History of SSA During the Johnson Administration 1963-1968
During the fiscal year 1966, the Social Security Administration faced
the major task of processing increased workloads growing out of the
changes the 1965 amendments made in the retirement, survivors, and
disability insurance programs; and planning and organizing for implementation
of the health insurance provisions of the Social Security Act. To
help implement the amendments, the Social Security Administration
was reorganized (previously discussed in this history) on July 26,
1965, to accommodate the administration of the new health insurance
program and at the same tine continue its standards of service to
the public.
Planning--Administrative Strategy Committee
Many of the provisions of the new social security laws were written
very broadly, and needed clarification before they could be put into
efficient operation. Policies had to be determined, procedures had
to be detailed, and criteria established. To begin with a special
committee designated as the Administrative Strategy Committee was
formed at the request of the Commissioner's office to coordinate pre-amendment
planning. It was composed of members of the operating bureaus and
the Division of Management. The basic responsibility of the Committee
was to consider and report on alternative plans on how, as well as
when, to process workloads expected to be generated by the 1965 amendments;
to consider the total impact of the amendment workloads; and to recommend
courses which the Administration should consider in order to achieve
a better workload balance. These responsibilities involved the full
range of overall planning, considering the present program and requirements
for today and the future, the scheduling of workloads where possible,
procedural shortcuts and modified policies with respect to processing
present and amendment workloads, and included planning for training
of existing staff and new recruits. Work groups and subcommittees
were appointed by the strategy committee to give an in-depth consideration
to major areas of concern. The work groups were asked to describe
how the present programs would be affected by the proposed amendment
provisions, the manpower required to process the new workloads, pros
and cons of adopting changed procedures from an administrative and
program viewpoint. The workgroups were also expected to consider alternatives
in the nature of expedients, short cuts, etc., as may occur to them
during their consideration of the assigned projects.
The Committee prepared and submitted reports regularly to the Commissioner's
office. The Committee, in its reports, attempted to describe the broad
general outlines of a proposal pertaining to regular program activities,
or to any activity that may grow out of the proposed amendments detailing
only those aspects required for conceptual understanding. Reported
items were sometimes submitted for information but more often for
concurrence and/or decision by the Office of the Commissioner.
Administrative Planning Binder
In view of the magnitude of the administrative job of implementing
the amendments, it was decided that a single standard binder containing
plans for administering the 1965 amendments should be prepared. The
Administrative Planning Binder, as it was titled, was designed primarily
for use by the Commissioner and top staff as a ready reference to
the Administration's plans for implementing the 1965 amendments. The
source of the information in the binder was the reports submitted
to the Commissioner by each component having "lead responsibility"
for each individual provision. Lead responsibility involves:
1. Assessment of workloads and needs (number of claims, manpower and
equipment, etc.).
2. Planning and taking steps necessary for implementation.
3. Identification of significant problems. Resolution of those within
assigned area of responsibility; submittal of those requiring high
level decisions or resolution.
4. Coordination of all related activities including establishing and
directing inter-component work teams.
5. Preparation of periodic status reports.
The binder contained appropriate planning statements for each of the
anticipated provisions as well as sections setting forth the overall
administrative scheme for administering the amendments (strategy),
staffing, and budget plans, training, information plans, deferred
policy issues, administrative problems, etc. The binder was updated
on a regular basis (approximately every other week) and served as
a very useful instrument for informing key Administration officials
of the Social Security Administration's current state of readiness
for implementing the 1965 amendments.
Brief Summary on Implementing the 1965 Amendments
An extensive public information program way undertaken to inform the
public in meaningful and understandable terms about the complex provisions
of the new health insurance program. Pamphlets, notices, posters,
instruction booklets, and explanations of the need for action by potential
beneficiaries were prepared and printed. Over 120 million booklets
about the new programs of health insurance for the aged were printed
and distributed; when material on other parts of the law were added,
the total for the year was 230 million printed informational items.
To insure that the 19 million potential beneficiaries of the Medicare
program were informed of the voluntary part of the program, direct
mailings were used where names and addresses of aged people could
be secured. Practically all the media of mass communication were used.
The mass efforts were supplemented by many other projects, including
door-to-door visits in certain areas.
Arrangements were made with State health agencies to determine whether
hospitals and home health agencies met the quality standards for participation
in the Medicare program. In addition, the Public Health Service made
contacts with these institutions to determine whether they were in
compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act. Contractual and
administrative arrangements were made with the Blue Cross-Blue Shield
plans and the private insurance companies chosen to serve as intermediaries
(or carriers) in dealing with health institutions, physicians and
beneficiaries. In addition, policies and procedures were developed
for cost reimbursement, payment of physicians, safeguards against
unnecessary or excessive use of services, and many other important
aspects of the Medicare program.
Automatic data processing systems were designed and put into operation
to process the enrollment of individuals for health insurance coverage;
to handle the notices of hospital admissions; to process requests
information on eligibility, bills, and payments; and to prepare premium
notices and handle premium collections. To facilitate health insurance
operations at the local level, each social security district office
was provided with a microfilm locator record, which in a high proportion
of cases enabled it to provide health insurance claim numbers and
to verify entitlement to hospital insurance and enrollment for medical
insurance when a beneficiary was unable to present his health insurance
card to a provider of service.
In the retirement and survivors insurance area, extensive planning
and preparation was made for the automatic recalculation of benefits
of those persons whose total earnings record might support a benefit
increase on the basis of additional work. Programs were completed
so that eligible individuals could be identified and their benefits
automatically recalculated by computer.
In addition, service to the public was expanded through the opening
of nine additional district offices, 74 branch offices, 12 resident
stations, and 21 temporary service centers. At year end, there were
725 district offices, 82 branch offices, 37 resident stations, 16
service centers, and 3,361 contact stations to serve the public.