OASDI Beneficiaries by State and ZIP Code, 2022


Number of beneficiaries with benefits in current-payment status and total monthly benefits, by field office and ZIP Code, December 2022
Field office and ZIP Code Number Total monthly benefits (thousands of dollars) Number of OASDI beneficiaries aged 65 or older
Total Retired workers Disabled workers Widow(er)s and parents Spouses Children All beneficiaries Retired workers Widow(er)s and parents
All areas a 65,994,457 48,587,883 7,604,098 3,840,827 2,113,864 3,847,785 111,421,667 88,679,497 6,324,926 52,052,807
Total, Delaware 234,539 182,497 24,568 11,383 4,844 11,247 439,772 364,668 20,767 189,898
Dover 46,910 34,725 6,045 2,320 820 3,000 80,547 63,894 3,915 35,875
19901 7,950 5,735 1,110 445 140 520 13,195 10,279 735 6,055
19903 190 145 25 5 0 15 324 271 4 145
19904 8,830 6,235 1,235 375 145 840 14,877 11,527 634 6,460
19934 3,425 2,695 325 160 70 175 6,084 5,042 280 2,745
19936 110 70 25 10 0 5 185 122 20 75
19938 1,990 1,400 290 115 45 140 3,528 2,654 201 1,450
19943 3,480 2,615 480 150 60 175 5,847 4,651 255 2,650
19946 1,260 910 165 60 25 100 2,062 1,604 100 930
19952 2,750 2,035 350 160 50 155 4,511 3,588 253 2,110
19953 965 660 160 75 25 45 1,603 1,173 117 710
19954 415 320 50 25 5 15 674 540 39 325
19955 110 75 15 0 5 15 164 123 0 75
19961 30 25 0 5 0 0 46 38 6 25
19962 2,925 2,215 345 125 60 180 5,177 4,233 203 2,240
19963 5,760 4,525 610 285 95 245 10,142 8,403 492 4,650
19964 300 215 55 20 0 10 517 387 36 230
19977 6,170 4,660 770 290 90 360 11,183 8,918 516 4,800
19979 195 150 25 10 5 5 335 271 13 155
19980 55 40 10 5 0 0 93 70 6 45
Georgetown 80,000 66,775 6,040 3,390 1,460 2,335 155,115 135,234 6,273 68,135
19930 1,465 1,300 30 55 65 15 3,149 2,860 125 1,390
19931 105 85 10 5 0 5 183 156 10 85
19933 2,970 2,405 280 125 55 105 5,382 4,608 225 2,460
19939 2,820 2,425 170 105 55 65 5,467 4,875 184 2,425
19940 1,520 1,090 205 100 30 95 2,505 1,938 153 1,175
19941 710 485 115 40 10 60 1,162 872 53 490
19944 235 215 0 10 5 5 499 469 18 225
19945 3,040 2,575 200 130 50 85 5,852 5,147 239 2,590
19947 4,205 3,365 400 195 75 170 7,347 6,178 336 3,420
19950 1,850 1,400 225 95 35 95 3,080 2,461 154 1,445
19951 885 715 85 30 20 35 1,740 1,479 56 720
19956 3,685 2,740 500 185 65 195 6,081 4,798 301 2,840
19958 13,225 11,600 645 505 250 225 27,904 25,190 1,029 11,875
19960 1,645 1,195 220 85 20 125 2,655 2,084 137 1,210
19966 13,125 10,850 1,125 570 205 375 25,497 21,959 1,049 10,990
19967 1,150 1,055 40 35 15 5 2,583 2,396 80 1,045
19968 5,660 4,860 360 210 90 140 11,435 10,182 404 4,955
19969 75 65 10 0 0 0 135 120 0 60
19970 4,440 3,910 190 185 105 50 9,297 8,400 365 4,000
19971 6,020 5,290 265 235 125 105 12,795 11,576 474 5,400
19973 6,490 5,045 725 305 110 305 10,992 9,042 522 5,185
19975 4,680 4,105 240 185 75 75 9,375 8,444 358 4,150
Wilmington 107,575 80,970 12,470 5,670 2,560 5,905 204,055 165,503 10,575 85,865
19701 7,775 5,815 950 345 185 480 14,964 11,965 647 6,055
19702 8,070 5,975 1,030 410 170 485 14,938 11,889 741 6,215
19703 2,925 1,995 470 180 45 235 4,974 3,692 314 2,155
19706 465 340 55 30 10 30 834 651 56 370
19707 4,020 3,370 155 210 170 115 8,928 7,855 448 3,680
19708 20 15 5 0 0 0 40 33 0 15
19709 9,155 7,210 830 415 180 520 18,319 15,266 796 7,450
19710 60 45 5 5 5 0 139 109 20 55
19711 8,870 7,195 620 445 280 330 18,523 15,945 901 7,650
19713 6,040 4,395 840 360 120 325 10,887 8,492 659 4,690
19714 145 95 25 10 0 15 261 194 17 105
19715 25 20 0 0 5 0 50 40 0 20
19720 11,270 7,910 1,770 610 205 775 19,464 14,790 1,047 8,400
19730 165 135 15 5 5 5 311 267 11 140
19731 65 45 10 5 0 5 113 81 6 50
19732 90 75 5 5 5 0 239 209 10 85
19733 80 65 10 5 0 0 150 123 10 60
19734 2,620 1,970 305 130 55 160 4,939 3,952 246 2,065
19736 70 65 0 0 0 5 163 150 0 65
19801 2,485 1,505 610 135 30 205 3,392 2,273 189 1,580
19802 5,025 3,355 965 235 40 430 7,971 5,994 358 3,480
19803 5,345 4,430 255 270 195 195 11,803 10,309 586 4,785
19804 3,660 2,635 515 240 50 220 6,439 4,931 433 2,790
19805 6,395 4,005 1,310 355 105 620 9,798 6,902 571 4,255
19806 2,560 2,155 170 135 65 35 5,165 4,507 260 2,325
19807 2,175 1,765 50 155 160 45 5,248 4,503 365 2,050
19808 8,635 6,900 725 510 200 300 17,080 14,352 964 7,300
19809 3,005 2,305 330 150 75 145 5,752 4,748 279 2,435
19810 6,125 5,015 390 310 200 210 12,777 10,990 633 5,375
19850 110 75 20 5 0 10 200 148 4 75
19899 125 90 30 0 0 5 194 143 0 90
SOURCES: Social Security Administration, Master Beneficiary Record, 100 percent data; and U.S. Postal Service geographic data.
NOTE: To avoid disclosing the reason for Social Security eligibility and amounts of benefits received, a controlled rounding procedure was used for field office and ZIP Code data. Data are not shown for ZIP Codes with fewer than 15 beneficiaries.
a. Includes beneficiaries in foreign countries.
CONTACT: statistics@ssa.gov.