subcommittee on Health
of the Elderly of the Special Committee on Aging United
States Senate" 1968
- Book "Staff Data Relating to Medicaid-Medicare Study"
- Book "Letter from the secretary of health, education,
and welfare," 1969
- Book "Hearing before the Subcommittee on Labor on
the Committee on Labor and Human Resources United States
Senate" 1991
- Book "Hearing before the Subcommittee on Fiscal Policy
of the Joint economic committee Congress of the United States"
1966 Part II
- Books "Hearing before the Subcommittee on Executive
reorganizing of the Committee on Government operations United
States Senate" 1968 Parts 1-2
- Book "Hearing before Subcommittee No.4 of the Committee
on The district of Columbia House of Representatives"
- Book "Hearing before the Committee on ways and Means
house of representatives" 1992
- Book "Medicare and Medicaid: Problems, Issues, and
Alternatives" 1970
- Book "Hearing before the subcommittee on health of
the Committee on ways and Means House of Representatives"
- Book "Medicaid Source Book" (1993 Update)
- Book "Compilation of Selected Acts-Health Law"
- Book "Retirement income Security in the United States"
- Black 3-Ring Binder "Provisions in H.R. 1 Relating
to the Adult Assistance Program" 1971
- Black 3-Ring Binder "OASDI HR 14080" 1969
- Black 3-Ring Binder "Provisions of H.R. 17550 Relating
to Social Security Cash Benefits Programs" 1970
- Blue 3-Ring Binder "Decouple Models" 1975
- Black 3-Ring Binder "Decoupling 1977"
- File "DCPEA Overview" 1991
- File "1978 Move Headquarters to D.C."
- File "ORG"1991
- File "History of HEW thru 1970"
- Red Folder "OlCA History" 1991
- Papers "History of SSA and the Department" 1986
- Papers "Evolution and Leadership of SSA Office of
Legislation and Congressional Affairs" 1991
- Book "History of the Provisions of Old-Age, Survivors,
Disability, and Health Insurance 1935-86"
- Papers "Evolution and Leadership of The SSA office
of research and Statistic" 1990
- Red Folder "Party Platforms" 1988
- File "Election 1996"
- File "1991 SS Administration expense + Budget"
- File "Social Security: SS + Budget" 1989
- File "Campaign 1992"
- File "Congressional Monitor" 1992
- File "Political 1980"
- Book "Subcommittee on Social Security of the Committee
on ways and means U.S. House of Representatives" 1978
- Book "Subcommittee on Social Security of the Committee
on ways and means U.S. House of Representatives" 1976
- Book "Subcommittee on Social Security of the Committee
on ways and means U.S. House of Representatives" 1979
- Book "Subcommittee on Social Security of the Committee
on ways and Means U.S. House of Representatives" 1978
- Books "Subcommittee on Social Security of the Committee
on ways and means U.S. House of representatives" 1980-82
- Book "Social Security Disability Insurance Program"
- Book "Social Security Act Disability Programs"
- Book "H.R. 4333" 1988
- Book "S.2238" 1988
- Black 3-Ring Binder "SFC 7/88 Legislation Program"
- Black 3-Ring Binder "Markup Social Security Subcommittee
June 24, 1987. Budget Reconciliation"
- Red Folder "Poverty 1992"
- File "FY PL101-239 1989 correct records enacted"
- File "Multi Wage" 1987
- File "Meals + Lodging" 1991
- File "State Deposit" 1982
- File "Living Arangments 1989"
- File "Penalties + Collecting Taxes" 1989
- File "Overpay Waiver 1990-91"
- File "Overpayments and Underpayments 1990"
- File "Tax Child Peniers" 1990
- File "1990 use credit Agencies"
- File "Budget Props: Winter 79-Spring 80"
- File "MR/DD Survey"1988
- File "FY 92 Passback 12/18/90
- File "FY Pass Back " 1985
- File "FY 92" 1990
- File "Passback" 1990
- File "PassBack F.Y." 1989
- File "FY 1990 Fall 1988 + 5/12/89 PassBack"
- File "FY 89 Spring 88 PassBack"
- File "PassBack FY 88" 1987
- File "Passback on FY87" 1976
- File "Other DI" 1981-82
- File "OGC Remand/File New Decision" 1988
- File "OGC FY 89" 1989
- File "OGC" 1989
- File "OGC Fall 1986" 1988
- File "FY 89"1987
- Red Folder "GAO Disability" 85-89
- Red Folder "Pass thru H.R. 5127-5321"1993
- Newsweek "July 22, 1974"
- Book "Report of the Panel on Social Security Financing
to the Committee on Finance United States" 1975
- Book "Background Material on Social Security Coverage
of Government Employees and Employees of Nonprofit Organizations"
- Book "Termination of Social Security coverage: the
Impact on state and Local Government Employees" 1976
- Book "Report of the Consultant Research Service Prepared
for the Use of the Committee on Finance of the U.S. Senate
and Committee on Ways and Means of the U.S. House of Representatives"
- Book "Report of the Committee on ways and means house
of representatives together with individual views, dissenting
views, minority views, and additional minority views to
accompany HR. 9346" 1977
- Book "Committee on Finance United States Senate"1977
- Book "Summary of the Principal provisions of HR 9346
The Social Security Financing Amendments of 1977"
- Book "Subcommittee on Social Security of the Committee
on ways and means U.S. House of Representatives" 1977
- Book "Public Hearings before the subcommittee on
social security of the committee on ways and means house
of representatives" 1976
- Book "Hearing before the committee on ways and means
house of representatives" 1977
- Book "Public Hearing before the Subcommittee on Social
Security of the Committee on ways and means house of representatives"
- Book "Hearing before the Subcommittee on Social Security
of the Committee on ways and means house of Representatives"
- Book "Background Material and data on program within
the Jurisdiction of the committee on ways and Means"
- Book "Hearing before the subcommittee on social Security
of the Finance United States Senate" 1978
- Book "Committee on ways and means U.S. House of Representatives"
- Book "Hearings before the subcommittee on Social
Security of the Committee on ways and Means House of Representatives"
- Book "Report of the Committee on ways and means house
of representatives together with individual views, dissenting
views, Minority views, and Additional Minority views"
- Book "Hearings before the Committee on Social Security
of the Committee on ways and means house of representatives"
- Book "Background Material and Data on Program within
the Jurisdiction of the committee on ways and means"
- Book "Background Material and Data on Program within
the Jurisdiction of the committee on ways and means"
- Book "Background Material and Data on Program within
the Jurisdiction of the Committee on ways and means"
- Black 3-Ring Binder "Public Law 89-97 89th Congress,
H.R. 6675 July 30, 1965"
- Papers "CRS Report for Congress: The Effect of Economic
Variations of Benefits" 1992
- Papers "Various effects of Raising the normal retirement
age for Social Security Benefits" 1984
- Papers "Social Security: Brief Facts and Statistics"
- Papers "Social Security: President Clintons's Proposals
to Increase Taxation of Benefits" 1993
- Papers "Social Security: Proposals to Constrain Cost-of
-Living Adjustments" 1993
- Papers "Social Security: Proposals Affecting Coverage
of Household workers" 1993
- Papers "CRS Report For Congress: Taxing Social Security
Benefits: A Fact Sheet" 1992
- Papers "Social Security: Reexamining Eligibility
for disability benefits issue brief number. IB82078"
- Papers "Medicare: Its use, Funding, and Economic
Dimensions" 1989
- Papers "Medicare: Proposals to increase the amount
of earning subject to the hospital insurance tax" 1990
- Papers "Medicare Financing" 1991
- Papers "CRS Draft on Major Social Security votes-Your
request for Comments-Information" 1986
- Papers "The Economic well-being of Social Security
recipients and the Effect of a Cost of Living adjustments
Freeze" 1990
- Papers "Social Security: Brief Facts and Statistics"
- Papers "Social Security: Brief Facts and Statistics"
- Papers "The projected Social Security surplus"
- Papers "Long does it take for new retirees to recover
the value of their Social Security taxes? 1990
- Papers "How long does it take for new retirements
to recover the value of their social security taxes?"
- Papers "How long does it take for current retirees
to recover the value of their social security contributions"
- Papers "Social Security: Its funding outlook and
significance for government finance" 1986
- Papers "Social Security's Financial Problem: the
real challenge is to hold on to public confidence"
- Papers "Social Security: The effect of the baby boom"
- Papers "Social Security trust fund investment policy
issue brief number IB81169" 1981
- Papers "Social Security: Withdrawal by state and
local governments and nonprofit organizations" 1982
- Papers "The government pension offset in Social Security"
- Papers "Social Security and tax-free fringe benefits:
background and issues" 1985
- Books "A Summary of the 1981-82 Social Security trustees'
report and Supplementary Historical information" 1981-82
- Book "Short-Range actuarial projections of the old-age,
Survivors, and Disability insurance program, 1991"
- Book "Short-Range Actuarial projections of the Old-Age,
survivors, and Disability insurance programs, 1988"
- Books "Long-Range Estimates of the Financial Status
of the old-age, survivors, and Disability insurance Programs"1983,
1980, 1978, 1974, 1969, 1966, 1963
- Books "Experience of Disabled worker benefits under
OASDI" 1965-74, 1975-77, 1974-78, 1972-76
- Books "Analysis of Benefits OASDI Program 1960 &
1954 Amendments"
- Book "Methodology involved in Developing Long-Range
Cost Estimates for the Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability
Insurance System" 1959
- Book "Present value of DI Benefits in current payments
status 1968"
- Book "Termination experience of disabled worker benefits
under OASDI" 1957-63
- Book "Effects of the Various Social Security Benefits
Computation Procedures" 1981
- Book "Medium-Range Cost Estimates for Old-Age, Survivors,
and Disability Insurance Under Increasing-Earnings Assumption"
- Book "The Financial Principle of Self-Support in
the Old-Age and Survivors Insurance System" 1955
- Book "Present values of OASI Benefits in current
payments status 1940-56"
- Book "Estimated Amount of Life Insurance in Force
as Survivors Benefits Under Social Security Act Amendments
of 1952"
- Book "Present values of OASI Benefits in Current
Payment Status 1940-52"
- Book "Estimated Amount of Life Insurance in Force
as Survivor Benefits under OASI 1959-60"
- Book "Estimated Amount of Life Insurance in Force
as Survivors Benefits Under OASI-1957"
- Book "Analysis of Benefits Under 26 selected Private
Pension Plans" 1963
- Book "Present values of OASI benefits in current
payment Status" 1968
- Book "Economic Insecurity in Old Age" 1960
- Book "Short-Range Actuarial projections of the old-age,
survivors, and disability insurance program, 1966"
- Book "Social Security Area Population Projections:
- Book "A Stochastic Evaluation of the short-range
economic assumptions in the 1994 OASI Trustees Report"
- Book "History of the Provisions of Old-Age, Survivors,
Disability, and Health Insurance 1935-1993"
- Book "Illustrative United States Population Projections"
- Book "Actuarial Cost Estimates for Hospital Insurance
Bill" 1963
- Book "Analysis of Experience Under Supplementary
Medical Insurance Program According to Payment-Record Data"
- Book "Actuarial cost estimates for hospital insurance
program" 1970
- Book "History of Cost Estimates for Hospital Insurance"
- Book "Actuarial Cost Estimates for Hospital Insurance
Act of 1965 and Social Security Amendments of 1965"
- Books "Economic Projections for OASDHI Cost and Income
Estimates: 1986 & 1984
- Books "Social Security Area Population Projections:
1981, 1983-1987"
- Books "United States Population Projections for OASDHI
cost estimates" 1966, 1974, 1978, 1980
- Book "Remarriage Tables Based on Experience under
OASDI and US Employees Compensation systems" 1962
- Book "Life Tables for the United States: 1900-2050"
- Book "Actuarial Tables based on the U.S. Life Tables:
- Book "United States Population Projection by Material
Status for OASDI Cost Estimates" 1980
- Book "Social Security Amendments-1969-72: Discussion"
- Book "What Long-term inflation will do to the Social
Security System" 1974
- Book "New Realistic Projections of Social Security
Benefits and taxes: their impact of the Economy and on Future
Private Pensions" 1973
- Book "Understanding the source and Dimensions of
Crisis in Social Security" 1981
- Book "OASI Statement of Bureau Objectives" 1960
- Book "Toward a brighter future for the elderly"
- Book "The organization and Administration of Public
Relief Agencies" 1946
- Book "Sources of Revenue for the state share of Public
Assistance" 1939-47
- Book "The Application process in Public Assistance
Administration" 1966
- Books "Revenue sharing in operation" 1974-75
- Book "Individual Taxes and the Distribution of Income"
- Book "How can Experiments be more useful?" 1974
- Book "A new view of Property tax incidence"
- Book "Social Policy: Alternate Strategies for the
Federal Government" 1974
- Book "Should pensioners receive Unemployment compensation?"
- Book "Subcommittee on oversight and subcommittee
on public assistance and unemployment compensation of the
Committee on ways and means U.S. house of Representatives"
- Book "A Report to the Special committee on aging
United states senate" 1971
- Book "Developments in aging 1959-1963: A Report of
the Special Committee on aging United States Senate together
with Supplemental and minority views pursuant to S. Res.
33, February 13, 1961 and S. Res. 238, February 7, 1962"
- Books "Executive Handbook of Selected Data"
1980, 1988, 1989
- Book "Status of the Social Security and Medicare
Programs" 1991
- Book "Social Security: The Long-Term Deficit"
- Book "Subcommittee on Social Security of the Committee
on ways and means U.S. House of Representatives" 1979
- Book "Standing Rules of the Senate" 1992
- Book "Lord Denning's Report" 1963
- Book "Sweden's Social Security System" 1966
- Book "International Social Security Agreements"
- Book "Hearing before the Subcommittee on Social Security
of the Committee on ways and means House of Representatives"
- Book "Social Security in a changing world" 1979
- Book "In the Supreme Court of the United States"
- Book "Report of the Panel on Social Security financing
to the committee on Finance United States Senate" 1975
- Book "Letter from the secretary of Health, Education,
and Welfare" 1967
- Book "A Pre-White House Conference on aging Summary
of Development and Data: A report of the Special Committee
on aging United States Senate together with minority and
Supplemental views" 1971
- Book "National Insurance Act 1965"
- Book "An analysis of the development and rationales
of the United States Income Security System, 1776-1980"
- Book "Pensions in the United States: A Study prepared
for the Joint Committee on the Economic Report by the National
Planning Association" 1952
- Book "Development in aging: 1972 and January-March
1973: A Report of the Special Committee on aging United
States Senate" 1972
- Books "Hearing before the Special Committee on aging
United States Senate" 1973-1974
- Book "Retirement: The Broken Promise: A Report by
the Select Committee on aging U.S. House of Representatives
- Book "Hearing before the subcommittee on retirement
income and employment of the select committee on aging house
of representatives" 1975
- Book "Hearing before the Special committee on aging
United States Senate" 1978
- Book "Hearing before the Special Committee on aging
United States Senate" 1980
- Book "Subcommittee on Human resources of the Committee
on ways and Means U.S. House of Representatives" 1990
- Book "Report of the Joint Economic Committee Congress
of the United States on the 1992 economic report of the
- Book "Old age income assurance" 1967
- Book "Economic Policies and Practices" 1968
- Book "Composite of the Social Security Act and P.L.
- Book "Composite of Title II and Title XVIII of the
Social Security Act and HR 5710"
- Book "Composite of the Social Security Act and P.L.
93-66" 1973
- Book "Social Security Act and H.R. 1" 1972
- Book "Title II of the Social Security Act as Amended
by the Amendments of 1960"
- Book "Title II of the Social Security Act as Amended
by the Amendments by the Amendments of 1958"
- Book "Domestic council review group for Social Security
programs Briefing Memoranda: June 1975
- Book "Improving the Public Welfare System" 1970
- Book "Issues in Child Support Assurance" 1991
- Papers "GAO Final Report "Income Maintenance
Experiments: Need to Summarize Results and Communicate Lessons
Learned."-INFORMATION" 1981
- Project "Rules of Operation for New Jersey Experiment"
- Papers The Negative income tax: Accounting problems and
a Proposed solution" 1970
- Book "Highlights of Welfare Reform" 1970
- Book "Revised: Administration Responses to NWRO Grievances
with respect to H.R. 1" 1971
- Book "New Jersey Graduated work incentive experiment"
- Book "Final Report of the National Commission on
Social Security, March 1981"
- Book "Financing care of Mentally ill under Medicare
and Medicaid" 1968
- Report "Feasibility Study on Preventive Services
and Health Education for Medicare Recipients: A Report to
the Congress" 1968
- Report "Personal Qualifications for Medicare Personnel:
A Report to Congress" 1968
- Book "Report of the Secretary's Review committee
of the Task Force on Prescription Drugs" 1969
- Book "Task Force on Prescription Drugs: Final Report"
- Book "Task Force on Prescription Drugs: Second Interim
Report and Recommendations" 1968
- Book "Approaches to Drug Insurance Design" 1969
- Papers "Report on indexing Federal Programs"
- Book "Social Welfare Policy at the Crossroads"
- Report "Report on Public Hearings Advisory Council
on Social Security" 1979
- Red Folder "Cohen, Wilber J. (Reports to Congress)"1968
- Book "Indexation of Federal Programs" 1981
- Book "Social Security and the Changing Roles of Men
and Women (CHART BOOK" 1979
- Book "Social Security and the Changing Roles on Men
and Women" 1979
- Book "Earning Sharing Options for the Social Security
System" 1986
- Papers "Development of the Advisory Council's interim
recommendations on the treatment on Women" 1980
- Book "Task Force on Prescriptions Drugs: Third Interim
Report" 1968
- Book "Report on Earning Sharing Implementation Study"
- Papers "Subcommittee on Social Security of the Committee
on Ways and Means U.S. House of Representatives: Social
Security Benefits (OASDI)-Existing Law and Proposals in
95th Congress"
- Papers "H.R. 5322" 1977
- Papers "H.R. 9346" 1977
- Papers "Social Security Amendments of 1977: Report
of the Committee on Finance U.S. Senate on H.R. 5263"
- File "Decouple 1976"
- File "Fall Bach Proposals" Spring 1979
- Papers "Section-by-Section Summary of Social Security
Amendments of 1978"
- File "FY92" 1991
- File "OASDI Misc. Prop. January-February 1992"
- Red Folder "DI Worker's Compensation" 1988
- File "FY89" 1988
- File "FY90" 1990
- File "FY91" 1990
- File "FY93"1991
- File "FY81" 1980
- File "FY86"1985
- File "FY87" 1988
- File "FY88"1986
- File "FY84" 1983
- File "FY87" 1985
- File "Bills to Congress" 1987-89
- File "Administration FY86"1986
- Papers "FY85 OASDI Draft" 1984
- Folder "FY 1985 Legislation Progam"
- Red Folder "FY88" 1986
- File "GAO OASDI misc."1988
- File "GAO 800#" 1990
- File "GAO Misc."1986
- File "GAO Downsize" 1991
- File "GAO Management Review" 1986
- File "GAO Trusts Funds" 1986
- File "Debt Collect 1989"
- Papers "Social Security: Need for Better Coordination
of Food Stamp Services for Social Security Clients"
- Papers "Social Security: Measure of Telephone Service
Accuracy can be improved"
- Book "Employee Benefits: Companies' Retiree Health
Liabilities Large, Advance Funding Costly" 1989
- Papers "Social Security: Analysis of a Proposal to
Privatize Trust Fund Reserves" 1990
- Papers "Geographic information systems: Information
on Federal use and Coordination" 1991
- Red Folder "GAO: OASDI general (Wage records etc.)
- Red Folder "505 Studies"1993-94
- Book "Compilation 1954"
- Book "Amendments to the Social Security Act"
- Papers "Congressional Record Vol.123 No.174"
- Papers "Congressional Record Vol.123 No. 173"
- Papers "Senate" Friday, November 4, 1977"
- File "GAO Trust Funds" 1989
- File "GAO Review 1986"
- Book "Report of the National Commission on Social
Security Reform" 1983
- Book "Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance
and Hospital Insurance Programs" 1982
- Papers "President Carters Social Security Proposals"
- Book "Report of the Women's Action Program"
- Book "Progress Report on the Status of Women"
- Book "American Women 1963"
- Papers "Issue Analysis paper, Should Social Security
Contributions Reduced for Low-Income Workers" 1973
- Book 'Report of the National Commission on Social Security
Reform" 1983
- Book "Social Security in America's Future" 1981
- Book "A Nationwide Survey of attitudes toward Social
Security" 1981
- Book "Social Security Financing" 1952
- White 3-Ring Binder "Framing the Social Security
Debate: Values, Politics & Economics" 1998
- File "PER Study 1992"
- File "Reports" 1994
- File "Terminally Ill" 1980-81
- File "Personal Appear" 1991
- File "Misc. Studies Spring 1987"
- File "1988 Cafeteria plans"
- File "1985 Excess FICA"
- File "1988 Birth Certification"
- File "Tax Refund Offset"1989
- File "Expanding the Tip Reporting Requirements"
- File "Follow-up Audit of the title II earnings Enforcement
Operation" 1990
- Red Folder "OIG Reports 1992"
- File "OIG 1982 Float"
- File "OIG 1986 no Maintenance"
- File "OIG 1990-91 Workers Comp"
- Papers "Federal Retirement: Use of Contractors to
Implement the Federal Employees Retirement System"
- Papers "Payments under the Disability Determination
Program for Medical Appointments broken by claimants of
disability insurance and Supplemental Security income Benefits"
- Papers "Social Security Administration Payments for
vocational Rehabilitation" 1990
- Papers "DDS Administrative cost trends and controls"
- Papers "Factors affecting Disability Determination
service productivity" 1988
- Papers "Access to Attorneys for Social Security Claimants"
- File "Railroad" 1987
- File "Financial Management Issues" 1988
- File "SAO"1989
- File "Over view 1988 + Misc."
- File "RT MR 5295" 1980
- File "OMB (Holen) Brief 1988"
- File "RET 1987-88"
- File "FY 89 (RET)" 1987
- Red Folder "RET 1987-88"
- Red Folder "9.0 Retirement" 1981
- Red Folder "RET Mis. Arts late 1980's"
- Red Folder "RET 1992"
- Red Folder "RET 1988-89"
- Book "Social Security Bulletin" 1983
- Books "Social Security Amendments of 1983 & 1985
Legislative History and Summary of Provisions"1983
& 1985
- File "Legislation" 1992
- File "Litigation" 1979
- Papers "Resource Limits" 1985
- Book "Social Security Advisory Board" 1999
- Book "The 1999 Technical Panel on Assumptions and
- Book "Developing Social Security Policy" 1997
- Book "Increasing Public Understanding of Social Security"
- Book "Social Security Advisory Board" 1997
- Book "Strengthening Social Security Research: The
Responsibilities of the Social Security Administration"
- Book "Strengthening Social Security Research: The
Responsibilities of the Social Security Administration"
- Book "Social Security Advisory Board" 1997
- Book "Social Security Advisory Board: Annual Report
Fiscal Year 1998:
- Book "How the Social Security Administration can
improve its service to the public" 1999
- Folder "SSA CHRON Jan. 1999"
- Blue 3-Ring Binder "(Final) Pain Study 12/11/86"
- Blue 3-Ring Binder "312 study 1980 DI Amendments
of 1980" 1) Introduction; 2) Discussion; 3) Selected
Bibliography; 4) Appendices; 5) Tables and Graphs; 6) Associated
- Red Folder "British Syst. M.Ross- Related" 1997
- Red Folder "NASI P-Tize 1996"
- Folder "Evaluating Issues in Social Security Privatization"
- Blue 3-Ring Binder "Evaluating Issues in Social Security
Privation" 1998
- File "Simulating Benefits Levels under Alternative
Social Security Reform Approaches" 1997
- File "NASI P-Tize 10/31/97"
- Folder "National Academy of Social Insurance"
- File "NASI P-Tize" 4/18/97
- File "Ross: Retirement Wealth Accumulation and Decumulation:
New Developments and Outstanding Opportunities" 1997
- File "NASI P-Tize 2/7/97"
- File "Defined Contributions Accounts: Their Implications
for Distributions" 1997
- Red Folder "OACT current 1992-94"
- Red Folder "OACT 1991-90"
- File "OACT 1988"
- File "Misc. 1960's-70"
- File "Misc. 1980-87"
- Files "1978"
- File "1979"
- File "W + M 1978 CAPR"
- File "1978 Keep WORTMAN out of Tail"
- File "1978-79 Keepers"
- Red Folder "5.0 Financing (1979)
- File "Social Security Financing 1979"
- File "Benefit Formulas" 197-79
- File "Financing 79-80"
- File "5.5 Gasoline/ Alcohol Surcharge" 1980
- File "Financing 1980"
- Red Folder "5.0 Financing (1980)"
- File "1979-80 Benefit Formula"
- File "Weighting Paper 1972"
- File "Benefit Conservation" 1990
- File "1987 Cola"
- File "1990 Cola Delay"
- File "Hearing before Committee on ways and means
September 11, 1984" 1) Letter of Invitation; 2) List
of Witnesses; 3) Committee Membership and Interests; 4)
Present Law; 5) Pending Legislation (Description, Problems,
Cost); 6) Cola-Related; 7) Questions and Answers;
- File "1982 Cola"
- File "Minimum Benefit" 1992
- File "Special Minimum" 1974
- Red Folder "Family Maximum Benefits" 1987
- File "Minimum Benefits" 1970
- File "Q/C 1992"
- File "Empirical QC" 1988
- File "2.2 FY 1981 (Folder #2) CPI Measures"
1) CPI for Agent; 2) Legislation to shift to Allurbon CPI
1976-78; 2) Review of Fed. Index Policy 1980-81"; 3)
Misc. Props.
- Red Folder "Semi Annual" 1974-75
- File "Composit Act with H.R. with M.R. 16311"
- File "FAP CMRON Oral History" 1996
- File "FAP/SSI 1969 SSA Administration of FAP"
- File "Assignments" 1970
- File "Planning/ORG (FAP)" 1969
- File "Preexisting Staley (WEIF) provisions/practices"
- File "Average 1969 Welfare Message to Congress"
- File "1969 FAP issues original 16311"
- File "1970 Training course on FAP"
- File "Mill Bymas HR Fap/Welfare" 1970
- File "APR: House Floor 16311"
- File "Recommit HR 16311 (Suitable Employment)"
- File "Problems to house passed 16311 FAP "Became"
- Book "H.R. 16311 The Family assistance act of 1970"
- File "SFC hearing on H.R. 16311, FAP" 1970
- File "Oct. 1970 Charges FAP"
- Book "Welfare Reform: The Family Assistance Act"
- Red Folder "HR1 1971"
- File "Williams Charts 7/71"
- File "Adult Assistance" 1971
- File "Wilbur Mills-Questions FAP SSI" 1971
- File "Administration on title SSI-Adult Assistance"
- File "FAP Pretests" 1970
- File "Welfare-Miscellaneous 1970"
- File "Adult Assistance" 1970
- File "Montgomery Reports" 1970
- File "June-July 1970"
- File "1970 GAO Review Simplified Elig for Adult Asstance"
- File "State buy in" 1971
- File "Fiscal Relief" 1971
- File "Wicky" 1970
- File "Institutionalization" 1971
- File "Aliens" 1971
- File "OASDI costs HR1 1971"
- File "Adult Assistant Issues 1971 Pete Wheeler"
- File "Assistant Administration Expenses" 1971
- File "Adult Assistant-Descripts" 1971
- File "Effectiveness Dates 1971"
- File "Provisions Fap" 1970
- File "Amendment # 871 10/70 State Administration"
- File "Fap Ribicoff" 1972
- File "WIN January, 1972 HR 10604"
- File "Planning for Adult assistant" 1971
- File "Def. of Disability" 1971
- File "Adult Assistant Voc. Rehab" 1971
- File "Data 1971 SSI"
- File "Disables Childs-SSI" 1971
- File "Adult Assistant Misc. Issues" 1971
- File "Ribicoff" 1972
- File "Due Process" 1971
- Book "H.R. 16311 The Family Assistance Act of 1970"
- File "SFC 1970 Alternative to FAP-Tests"
- File "SFC1970 Decision not to report H.R. 16311"
- File "Senator Marris + Welfare Reform" 1970-71
- File "FAP-Costs + Caseloads 1969-70"
- File "Costests" 1970
- File "Mary Jones 1970 - Mary Smith"
- File "FAP-General Summer 1970"
- File "Richardson Testimony" 1970
- File " Talmadge Amendments" 1970
- File "Senator Floor" Dec 1970
- File "Ridicoff Amendments" 1970
- File "FAP 1970"
- File "Bennett 1970"
- File "FHP Senate Floor" 1970
- File "H.R. 6004-Willato" 1971
- File "W+M Mark up 3/71:HRI" 1971
- File "Ribicoff/ Bennett" 1971
- File "Bennett" 1971
- File "Ribicoff" 1971
- File "American Conservation Union" 1971
- File "NWRO 1971-72"
- File "Food stamps" 1970
- File "1970 Fruad"
- File "Work Requirement"1970
- File "FAP State Supplement" 1970-71
- File "FAP Claims Process 1970"
- File "Role of Statement Agencies-the Complete (Unfinished)
Non Document" 1994
- Black 3-Ring Binder "Review of Leg. History of S/A
Involvement in OASDI Disability Determinations" 1994
- Project "Employment and Return to Work for People
with Disabilities" 1996
- Book "Chart Book on Disability in the United States"
- Book "Supported Employment Research" 1997
- File " 10M" 1967
- File "W+M Disability" 1997
- File "W+M Subcommittee" 1997
- Book "Disability Statistics Report" 1992
- File "SGA" 1997
- Folder "DI Conference" 1996
- File "Senator aging/con. Return to work" 1996
- Book "Achieving Independence: The Challenge for the
21st Century" 1996
- Book "Generations: Journal of the American Society
on Aging" 1991
- Book "Future View: Perspective on the Future of an
Aging Society"
- Book "When support and confidence are at odds: The
public's Understanding of the Social Security Program"
- Book "Assessing Social Security Reform Alternatives"
- Book "H.R. 7200" 1977
- Papers "SFC. SS Bill 9/27/77"
- Papers "H.R. 7200" 1977
- Book "Public Assistance Amendments of 1977: Report
of the Committee on Finance U.S. Senate on H.R. 7200"
- File "S.3323 Child Health" 1968
- File "Outreach changing Roles" 1979
- File "Women A/C 1978-79"
- Books "Social Security Bulletin: 1990(December)-1991
(May, March, February, July, September)
- Book "Aging Issues: Related GAO Reports and Activities
In Fiscal Year 1996"
- Books "Month in Review 1998: Reports Testimony, Correspondence,
and Other Publications" February-May
- Books "Social Security through the World" 1989,
1987, 1975, 1993, 1995
- File "SSI Props" 1968
- Red Folder "2.0 Legislative Programs"
- Red Folder "FY94 Approps."
- File "Buget/Deficit" 1991
- File "Sequester" 1990
- File "Staffing Closing Rosty-Natcher"
- File "FY96"1994
- File "FY95 + NPR" 1994
- File "FY72-83 &86-92"
- File "Leg. FY70 1969"
- File "Various Bills 1969"
- File "OMB Budget Proposals-Medicare
- File "Budget 1969"
- File "Misc. 1969 Props"
- File "Nixon Administration Policy
Repeated" 1970
- File "1972 Weighting"
- File "Amendments" 1967
- File "WJC 1969"
- File "Legislation 1965"
- File "Legislation Program 1967"
- File "Misc. Props" 1968
- File "1967 Policy"
- Black 3-Ring Binder "February,
1991 FIN + Budget Props"
Box MR-137
- Envelope "Disclosure" 1994
- File "Disclosures" 1992
- Folder "Foreign Distributions
Divisions: General Motors Corporation" 1966
- Folder "1976 House Breakin
- File "Cadi. Lincoln 1985"
- File "Credit" 1983
- File "Credit Union-Car Loan"
- Folder "Congressional Quarterly
Inc." 1992
- File "Misc. Personal" 1960
- File "Office Misc." 1962
- File "Prep Line" 1987
- File "MR Personnel" 1960
- File "SVAHN Bill"1983
- File "Ethics" 1994
- File "Security Clear"1989
- File "Pers. Early SES 1979-81"
- File "Miss Ross"1972
- File "SES" 1982
- Folder "Federal Service Employment
Folder" 1960
- File "Training"1986
- File "Recertify" 1991
- File "FY 1995"
- File "HHS Budget FY 95"
Box MR-138
- Red Folder "FY93" 1991
- File "FY 1994: Legislation Program"
- File "Pass back 4/16/87"
- File "FY 80-81"
- File "FY87 & 93 Pass back"
- Red Folder "FY91 Press Relief"
- Red Folder "FIN Moynihan/Darman"
- File "A/C Fin 1989-90"
- File "Fin/TFS" 1985
- File "FIN Spring 1990 Senate
Finance Comm."
Box MR-139
- File "Tax Fairness" 1991
- File "FIN 1991"
- File "TF Workgroup" 1988
- File "FIN 1989"
- File "FIN 1990"
- File "Moynihan" 1988
- File "FIN 1988"
- File "Sec. FIN" 1988
- File "Roybal FIN" 1985-86
- File "Older Benefits" 1989
- File "MI Age" 1993
- Red Folder "Other ORS: Ret Age
Studies 1982" 1) Other ORS RET age Study under 83;
- File "Age 62 Comp" 1976
- File "Other equal RT's Cases"
- File "DRC"1980
- File "Recomps" 1980
- File "Tax Benefits" 1993
Box MR-140
- Books "Final Report the 1981
White House Conference on Aging Volumes 1-3"
- Book "Background and Issues"
- Book "Physical and Mental Health"
- Book "Housing and Elderly"
- Papers "Population, Housing and
income and Federal Housing Programs" 1971
- Book "Budget Baselines, Historical
Data, and Alternatives for the Future" 1993
- Book "Alternative for Action:
The National Forum of state legislation on older Americans"
- Book "Restructuring Social Security
in Central and Eastern Europe" 1994
- Book "The 1961 White House Conference
on Aging Inventory of Recommendations"
- Book "Recommended for Action:
Housing" 1971
- Book "Recommended for Action:
Protective and Social Support" 1971
- Book "Recommended for Action:
The Aging and Aged Blacks" 1971
- Book "Recommended for Action:
Income" 1971
- Book "Recommended for Action:
Employment and Retirement" 1971
- Book "Recommended for Action:
Research and Demonstration" 1971
- Book "Recommended for Action:
Health Care Strategies" 1971
- Book "Recommended for Action:
Physical and Mental Health" 1971
- Red Folder "MTR" 1989 1)MTR's
+ taxing Benefits; 2) Tax Benefits // Key Docs;
- Red Folder "8.0 Retirement"
- File "Tax Benefits // State"
- File "Tax Benefits// Means Tests"
- File "Tax Treatment of Social
Security Taxes" 1980
- Book "Assignment of the Commissioner
of Social Security" 1972
- File "Tax Benefits 1993"
- Red Folder "4.2 Tax Treatment
of Benefits" 1960-83
Box MR-141
- Black 3-Ring Binder "Reconciliation
September 1980"
- Black 3-Ring Binder "Early 1977"
1) Draft Transition Memo; 2) Memo to Califnao; 3) Memo to
Security; 4) White house Release;
- Black 3-ring binder "Notes for
the Record 1976-77" 1)SFC Hearing; 2) Ways and Means
Hearing; 3)Ways and Means Hearing; 4) Conference;
- Blue 3-Ring Binder "Decoupling
Background book" 1975 1) General Background Materials
2) Primary Decoupling; 3) Issues Common to Most Decoupling
- File "Extra-Decoupling 1977:
Notes for Record" 1977
- File "Legislation 1965"
Box MR-142
- Black 3-Ring Binder "Conference
Committee Background Book: Social Security Amendments 1977"1)
Comparison Chart; 2) Financing Provisions; 3) Other House-passed
Provisions; 4) Senate-passed Provisions;
- Blue 3-Ring Binder "SNEE Davis"
- Black 3-Ring Binder "Cash Benefits
Senate Finance Committee Executive Session" 1972
- Blue 3-Ring Binder "Legislation
September 1972"
- Black 3-Ring Binder "Adult Assistance
Senate Finance Committee Executive Session" 2/29/72
- File "H.R.1 Conference"
- Papers "H.R.1: Brief Description
of Senate Amendments" 1972
- File "1964"
- File "Vail 1967"
Box MR-143
- Book "EBRI Data book on Employee
Benefits" 1995
- Papers "H.R. 16311" 1970
- Books "H.R. 1" 1972
- Book "Supplemental Security Income
Modernization Project: Final Report of the Experts"
August 1992
- Book "H.R.1" 1971
- Book "H.R. 17550" 1970
- File "1970-71 Committee Prints"
Box MR-144
- White 3-Ring Binder "Ensuring
Health and Income Security for an Aging Workforce"
- White 3-Ring Binder "Social Security
and Medicare: Individual vs. Collective Risk & Responsibility"
- Book "Tax Policy for Pensions
and Other Retirement Saving" 1987
- Book "Coming of Age: Toward A
National Retirement Income Policy" 1981
- Book "Public Policy and Private
Pension Programs: A Report to the President on Private Employee
Retirement Plans" 1965
- Book "Fall Pension and Health
Benefits Update" 1991
- Book "Financing Medicare Services
in the United States" 1971
- Book "Senator Chafee's Proposal
for the Health Care Program: An overview of the Administrative
Structure" 1994
- Book "The President's Proposal
for Health Care Reform: An Overview of the Administrative
Structure" 1994
- Book "Compendium of National
health expenditures data" 1929-70
- Book "Medical Care Expenditures,
Prices, and Costs: Background Book" 1973
- Papers "Proposals for Changes
in Medicare and Medicaid" 1970
- Book "National Health Insurance
Proposals" 1974
- Book "Financing Mental Health
Care Under Medicare and Medicaid" 1971
- Book "Towards a Comprehensive
Health Policy for the 1970's"
- Book "Medical care Costs and
Prices: Background Book" 1972
- Book "Long-Term Care for the
Elderly and Disabled" 1977
- Papers "Subcommittee on Health
of the Committee on Ways and Means U.S. House of Representatives"
- Books "The New Yorker" July
2, 1966-July 23, 1966
- Book "Recommendations of the
Task Force on Medicaid and Related Programs" 1970
- Book "Health Care Financing Review"
- Blue 3-Ring Binder "1982 A/C
on Social Security (Medicare)"
Box MR-145
- Book "Hearing before the Committee
on Finance United States Senate on H.R. 1" 1971
- Book "Hearing before the Committee
on Finance United States Senate on H.R. 16311" 1970
- Book "Social Security Amendments
on 1970: Report of the Committee on Finance U.S. Senate
to accompany H.R. 17550" 1970
- Blue 3-Ring Binder "1975-6 Decoupling
- Black 3-Ring Binder "Decouple
1975" 1)Meeting; 2) Gen'l Misc.; 3) Index Point; 4)
Thompson; 5) Annual RPT. + Wage Index;
- Black 3-Ring Binder "Social Security
Box MR-146
- File "Pensions" 1992
- Red Folder "Pri Pens Misc. Arts"
- Red Folder "Pri Pens EBRI 5/93
and Maxwell 10/92"
- Books "Working Papers" 1980
- Black 3-Ring Binder "Pensions"
- File "1979 Pres Commis"
- Folder "Social Security and Private
Pensions: Providing for Retirement in the 21st Century"
- Book "Study of the Potential
Economic and Fiscal Effects on Investment of the Assets
of the Social Security Old-Age and Survivors insurance and
Disability Insurance trust Funds" 1988
- Books "Working Papers: Retirement
Income Goals" 1976
- Books "Introduction to Employee
Benefit Plans" 1976
- Projects "U.S. Social Security
Board Bureau of Research and Statistics: Technical Publications
Digest" 1936
- Book "Employee Retirement Income
Security Act" 1980
- Book "An Interim Report: President's
Commission on Pension Policy" 1980
- Book "Coming of Age: Toward A
National Retirement Income Policy" 1981
- Papers "Enrollment of Elderly
People in the Supplementary Security Income Program"
- Book "Report of the Supplemental
Security Income Study Group" 1976
- Book "Reports to the Congress"
- Book "Supplemental Security Income
for Children with Disabilities" 1995
- Book "Averting the Old Age Crisis"
- Book "When workers call the Shots:
Can they Achieve Retirement Security?" 1995
- Book "Public Pensions: Summary
of Federal Pensions Plan Data" 1996
Box MR-147
- File "PUB Configuration - PEBES"
- File "PUB Configuration - PEBES"
- File "SSAB Tech Panel-MTG"
- File "HR 5 Ref. Test SS sub committee"
- File "W+M 11/9/99 Press SS Progs."
- File "Various Reform Props"
- File "SSAB 10/13/98 Ret Age"
- Book "Supplemental Security Income;
Progress Made in Implementing Welfare Reform Changes; More
Action Needed" 1999
- File "3 Legged 95-99"
- File "Polls"1987
- File "SGA 4/00 NASI-SSA Panel"
- File "4/1/00 SS subcommittee-
SS public information"
- File "2000 TR's Social Security
- File "SGA Subcommittee Cleaning
- File "W+M Subcommittee 3/30/00
- File "MR5 Earning Tests"
- File "KO TRs 2000"
- File "SFC + Summers FY 2001 budget"
- File "2000 W+M Readlines for
boomers- (did not attached)
- File "Heritage Medicare"
- File "W+M 7/19/00 Markup"
- File "Social Security subcommittee
disability" 7/13/00
- File "FY 2001 Approps"
- File "W+M Attorney Fees"
- File "W+M Drugs" 2000
- File "5/9/00 SSN Misuse W+M Social
Security Subcommittee"
Box 148
- Papers "Social Security Trust
Funds as Contingency Reserves" 1976
- Papers "The Incidence of Social
Security Payroll Taxes" 1971
- Book "General Revenue Financing
of the Social Security System" 1973-77
- Book "Financial Problems Confront
the Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance and Disability
Insurance Trust Funds" 1975
- Papers "How Social Security Legislation
is Enacted" 1982
- Papers "Social Security in the
United States: One-Third of a Century" 1968
- Papers "The Development of the
Social Security Act of 1935: Reflections Some Fifty Years
Later" 1983
- Papers "Increasing the Social
Security Retirement Age: Effect on older Workers in Physically
Demanding Occupations or Ill Health" 1983
- Papers "To Employees of Industrial
and Business Establishments" 1936
- Papers "Perspective in Public
Welfare: The English Heritage" 1966
- Papers "Research and Social Security
Policy in the United States" 1987
- Papers "Social Security trust
Fund Surpluses and the Economy" 1988
- Papers "Social Security survey
of the disabled" 1966
- Papers "The Attitudes of the
American Public" 1985
- Papers "The education of David
Stockman" 1981
- Papers "Legislative History of
the Social Security act of 1935" 1960
- Book "Bipartisan Commission On
Entitlement and Tax Reform" 1995
- Papers "Message from the President
of the United States" 1981
- Book "Domestic Council Review
group for Social Programs Briefing Memoranda" 1975
- Papers "Aging in the 80's: America
in transition" 1981
- Book "1979 study of American
Attitudes toward Pensions and Retirement"
- Book "Annual Report to the Congress
of Title XX of the Social Security Act Fiscal Year1979"
- File "OMBUDSMAN Study" 1978
- Book "Public Attitudes toward
Social Security" 1935, 1965
- Book "Report of the Universal
Social Security Coverage Study Group" 1980
- Book "Financing Social Security:
Issues for the Short and Long Term" 1977
- Book "Financing Social Security
Issues and Options for the Long Run" 1982
- Book "CRS: Major Legislative
of the Congress" 1980
- Book "Conference Proceedings
Social Security Trust Funds: Issues for the 1990s and Beyond"
- Papers "Old Age Security and
The Problems of OASDI" 1976
- Book "Social Security and National
- Book "Financing The Social Security
Act" 1936
- Book "Factors Influenced the
Relative Number of Aged Beneficiaries under Old-Age and
Survivors Insurance and of Old-Age Assistance Recipients
in the States" 1947
- Papers "Restoration of Certain
Minimum Benefits and other OASDI Program Changes: Legislative
History and Summary of Provisions" 1982
- Papers "Report on Extending the
Float Period for Social Security Check" 1984
- Blue 3-Ring Binder "1978 OMBUDSMAN
- Folder "Article on the Omnibus
Budget Reconciliation Act as It affects Social Security
and Medicare" 1981
Box MR-149
- Red Folder "1993-4 DI Background
for NASI"
- Red Folder "NASI" 1993
- Red Folder "709 Study Fall 1992"
Spring 1994
Box MR-150
- Book "Criteria Issues in American
Health Care Delivery and Financing Policy" 1991
- Book "The Social Security Technical
Panel Report to the 1991 Advisory Council on Social Security"
- Book "Report on Medicare Projections
by the Health Technical Panel to the 1991 Advisory Council
on Social Security" 1991
- Book "Social Security and the
Future Financial Security of Women" 1991
- Book "Interim Report on Social
Security and the Federal Budget" 1990
- Book "Commitment to Change: Foundations
for Reform" 1991
- Book "Income Security and Health
Care: Economic Implications 1991-2020. An Expert Panel Report
to the Advisory Council on Social Security" 1991
- Book "Future Financial Resources
of the Elderly: A view of Pensions, Savings, Social Security,
and Earnings in the 21st Century" 1991
- Book "The Financing and Delivery
of Long-Term Care Services: A Review of Current Problems
and Potential Reform Options" 1991
- Book "A Plan to Establish an
Independent agency for Social Security" 1984
- Book "Social Security Administration
and Investment Reform Act of 1986"
- Book "Financing Old-Age, Survivors,
and Disability Insurance" 1959
- Book "Old-Age and Survivors Insurance"
- Book "The Retirement Test Under
Old-Age and Survivors Insurance" 1960
- Book "Final Report of the Advisory
Council on Social Security" 1938
- Books "Guide to Social Security
and Medicare" 1989-95
- Book "Social Security Financing
and Benefits: Report of the 1979 Advisory Council"
- Book "Executive Summaries of
the Reports of the Advisory Council on Social Security"
- Book "National Dialogue on SSI
Childhood Disability" 2000
- Books "Health Insurance for the
Disabled Under Social Security" 1969 & 1971
- Book "Communication from Secretary
of Health, Education, and Welfare" 1975
- Book "Social Security Financing
and Benefits Report of the 1979 Advisory Council"