SSI Monthly Statistics, December 2024

Federally Administered State Supplementation Payments

Table 17. Total payments, by state or other area, eligibility category, and age, December 2024 (in thousands of dollars)
State or area Total Eligibility category Age
Aged Blind and disabled Under 18 18–64 65 or older
All areas 294,430 90,700 203,730 10,593 128,835 155,002
California 280,698 87,884 192,814 9,644 121,722 149,331
Delaware 71 3 68 (X) 59 (X)
District of Columbia 440 65 375 2 209 230
Hawaii 1,342 376 967 a 548 794
Iowa 211 9 202 33 144 34
Michigan 1,267 35 1,232 2 978 286
Montana 44 a 44 4 31 9
Nevada 773 661 111 8 77 688
New Jersey 6,548 1,352 5,196 817 3,368 2,363
Pennsylvania 1,998 241 1,758 2 997 1,000
Rhode Island 105 24 81 0 43 62
Vermont 827 46 782 68 587 172
Other 105 5 99 (X) 72 (X)
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Supplemental Security Record, 100 percent data.
NOTES: Data are shown only for states having federally administered optional state supplementation.
Includes retroactive payments.
(X) = suppressed to avoid disclosing information about particular individuals.
a. Less than $500.