Research Notes & Special Studies by the Historian's Office

Research Note #22
Locations of Signings of Social Security-Related Legislation

(Note: This is not a complete list of all enacted Social Security-related legislation.)

Date of Enactment P.L. No.  Description
8-14-1935 74-271 Social Security Act of 1935
Signed into law by President Roosevelt in the Cabinet Room of the White House
8-11-1939 76-379 Social Security Amendments of 1939 

Signed into law by President Roosevelt at Hyde Park, New York

8-28-1950 81-374  Social Security Amendments of 1950

Signed into law by President Truman in Washington, at the White House

9-1-1954   83-761  Social Security Amendments of 1954

Signed into law by President Eisenhower at Byers Peak Ranch near Fraser, Colorado

8-1-1956   84-840   Social Security Amendments of 1956

Signed into law by President Eisenhower in Washington, at the White House

8-28-1958 85-840 Social Security Amendments of 1958

Signed into law by President Eisenhower in Washington, at the White House

6-30-1961  87-64 Social Security Amendments 1961

Signed into law by President Kennedy in Washington, in the Oval Office

7-30-1965  89-97  Social Security Amendments of 1965

Signed into law by President Johnson at the Harry Truman Presidential Library in Independence, Missouri

1-2-1968  90-248  Social Security Amendments of 1967

Signed into law by President Johnson in San Antonio, Texas

10-30-1972  92-603  Social Security Amendments of 1972

Signed into law by President Nixon at the White House

7-9-1973   93-66  Cost-of-living Increase in Social Security

Signed on a day that President Nixon returned to Washington from San Clemente, California (signing announced two days later in Washington). It is unclear whether the bill was signed in California, aboard Air Force One, or at the White House upon the President’s return.

12-20-1977 95-216 Social Security Amendments of 1977

Signed into law by President Carter in the Indian Treaty Room of the Old Executive Office Building

4-20-1983 98-21 Social Security Amendments of 1983

Signed into law by President Reagan on the South Lawn of the White House

10/9/1984    98-460 Disability Benefits Reform Act

Signed by President Reagan in the Rose Garden

11-5-1990 101-508 OBRA 1990

Signed into law by President George H.W. Bush at the White House Rose

8/15/1994  103-296  Independent Agency & Program Improvement

Signed into law by President Clinton in the White House Rose Garden

10-31-1994  103-432  Social Security Act Amendments of 1994
Signed into law by President Clinton in the White House
8-22-1996  104-193 Welfare Reform

Signed into law by President Clinton in the White House Rose Garden

8/5/1997   105-33 Balanced Budget Act of 1997

Signed into law by President Clinton in the White House

12-17-1999 106-170 Ticket to Work

Signed into law by President Clinton in Washington, DC at the FDR Memorial

4/7/2000 106-182 Senior Citizens Freedom to Work Act

Signed into law by President Clinton in Washington, DC in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building


Larry DeWitt
SSA Historian's Office
May 13, 2005