OASDI Beneficiaries by State and ZIP Code, 2023

Rhode Island

Number of beneficiaries with benefits in current-payment status and total monthly benefits, by field office and ZIP Code, December 2023
Field office and ZIP Code Number Total monthly benefits (thousands of dollars) Number of OASDI beneficiaries aged 65 or older
Total Retired workers Disabled workers Widow(er)s and parents Spouses Children All beneficiaries Retired workers Widow(er)s and parents
All areas a 67,076,966 50,147,679 7,365,987 3,796,684 1,984,227 3,782,389 118,527,109 95,546,840 6,512,823 53,508,012
Total, Rhode Island 236,877 177,649 31,646 10,239 3,895 13,448 432,096 350,250 18,540 187,065
New London, CT 11,405 9,025 1,150 530 225 475 22,536 18,919 1,056 9,445
02804 655 510 70 30 10 35 1,272 1,064 56 515
02808 475 320 80 20 15 40 827 613 44 340
02813 2,570 2,130 215 100 50 75 5,315 4,604 221 2,195
02832 1,250 940 155 60 20 75 2,329 1,884 108 970
02833 205 165 25 10 0 5 381 317 15 175
02873 90 70 10 5 0 5 158 129 3 70
02891 6,160 4,890 595 305 130 240 12,254 10,308 609 5,180
Newport 20,640 16,675 1,825 945 400 795 40,571 34,683 1,823 17,650
02801 65 55 5 5 0 0 129 113 8 60
02835 1,905 1,595 100 85 40 85 4,116 3,637 174 1,695
02837 1,130 940 50 65 30 45 2,288 1,987 143 1,010
02840 4,815 3,815 510 230 85 175 9,203 7,839 429 4,055
02842 3,800 3,010 370 180 75 165 7,255 6,134 327 3,190
02871 4,335 3,565 335 200 90 145 8,936 7,702 401 3,770
02872 85 80 5 0 0 0 154 142 0 75
02878 4,505 3,615 450 180 80 180 8,490 7,129 341 3,795
Pawtucket 28,835 20,600 4,610 1,130 420 2,075 48,176 37,537 1,892 21,575
02860 8,035 4,985 1,800 315 130 805 11,314 7,812 444 5,290
02861 5,600 3,985 945 215 65 390 9,514 7,308 370 4,155
02862 145 75 45 5 0 20 187 113 9 80
02863 2,565 1,490 620 105 70 280 3,120 2,012 120 1,625
02864 8,080 6,510 810 300 90 370 15,289 12,871 575 6,720
02865 4,410 3,555 390 190 65 210 8,752 7,421 374 3,705
Providence 91,450 67,340 12,910 3,915 1,595 5,690 159,465 127,670 6,777 71,180
02806 3,300 2,635 210 145 80 230 7,292 6,227 312 2,835
02809 5,670 4,620 485 235 95 235 10,935 9,315 446 4,850
02815 55 40 5 5 0 5 118 89 7 45
02823 55 40 10 0 0 5 102 78 0 40
02825 1,355 1,045 165 65 15 65 2,585 2,096 127 1,090
02828 1,975 1,635 155 95 25 65 3,970 3,394 185 1,725
02831 890 685 115 40 15 35 1,792 1,454 80 730
02857 2,270 1,810 205 100 40 115 4,438 3,733 186 1,895
02885 3,000 2,250 385 160 45 160 5,673 4,572 309 2,400
02901 30 25 5 0 0 0 41 36 0 25
02903 1,760 1,135 305 80 50 190 2,599 1,946 119 1,230
02904 7,345 5,110 1,330 315 105 485 11,876 9,068 512 5,415
02905 4,270 2,885 760 170 90 365 6,356 4,842 238 3,010
02906 3,870 3,255 225 170 120 100 8,967 7,980 365 3,510
02907 3,710 2,270 800 135 115 390 4,184 2,792 138 2,410
02908 4,505 2,910 900 190 85 420 6,664 4,847 299 3,100
02909 4,855 2,795 1,180 195 120 565 5,814 3,756 236 2,995
02910 4,255 3,040 670 155 65 325 7,168 5,561 271 3,180
02911 3,490 2,570 535 155 50 180 6,075 4,791 279 2,715
02914 5,245 3,865 765 250 70 295 8,641 6,818 413 4,100
02915 4,600 3,505 645 225 50 175 8,370 6,720 421 3,700
02916 2,165 1,730 220 95 25 95 4,200 3,534 183 1,820
02917 3,220 2,605 335 125 45 110 6,359 5,377 257 2,715
02919 7,615 5,705 1,105 340 100 365 13,432 10,672 569 5,980
02920 8,840 6,620 1,120 360 145 595 15,625 12,639 607 7,010
02921 2,890 2,410 230 100 45 105 5,836 5,061 200 2,500
02940 215 145 45 10 0 15 353 272 13 155
West Warwick 65,390 50,685 7,690 2,910 1,025 3,080 128,328 106,243 5,603 53,285
02807 355 310 15 15 10 5 764 693 31 325
02812 310 245 30 15 5 15 633 526 27 260
02816 8,490 6,260 1,245 395 115 475 15,703 12,407 726 6,560
02817 1,540 1,240 140 70 25 65 3,105 2,603 131 1,275
02818 4,485 3,685 330 210 100 160 9,707 8,395 448 3,925
02822 1,525 1,245 155 40 30 55 3,088 2,668 77 1,280
02827 590 450 70 20 20 30 1,108 892 39 465
02836 20 15 0 0 0 5 37 31 0 15
02852 6,480 5,130 620 275 120 335 13,229 11,207 548 5,420
02874 1,275 1,105 60 45 30 35 2,862 2,571 99 1,155
02875 75 55 15 5 0 0 147 113 9 60
02877 15 15 0 0 0 0 31 29 0 15
02879 5,995 5,100 355 255 105 180 12,806 11,403 514 5,340
02880 190 165 10 5 5 5 420 383 12 180
02881 485 425 20 20 10 10 1,163 1,064 40 450
02882 3,840 3,330 200 170 60 80 8,400 7,531 371 3,480
02883 25 25 0 0 0 0 51 51 0 25
02886 8,220 6,120 1,095 405 105 495 15,384 12,290 778 6,565
02887 65 50 15 0 0 0 118 91 0 50
02888 5,100 3,875 670 230 70 255 9,705 7,907 424 4,040
02889 6,880 5,040 1,075 325 80 360 12,814 10,035 616 5,275
02892 1,230 985 130 45 20 50 2,496 2,108 78 1,020
02893 7,515 5,290 1,345 335 110 435 13,233 10,170 575 5,575
02894 175 130 30 5 0 10 320 260 6 125
02898 510 395 65 25 5 20 1,004 815 47 405
Woonsocket 19,090 13,285 3,445 805 235 1,320 32,967 25,162 1,389 13,895
02802 225 190 15 10 0 10 452 397 20 195
02814 2,065 1,585 275 80 30 95 3,916 3,148 158 1,630
02824 90 70 10 5 0 5 182 152 8 75
02826 200 170 15 5 5 5 390 347 11 175
02829 75 65 5 0 0 5 161 146 0 65
02830 1,595 1,230 210 70 15 70 3,034 2,449 132 1,280
02838 790 520 145 30 15 80 1,321 997 46 550
02839 430 295 80 25 5 25 794 594 49 315
02858 95 65 15 10 0 5 184 134 15 70
02859 1,505 1,075 250 70 15 95 2,615 1,988 128 1,130
02876 385 305 50 10 5 15 745 625 19 315
02895 8,820 5,415 2,105 385 115 800 13,664 9,478 595 5,725
02896 2,815 2,300 270 105 30 110 5,509 4,707 208 2,370
SOURCES: Social Security Administration, Master Beneficiary Record, 100 percent data; and U.S. Postal Service geographic data.
NOTE: To avoid disclosing the reason for Social Security eligibility and amounts of benefits received, a controlled rounding procedure was used for field office and ZIP Code data. Data are not shown for ZIP Codes with fewer than 15 beneficiaries.
a. Includes beneficiaries in foreign countries.
CONTACT: statistics@ssa.gov.