Table 71 Comparison of "Moneys Worth" for the OASDI Program for Present Law and
StdVal Advisory Council Options With Reduced CPI*
Present Value of Expected Benefits Cohort 22 in 1971
Composite Workers Married, Two Earner Couples
(TF -----------------------------------------
Real Low Ave High Max Low/ Ave/ Ave/ High/ High/
Package Int) Erns Erns Erns Erns Total Low Low Ave Ave High
Present Law (2.3) 56465 94259 121515 133841 92677 62850 91342 103498 127591 135953
5% PSA-All Tax(2.3) 58744 94250 119011 125152 92149 66325 90646 105660 125383 139878
5% PSA-Hi Yld (2.3) 59531 95924 121508 127991 93842 67249 92121 107711 128037 143161
1.6% IA-Hi Yld(2.3) 55413 92221 117146 123827 89852 62669 89062 103061 123771 136124
MB+ (4.6) 60131 100244 129343 141623 98558 66860 97048 110048 135658 144666
MB-PAYGO (4.2) 56444 94201 121439 132601 92544 62827 91290 103431 127485 135909
MTR (2.3) 53433 88004 110858 116700 85591 60346 85343 97898 117086 127863
LTR (2.3) 53127 82288 101177 104999 80066 59732 80101 91007 106420 116434
Present Value of Expected Pyrl Tax (EE + ER) Cohort 22 in 1971
Composite Workers Married, Two Earner Couples
----------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------
Low Ave High Max Low/ Ave/ Ave/ High/ High/
Erns Erns Erns Erns Total Low Low Ave Ave High
Present Law (2.3) 57124 121331 178793 188448 121053 66662 106764 148140 189788 232820
5% PSA-All Tax(2.3) 59839 127078 187365 198392 126882 69834 111800 155186 198870 244096
5% PSA-Hi Yld (2.3) 58591 124435 183422 193829 124202 68376 109486 151944 194692 238908
1.6% IA-Hi Yld(2.3) 58668 124598 183665 194114 124367 68466 109628 152144 194950 239228
MB+ (4.6) 58591 124435 183422 193829 124202 68376 109486 151944 194692 238908
MB-PAYGO (4.2) 57124 121331 178793 188448 121053 66662 106764 148140 189788 232820
MTR (2.3) 57124 121331 178793 188448 121053 66662 106764 148140 189788 232820
LTR (2.3) 53769 114224 168192 176125 113844 62744 100536 139428 178556 218882
Present Value of Expected "Net Subsidy" Cohort 22 in 1971
Composite Workers Married, Two Earner Couples
----------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------
Low Ave High Max Low/ Ave/ Ave/ High/ High/
Erns Erns Erns Erns Total Low Low Ave Ave High
Present Law (2.3) -659 -27071 -57277 -54606 -28376 -3812 -15422 -44642 -62197 -96867
5% PSA-All Tax(2.3) -1096 -32828 -68354 -73239 -34732 -3509 -21154 -49526 -73487 -104218
5% PSA-Hi Yld (2.3) 940 -28511 -61914 -65838 -30359 -1127 -17365 -44233 -66655 -95747
1.6% IA-Hi Yld(2.3) -3255 -32377 -66520 -70287 -34515 -5797 -20566 -49083 -71179 -103104
MB+ (4.6) 1540 -24191 -54079 -52205 -25643 -1516 -12438 -41896 -59034 -94242
MB-PAYGO (4.2) -680 -27130 -57354 -55847 -28509 -3835 -15474 -44709 -62303 -96911
MTR (2.3) -3690 -33327 -67935 -71748 -35462 -6316 -21421 -50242 -72702 -104957
LTR (2.3) -642 -31936 -67015 -71126 -33778 -3012 -20435 -48421 -72136 -102448
Moneys Worth Ratio (BenefitsX100/Taxes) Cohort 22 in 1971
Composite Workers Married, Two Earner Couples
----------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------
Low Ave High Max Low/ Ave/ Ave/ High/ High/
Erns Erns Erns Erns Total Low Low Ave Ave High
Present Law (2.3) 99 78 68 71 77 94 86 70 67 58
5% PSA-All Tax(2.3) 98 74 64 63 73 95 81 68 63 57
5% PSA-Hi Yld (2.3) 102 77 66 66 76 98 84 71 66 60
1.6% IA-Hi Yld(2.3) 94 74 64 64 72 92 81 68 63 57
MB+ (4.6) 103 81 71 73 79 98 89 72 70 61
MB-PAYGO (4.2) 99 78 68 70 76 94 86 70 67 58
MTR (2.3) 94 73 62 62 71 91 80 66 62 55
LTR (2.3) 99 72 60 60 70 95 80 65 60 53
Note: All values based in intermediate assumptions of the 1995 Trustees Report*.
All dollar values are present value at age 22, then wage indexed to 1995.
* Assuming 0.21% lower COLA starting Dec 97; no change in nominal wage or interest.
Office of the Actuary / Social Security Administration
July 28, 1996