History of SSA During the Johnson Administration 1963-1968
At the same time that the Social Security Administration was launching
Medicare and implementing the other amendments of 1965, 1966, and
1967, {1} major improvements were being made in organization
to carry out these changes and to improve efficiency of operations
in general.
When President Johnson assumed office in 1963, the Social Security
Administration, with 35,689 employees, comprised the following major
components–with their major responsibilities--all reporting directly
to the Commissioner of Social Security, Robert M. Ball.
Office of Information-- Roy L. Swift
Social security public information programs.
Central Planning Staff-- George E. Rawson
Systems, procedures, and management improvement.
Division of the Actuary-- Robert J. Myers
Actuarial research studies and estimates.
Division of Management-- Roy E. Touchet
Full range of management staff and support services.
Division of Claims Policy-- Thomas C. Parrott
Old-age and survivors insurance policies and instructions.
Division of Program Evaluation and Planning-- Alvin M. David
Analysis of social security programs and development of recommendations
for legislation.
Division of Research and Statistics-- Ida C. Merriam
Statistical research on economic and social conditions.
Division of Accounting Operations-- Joseph L. Fay
Basic recordkeeping and data processing operations.
Division of Field Operations-- Hugh F. McKenna
Supervision of public contact facilities in the field.
Division of Disability Operations-- Arthur E. HessDisability insurance
policies, instructions, and disability claims review.
Division of Claims Control-- Richard E. Branham
Supervision of old-age and survivors insurance claims review and benefit
maintenance processes.
Bureau of Hearings and Appeals-- Joseph E. McElvain
Independent hearings on appealed old-age, survivors, and disability
insurance claims.
Bureau of Federal Credit Unions-- J. Deane Gannon
Standards for, and chartering andexamination of Federal credit unions.
This pattern of organization was largely the same in basic concept
as it had been at the time of the inception of the social security
program. For most of its existence the old Bureau of Old-Age, Survivors,
and Disability Insurance organization had been essentially unifunctional
in terms of program (i.e., old-age and survivors insurance), and therefore
organized largely in terms of work processes. The principal operating
business in the organization was conducted by (1) a component charged
with establishing and maintaining the lifetime earnings records (Division
of Accounting Operations), (2) a component charged with the development
of initial claims and the handling of initial applications for account
numbers (Division of Field Operations), and (3) a component charged
with reviewing the claims and establishing and maintaining a continuing
payment record (Division of Claims Control). The other components
were largely supportive in their roles, with the exception of the
Bureau of Hearings and Appeals--responsible for the hearings and appeals
program--and the Bureau of Federal Credit Unions--a separate and distinct
program which has been a part of the Social Security Administration
largely for reasons of administrative convenience.
In the later 1950's and early 1960's, the scope and complexity of
thesocial security programs had grown considerably. Social Security
coverage was extended to employees of State and local governments
through individually negotiated agreements. A disability insurance
program was initiated, providing for the determination of disability
by the States under contract to the Social Security Administration.
Both of these developments placed some strain on organization structure,
since they required extensive contact and negotiation by field personnel
with the States, and they introduced into what had been a relatively
simple program a number of highly technical functions and work processes.
These new responsibilities were incorporated without serious dysfunction,
however, so that no major change in the organization of the Administration
was deemed necessary.
Footnotes (Footnote numbers not same as in the printed version)
{1} See charts Appendix A. Exhibit 1.