Greenspan Commission
Appendix D
February 27, 1982
Dear Chairman Greenspan and Commission Members:
As you convene for the first time today, the Nation will be watching
with great interest the work and progress of the National Commission on
Social Security Reform. As I wrote to you at the time you agreed to serve,
I can think of no more important domestic problem requiring resolution
than restoring the integrity of Social Security and to do so without penalty
to those dependent on the programs.
Every American, of every age, has an important stake in the success of
your work. Each of you comes to this Commission from a position in government
or the private sector through which you can make possible the successful
implementation of a truly bipartisan solution to this great national problem.
This Commission is the product of the leadership of both parties of both
houses of the Congress as much as it is mine. Therefore, on behalf of
all Americans I wish you success as you begin your deliberations.
Ronald Reagan
Chairman Alan Greenspan
and Members of the National Commission
on Social Security Reform