Appendix B
(Prepared by Robert J. Myers, Chief Actuary, Social Security Administration)
This appendix first discusses various matters relating to the actuarial
cost estimates (such as the underlying assumptions and methodology)
and then presents the results of these estimates.
The concept of actuarial balance as it applies to the old-age, survivors,
and disability insurance system differs considerably from this concept
as it applies to private insurance and private pension plans, although
there are certain points of similarity with the latter. In connection
with individual insurance, the insurance company or other administering
institution, in order to be in actuarial balance,
must have sufficient funds on hand so that if operations are terminated,
it will be in a position to pay off all the accrued liabilities.
This requirement, however, is not necessary for a national compulsory
social insurance system. It might be pointed out that well-administered
private pension plans have sometimes not funded all their liability
for prior service benefits.
It can reasonably be presumed that, under Government auspices, such
a social insurance system will continue indefinitely into the future.
The test of financial soundness, then, is not a question of whether
there are sufficient funds on hand to pay off all accrued liabilities.
Rather, the test is whether the expected future income from tax
contributions and from interest on invested assets will be sufficient
to meet anticipated expenditures for benefits and administrative
costs. Thus, since the concept of "unfunded accrued liability" does
not by any means have the same significance for a social insurance
system as it does for a plan established under private insurance
principles, it is quite proper to count both on receiving contributions
from new entrants to the system in the future and on paying benefits
to this group. These additional assets and liabilities must be considered
in order to determine whether the system is in actuarial balance.
The question of whether the old-age, survivors, and disability insurance
program is in actuarial balance depends upon whether the estimated
future income from contributions and from interest earnings on the
accumulated trust fund investments will, over the long run, support
the disbursements for benefits and administrative expenses. Obviously,
future experience may be expected to vary from the actuarial cost
estimates made now. Nonetheless, the intent that the system be self-supporting
can be expressed in law by utilizing a contribution schedule that,
according to the intermediate-cost estimate, results in the system
being in balance or substantially close thereto.
The congressional committees concerned with the program have expressed
the belief that it is a matter for concern if any portion of the
old-age, survivors, and disability insurance system shows any significant
actuarial insufficiency. Traditionally, the view has been held that
for the old-age and survivors insurance portion of the program,
if such actuarial insufficiency when measured over perpetuity has
been no greater than 0.25 percent of payroll, it is at the point
where it is within the limits of permissible variation. The corresponding
point for the disability insurance portion of the system is about
0.05 percent of payroll (lower because of the relatively smaller
financial magnitude of this program). Furthermore, traditionally
when there has been an actuarial insufficiency exceeding the limits
indicated, any subsequent liberalizations in benefit provisions
were fully financed by appropriate changes in the tax schedule or
through raising the earnings base, and at the same time the actuarial
status of the program was improved.
The Council has recommended that long-range costs should be measured
over a 75-year period, rather than over perpetuity, and that then
the estimated actuarial status of both trust funds should be reasonably
close to an exact balance, and much closer than has been the standard
in the past. The cost estimates have been made on this basis, with
the assumption that, if the estimates show an exact balance, at
the end of the 75-year period the balances in the trust funds should
approximate 1 year's benefit payments.
The changes made by the 1961 amendments involved an increased cost
that was fully met by the changes in the financing provisions (namely,
an increase in the combined employer-employee contribution rate
of one-fourth of 1 percent, a corresponding change in the rate for
the self-employed, and an advance in the year when the ultimate
rates would be effective--from 1969 to 1968. As a result, the actuarial
balance of the program remained unchanged from what it was before
this legislation.
Subsequent to 1961, the cost estimates were further reexamined in
the light of developing experience. The earnings assumption was
changed to reflect the 1963 level, and the interest-rate assumption
used was modified upward to reflect recent experience. At the same
time, the retirement-rate assumptions were increased somewhat to
reflect the experience in respect to this factor.
The further developing disability experience indicated that costs
for this portion of the program were significantly higher than previously
estimated (because benefits are not being terminated by death or
recovery as rapidly as had been originally assumed). Accordingly,
the actuarial balance of the disability insurance program was shown
to be in an unsatisfactory position, and this has been recognized
by the Board of Trustees, who recommended that the allocation to
this trust fund should be increased (while, at the same time, correspondingly
decreasing the allocation to the old-age and survivors insurance
trust fund, which under present law is estimated to be in satisfactory
actuarial balance even after such a reallocation). As indicated
in the main part of this report, the Council concurs with this view.
The portion of the combined employer-employee contribution rate
that is assigned to the disability insurance trust fund under the
recommendations of the Advisory Council is 0.75 percent (see footnote
1), while for the self-employed contribution rate the corresponding
figure is 0.475 percent (based on 0.1 percent above half of the
combined employer-employee allocation, which is consistent with
the Council's principles on the self-employed rate basis, as is
also followed in connection with the hospital insurance proposal).
(1) General Basis for Long-Range Cost Estimates
Benefit disbursements under old-age and survivors insurance may
be expected to increase continuously for at least the next 50 to
70 years because of such factors as the aging of the population
of the country and the slow but steady growth of the benefit roll.
Similar factors are inherent in any retirement program, public or
private, that has been in operation for a relatively short period.
Estimates of the future cost of the old-age, survivors, and disability
insurance program are affected by many elements that are difficult
to determine. Accordingly, the assumptions used in the actuarial
cost estimates may differ widely and yet be reasonable.
The long-range cost estimates (shown for 1975 and thereafter) are
presented on a range basis so as to indicate the plausible variation
in future costs depending upon the actual trends developing for
the various cost factors. Both the low- and high-cost estimates
are based on high economic assumptions, intended to represent close
to full employment, with average annual earnings at about the level
prevailing in 1963. In addition to the presentation of the cost
estimates on a range basis, intermediate estimates developed directly
from the low- and high-cost estimates (by averaging their components)
are shown so as to indicate the basis for the financing provisions.
The cost estimates for old-age and survivors insurance are extended
beyond the year 2000, since the aged population itself cannot mature
by then. The reason for this is that the number of births in the
1930's was very low as compared with subsequent experience. As a
result, there will be a dip in the relative proportion of the aged
from 1995 to about 2010, which would tend to result in low benefit
costs for the old-age and survivors insurance system during that
period. Accordingly, the year 2000 is by no means a typical ultimate
year insofar as these costs are concerned.
The cost estimates have been prepared on the basis of the same assumptions
and methodology as those contained in the 24th Annual Report of
the Board of Trustees of the Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance
Trust Fund and the Federal Disability Insurance Trust Fund (H. Doc.
No. 236, 88th Cong.). These estimates and their underlying assumptions
are given in more detail in Actuarial Study No. 58 of the Social
Security Administration.
The underlying assumptions have not been revised, and new detailed
cost estimates prepared, because preliminary study indicates that
the changes that would be made would be largely counterbalancing
from a cost standpoint. For example, lower costs would result from
using the higher earnings level of 1964, but higher costs would
arise from considering the higher retirement rates of the last few
years arid other factors. Besides, there is the advantage of consistency
and comparability in using the same cost bases for a period of a
few years, when no significant net changes in the results would
(2) Measurement of Costs in Relation to Taxable Payroll
In general, the costs are shown as percentages of covered payroll.
This is the best measure of the financial cost of the program. Dollar
figures taken alone are misleading. For example, a higher earnings
level will increase not only the outgo of the system but also, and
to a greater extent, its income. The result is that when earnings
rise, benefit costs in terms of dollars will also rise, but the
cost relative to payroll will decrease.
(3) General Basis for Short-Range Cost Estimates
The short-range cost estimates (shown for the individual years 1965-72)
are not presented on a range basis since--assuming a continuation
of present economic conditions--it is believed that the demographic
factors involved can be reasonably closely forecast, so that only
a single estimate is necessary. A gradual rise in the earnings level
in the future, paralleling that which has occurred in the past few
years, is assumed. As a result of this assumption, even though then
all provisions of the system including the earnings base are assumed
to remain unchanged in the future at what the Council has recommended,
contribution income is somewhat higher than if level earnings were
assumed, while benefit outgo under the cash benefits program is
only slightly affected.
Since the long-range cost assumptions do not involve an increasing-earnings
assumption, the short-range and long-range cost estimates do not
"link up" as between the 1972 data for the former and the 1975 data
for the latter. Thus, for the cash-benefits program the balances
in the trust funds at the end of 1972 according to the short-range
estimates are higher than what the long-range estimates would show
for that year. On the other hand, for the hospital benefits program
the balance in the trust fund at the end of 1972 according to the
short-range estimates is lower than what the long range estimates
show for that year (since the hospital benefit costs are assumed
to rise as earnings increase--see subsequent discussion).
(4) Level-Cost Concept
An important measure of long-range cost is the level-equivalent
contribution rate required to support the system over a long-range
future period, based on discounting at interest. If such a level
rate were adopted relatively large accumulations in the trust funds
would result, and in consequence there would be sizable eventual
income from interest. Even though such a method of financing is
not followed, this concept may be used as a convenient measure of
long-range costs, which permits comparison of various possible alternative
plans, with weight being given to both early-year and deferred benefit
(5) Future Earnings Assumptions
The long-range estimates are based on level-earnings assumptions
at the level prevailing in calendar year 1963. This, however, does
not mean that covered payrolls are assumed to be the same each year;
rather, they are assumed to rise steadily as the population at the
working ages is estimated to increase. If in the future the earnings
level should be considerably above that which now prevails, and
if the cash benefits are adjusted upward so that the annual costs
relative to payroll will remain the same as now estimated for the
present system, then the increased dollar outgo resulting will offset
the increased dollar income. This is an important reason for considering
costs relative to payroll rather than in dollars.
The long-range cost estimates have not taken into account the possibility
of a rise in earnings levels, although such a rise has characterized
the past history of this country. If such an assumption were used
in the cost estimates, along with the unlikely assumption that the
benefits, nevertheless, would not be changed, the cost relative
to payroll would, of course, be lower for the cash benefits, but
the reverse would be so for the hospitalization and related benefits
(as will be discussed in more detail later).
It is important to note that the possibility that a rise in earnings
levels will produce lower costs of the cash-benefits program in
relation to payroll is a very important safety factor in the financial
operations of this system. Its financing is based essentially on
the intermediate-cost estimate, along with the assumption of level
earnings; if experience follows the high-cost assumptions, and earnings
do not rise, additional financing will be necessary. However, if
covered earnings increase in the future as in the past, the resulting
reduction in the cost of the program (expressed as a percentage
of taxable payroll) will more than offset the higher cost arising
under experience following the high-cost estimate. If the latter
condition prevails, the reduction in the relative cost of the program
coming from rising earnings levels can be used to maintain the actuarial
balance of the system, and any remaining savings can be used to
adjust the cash benefits upward (to a lesser degree than the increase
in the earnings level). The possibility of future increases in earnings
levels should be considered only as a safety factor and not as a
justification for adjusting benefits upward in anticipation of such
If benefits are adjusted currently to keep pace with rising earnings
trends as they occur, the year-by-year costs as a percentage of
payroll would be unaffected. If benefits are increased in this manner,
the level-cost of the program would be higher than now estimated,
since, under such circumstances, the relative importance of the
interest receipts of the trust funds would gradually diminish with
the passage of time. If earnings and benefit levels do consistently
rise, thorough consideration will need to be given to the financing
basis of the system because then the interest receipts of the trust
funds will not meet as large a proportion of the benefit costs as
would be anticipated if the earnings level had not risen (under
the present law, for example, for the old-age and survivors insurance
system, under level-earnings assumptions this proportion would average
about 15 percent over the long range).
(6) Assumptions for Hospitalization Benefits
In considering the hospitalization-benefit costs in conjunction
with a level-earnings assumption for the future, it is sufficient
for the purposes of long-range cost estimates merely to analyze
possible future trends in hospitalization costs relative to covered
earnings. Accordingly, any study of past experience of hospitalization
costs should be made on this relative basis. The actual experience
in recent years has indicated, in general, that hospitalization
costs have risen more rapidly than the general earnings level, with
the differential being in the neighborhood of 3 percent per year--2.7
percent in the last 10 years.
One of the uncertainties in making cost estimates for hospitalization
benefits, then, is how long and to what extent this tendency of
hospital costs to rise more rapidly than the general earnings level
will continue in the future, and whether or not it may in the long
run be counterbalanced by a trend in the opposite direction. Some
factors to consider are the relatively low wages of hospital employees
(which have been rapidly "catching up" with the general level of
wages and obviously may be expected to "catch up" completely at
some future date, rather than to increase indefinitely at a more
rapid rate than wages generally) and the development of new medical
techniques and procedures, with resultant increased expense.
In connection with the latter factor, there are possible counter
balancing factors. The higher costs involved for more refined and
extensive treatments may be offset by better general health conditions,
the development of out-of-hospital facilities, shorter durations
of hospitalization, and less expense for subsequent curative treatments
as a result of preventive measures. Also, it is possible that at
some time in the future, the productivity of hospital personnel
will increase significantly as the result of changes in the organization
of hospital services or for other reasons, so that, as in other
fields of economic activity, their wages might in the long run increase
more rapidly than hospitalization prices.
Perhaps the major difficulty in making and in presenting these actuarial
cost estimates for hospitalization benefits is that-unlike the situation
in regard to cost estimates for the monthly benefits, where the
result is the opposite--an unfavorable cost result is shown when
total earnings levels rise, unless the provisions of the system
are kept up to date (insofar as the maximum taxable earnings base
and the dollar amounts of any deductibles are concerned). The reason
for this is that there is the fundamental actuarial assumption that
the hospitalization costs will rise at a rate over the long run
somewhat approximating the rate of increase of the level of total
earnings, whereas the contribution income would rise less rapidly
than the total earnings level unless the earnings base is kept up
to date. Under these conditions, it is hypothesized that the base
will be kept up to date with the changes in the general level of
earnings; contributions depend on the covered earnings level, and
the level is dampened if the earnings base is not raised as earnings
go up. It is assumed in the actuarial cost estimates for hospitalization
benefits either that earnings levels will be unchanged in the future
or that, if wages continue to rise (as they have done in the past),
the system will be kept up to date insofar as the earnings base
and the deductibles are concerned.
One important reason for the fact that recently hospitalization
costs have risen faster than the general earnings level is that
the wages of hospital employees have risen at a faster rate than
the general earnings level. Personnel costs are about 60 percent
of all hospital costs. The fact that the wages of hospital employees
have been rising at a faster rate than all earnings reflects a "catching
up" from a situation where hospital workers were significantly underpaid
in relation to other workers. It is obvious that such a trend cannot
continue and that a point will be reached after which wages paid
to hospital workers will rise, on the average, at the same rate
as the general earnings level. Nor can other elements in hospitalization
costs be presumed to rise indefinitely at a faster rate than the
general earnings level.
It is not unlikely that the price of hospital services will for
a considerable time rise faster than other prices, but if the price
of any product continues to rise faster than earnings, it would
eventually be priced out of the market. Actually, over the long
run, hospitalization costs to the consumer are likely to show conflicting
trends. On the one hand, improved technology is leading to more
expensive hospital services and to the need for additional personnel.
On the other hand, the duration of hospital stays is declining as
a result of the improvement in care.
The cost assumptions for the hospitalization and related benefits
have been made on what is believed to be a conservative basis. Those
used for the cost estimates in this report are based on the assumptions
underlying the estimates that the Social Security Administration
made for the legislation considered in 1962-63 (see Actuarial Study
No. 57 and "Actuarial Cost Estimates for the Old-Age, Survivors,
and Disability Insurance System as Modified by H.R. 11865, as Passed
by the House of Representatives and as According to the Action of
the Senate" issued by the House Ways and Means Committee), but with
additional safety margins for the early year costs. The differential
of hospitalization costs over total earnings rates is assumed to
be 2.7 percent per year for the first 5 years after 1965; then it
is assumed to decrease to zero over the next 5 years, and then after
a further 5 years wages are assumed to rise at an annual rate that
is 0.5 percent greater than the increase in hospitalization costs.
The net effect of these modified assumptions, for purposes of the
long-range cost estimates, is to produce level-costs that are about
10 percent higher than those resulting from the assumptions used
in Actuarial Study No. 57 and that are about the same as those resulting
from the assumptions used in the Ways and Means Committee report.
For short-range purposes, however, the modified assumptions produce
significantly higher estimates than either of the other sets of
(7) Interrelationship With Railroad Retirement System
An important element affecting old-age, survivors, and disability
insurance costs arose through amendments made to the Railroad Retirement
Act in 1951. These provide for a combination of railroad retirement
compensation and old-age, survivors, and disability insurance covered
earnings in determining benefits for those with less than 10 years
of railroad service (and also for all survivor cases).
Financial interchange provisions are established so that the trust
funds are to be placed in the same financial position in which they
would have been if railroad employment had always been covered under
the program. It is estimated that over the long range the net effect
of these provisions will be a relatively small loss to the old-age,
survivors, and disability insurance system since the reimbursements
from the railroad retirement system will be somewhat smaller than
the net additional benefits paid on the basis of railroad earnings.
(8) Reimbursement for Costs of Military Service Wage Credits
Another important element affecting the financing of the program
arose through legislation in 1956 that provided for reimbursement
from general revenues for past and future expenditures in respect
to the noncontributory credits that had been granted for persons
in military service before 1957. The cost estimates contained here
reflect the effect of these reimbursements (which are included as
contributions), based on the assumption that the required appropriations
will be made in the future, as the Council has strongly recommended
should be done.
(1) Purposes of Intermediate-Cost Estimates
The long-range intermediate-cost estimates are developed from the
low- and high-cost estimates by averaging them (using the dollar
estimates and developing therefrom the corresponding estimates relative
to payroll). The intermediate-cost estimate does not represent the
most probable estimate, since it is impossible to develop any such
figures. Rather, it has been set down as a convenient and readily
available single set of figures to use for comparative purposes.
The Congress, in enacting the 1950 act and subsequent legislation,
was of the belief that the old-age, survivors, and disability insurance
program should be on a completely self-supporting basis. Therefore,
a single estimate is necessary in the development of a tax schedule
intended to make the system self-supporting. Any specific schedule
will necessarily be somewhat different from what will actually be
required to obtain exact balance between contributions and benefits.
This procedure, however, does make the intention specific, even
though in actual practice future changes in the tax schedule might
be necessary. Likewise, exact self-support cannot be obtained from
a specific set of integral or rounded fractional tax rates increasing
in orderly intervals, but rather this principle of self-support
should be aimed at as closely as possible.
(2) Interest Rate Used in Cost Estimates
The interest rate used for computing the level-costs is 3.5 percent
for the intermediate-cost estimate. This is somewhat above the average
yield of the investments of the trust funds at the end of 1963 (about
3 percent), but is below the rate currently being obtained for new
investments (about 4 1/4 percent).
(3) Actuarial Balance of System as Modified by Proposal
Table A summarizes the actuarial balance of the existing old-age,
survivors, and disability insurance program in terms of percentages
of taxable payroll, according to the intermediate-cost estimate,
and gives corresponding information for the program as it would
be changed by the recommendations of the Council (and also for programs
that are intermediate steps between the present program and these
recommendations). For purposes of comparability, the data for the
present program are shown on both the basis of measuring costs over
perpetuity and the basis of measuring costs over only a 75-year
period (as recommended by the Council). The data for the proposed
program, as shown here and as shown elsewhere in this report, are
on the 75-year cost basis.
Information on the actuarial balance of the proposed hospital insurance
program is contained in a table in Part II, which shows that the
level-cost of the benefits for all beneficiaries is estimated at
.90 percent of taxable payroll, while the level-equivalent of the
contribution schedule is also estimated at .90 percent of taxable
payroll. Included in the foregoing cost figures is the level-cost
of the benefits for the disability insurance beneficiaries, which
is estimated at .05 percent of taxable payroll. It should be noted
that the recommended 0.15 percent contribution from general revenues
for a period of 50 years has an estimated level-cost of 0.10 percent
of taxable payroll.
(4) Year-by-Year Projections of Income and Outgo
Table B shows the estimated operations of the old-age and survivors
insurance trust fund in various future years according to the intermediate-cost
estimate, as well as giving actual data for the past 14 years. Table
C shows corresponding data for the disability insurance trust fund,
while Table D relates to the hospital insurance trust fund. With
respect to the latter table, it should be observed that the benefit-disbursement
estimates do not include the total hospital insurance benefit payments
made to railroad retirement beneficiaries, but rather only the net
effect of the financial-interchange provisions for these benefits.
It will also be remembered that the estimate of total benefit payments
includes the payments with respect to persons who are not eligible
for cash benefits, whereas the estimates relating to the hospital
insurance trust fund that were made for the King-Anderson bill and
the Senate-approved version of the legislation considered in 1964
did not include such payments (since they were to be financed currently
out of the General Treasury, and not through direct trust-fund operations).
It is interesting to note that for each of the three trust funds
separately, the short-range cost estimates indicate that the balance
in the trust fund at the end of each year increases steadily during
1966-72 and in most instances quite closely approximates one year's
benefit payments.
Tables E and F show long-range year-by-year cost projections for
the old-age and survivors insurance trust fund and for the disability
insurance trust fund, respectively, under the low-cost and high-cost
Table G presents the actuarial balance of the old-age, survivors,
and disability insurance program as it would be changed by the recommendations
of the Council, in terms of percentages of taxable payroll according
to the low-cost and high-cost estimates. It will be noted that the
level-cost of the benefits of the old-age, survivors, and disability
insurance program according to the low-cost estimate is 8.9 percent
of taxable payroll, which approximates the 9.4 percent combined
employer-employee contribution rate that is recommended for 1971-75.
This basis is in accordance with one of the financing principles
enunciated by both this Council and the last one in regard to the
next-to-last step in the contribution schedule (to be reached in
the next few years).